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[PC][Reference] Aliases & Keybinds

dupeksdupeks Member Posts: 1,789 Arc User
edited December 2017 in Guides
In my opinion, personalizing your Aliases and Keybinds is the best QoL improvement available to enhance your gaming experience. Setting things up seems daunting, but it's an investment in a faster and more intuitive future for yourself.

You already use aliases when you type /g or /z to switch chat channel. What you may not know is that you can set up custom aliases to do pretty much any console command, and those can do a lot of neat things that would otherwise require clicks.

The easiest way to set up aliases so that they persist is to put them in a file in your game installation directory

Copy the below text into a file, save the file as CommandAliases.txt on your desktop, and then move it into this directory:
[Your Personal Game Installation Root]\Neverwinter\Live\localdata\CommandAliases.txt

alias defeat "gensendmessage Stuck_Defeatme Activate" alias killme "gensendmessage Stuck_Defeatme Activate" alias pet "gensendmessage Pets_Summon_Unsummon_Button activate" alias tp "gensendmessage Vipaction_Overworldmapteleport Activate" alias ml "gensendMessage Vipaction_Mailbox Activate" alias salvage "gensendmessage Vipaction_Salvager Activate" alias anvil "gensendmessage Vipaction_Salvager Activate" alias shop "gensendmessage Vipaction_Professionvendor Activate" alias bank "gensendmessage Vipaction_Bankvendor Activate" alias vault "gensendmessage Vipaction_Bankvendor Activate" alias mp "gensendMessage Vipaction_Moonstonemaskteleport Activate" alias cs gotoCharacterSelect alias ah "gensendmessage Auction_Root 1" alias zen "gensendmessage Menubar_Cstorebutton Activate" alias zax "gensendmessage Menubar_Diamondexchangebutton Activate" alias fire "emote firebreathing" alias juggle "emote juggle" alias chan1 channel_name_with_no_spaces alias chan2 "channelsend "channel name with spaces" {}" alias chan2s "channel_setcurrent "channel name with spaces"" alias lv "Team_Leave $$ GenSendMessage Match_Leavemrg Activate" alias lvq "GenSendMessage Match_Leavemrg Activate" alias lvp Team_Leave alias inv "invite {}" alias req "Team_Request {}" alias kick "Team_Kick {}" alias zoom "gfxsetdefaultfov {}" alias fov20 "gfxsetdefaultfov 20 $$ bind wheelminus fov25" alias fov25 "gfxsetdefaultfov 25 $$ bind wheelplus fov20 $$ bind wheelminus fov30" alias fov30 "gfxsetdefaultfov 30 $$ bind wheelplus fov25 $$ bind wheelminus fov35" alias fov35 "gfxsetdefaultfov 35 $$ bind wheelplus fov30 $$ bind wheelminus fov40" alias fov40 "gfxsetdefaultfov 40 $$ bind wheelplus fov35 $$ bind wheelminus fov45" alias fov45 "gfxsetdefaultfov 45 $$ bind wheelplus fov40 $$ bind wheelminus fov50" alias fov50 "gfxsetdefaultfov 50 $$ bind wheelplus fov45 $$ bind wheelminus fov55" alias fov55 "gfxsetdefaultfov 55 $$ bind wheelplus fov50 $$ bind wheelminus fov60" alias fov60 "gfxsetdefaultfov 60 $$ bind wheelplus fov55 $$ bind wheelminus fov65" alias fov65 "gfxsetdefaultfov 65 $$ bind wheelplus fov60 $$ bind wheelminus fov70" alias fov70 "gfxsetdefaultfov 70 $$ bind wheelplus fov65 $$ bind wheelminus fov75" alias fov75 "gfxsetdefaultfov 75 $$ bind wheelplus fov70 $$ bind wheelminus fov80" alias fov80 "gfxsetdefaultfov 80 $$ bind wheelplus fov75 $$ bind wheelminus fov85" alias fov85 "gfxsetdefaultfov 85 $$ bind wheelplus fov80 $$ bind wheelminus fov90" alias fov90 "gfxsetdefaultfov 90 $$ bind wheelplus fov85 $$ bind wheelminus fov95" alias fov95 "gfxsetdefaultfov 95 $$ bind wheelplus fov90 $$ bind wheelminus fov100" alias fov100 "gfxsetdefaultfov 100 $$ bind wheelplus fov95" alias scrollZoomOn fov60 alias scrollZoomOff "unbind wheelplus $$ unbind wheelminus" alias installBinds "bind F1 killme $$ bind F2 pet $$ bind F3 tp $$ bind F4 ml $$ bind F5 anvil $$ bind F6 bank $$ bind F7 shop $$ bind F8 mp $$ bind F9 lv $$ bind F12 cs" alias uninstallBinds "unbind F1 $$ unbind F2 $$ unbind F3 $$ unbind F4 $$ unbind F5 $$ unbind F6 $$ unbind F7 $$ unbind F8 $$ unbind F9 $$ unbind F12"

Overview of added functionality
  • /defeat to trigger the GM Help "Kill Me" Prompt
  • /pet to summon or unsummon your companion
  • /tp to summon VIP signpost
  • /ml to summon VIP mailbox
  • /anvil to summon VIP Salvage Anvil
  • /shop to summon VIP Vendor
  • /bank to summon VIP bank
  • /mp to VIP teleport to Moonstone Mask
  • /cs to go to Character Selection Screen
  • /ah to open Auction House
  • /zen to open Zen Store
  • /zax to open Zen / AD Exchange
  • /fire to do the fancy fire-breathing emote
  • /chan1 functions like /p and /z, switching you to a channel and letting you keep typing to start your msg (only works with channels with no spaces in name). Set up your own channels!
  • /chan2 + [msg] + [enter] or /chan2s + [enter] to switch + send a message or just switch to a custom channel that has a space in the name. Set up your own channels!
  • /leave to leave both party and queue group
  • /inv + [toon@handle] to invite someone to party
  • /req + [toon@handle] to request to join someone's party (and join automatically if they have their preferences set that way)
  • /kick + [toon@handle] to kick someone from party
  • /zoom + [number] to set your zoom level to a particular value (or install scrolling, see below)
Mousewheel Zooming
If you have a mouse with a scroll wheel and are interested in DIY scrolling-to-zoom, this is for you. Once per character, in-game, type the following command into chat and press enter

This version overrides the in-game zoom, but offers more range and faster zooming.

  • Press Enter
  • Now you have DIY-zoom enabled (try scrolling up and down)
  • Don't worry, this is only enabled when appropriate (scrolling on menus doesn't zoom you)
All of those alias fov commands upstairs let this feature work

To "uninstall" the scrolling

Custom Key Binds
Bind commands are similar to aliases, but they connect a particular key press with a command (rather than connecting a typed alias with a command).

Set these up once per character by typing out these commands in-game and pressing enter after each one. Here are my general binds.

/bind F1 "gensendmessage Stuck_Defeatme Activate" /bind F2 "gensendmessage Pets_Summon_Unsummon_Button Activate" /bind F3 "gensendmessage Vipaction_Overworldmapteleport Activate" /bind F4 "gensendMessage Vipaction_Mailbox Activate" /bind F5 "gensendmessage Vipaction_Salvager Activate" /bind F6 "gensendmessage Vipaction_Bankvendor Activate" /bind F7 "gensendmessage Vipaction_Professionvendor Activate" /bind F8 "gensendMessage Vipaction_Moonstonemaskteleport Activate" /bind F9 gotoCharacterSelect /bind ctrl+g follow /bind u ++interact /bind ctrl+n ++netgraph /bind ctrl+l ++HardTargetLock

Aliases work too

/bind F1 killme /bind F2 pet /bind F3 tp /bind F4 ml /bind F5 anvil /bind F6 bank /bind F7 shop /bind F8 mp /bind F9 lv /bind F12 cs

To "install" these F1 - F12 keybinds

To "uninstall" these F1 - F12 keybinds

If you screw up a bind
Custom binds override default key bindings, but don't erase them. Try unbinding first.

/bind p tp
/unbind p

When all else fails, reset and try again.
Esc->Options->Reset to Defaults

Other Useful Chat Commands
  • /p = party
  • /q = queue group
  • /z = zone chat (shared across ALL instances of a map)
  • /s = say (local to just your instance, limited by distance too)
  • /g = guild
  • /o = guild officer (if you are an officer)
  • /all = alliance
  • /lfg or /lfm = looking for group channel
  • /t [toon@handle] = tell (we'll go over syntax in a second)
  • /r = reply (to the last tell you received / sent) (same as [backspace])
  • /raid = raid channel (shared across ALL instances of a map for your "team")
  • /match = match channel (shared for your instance of a map, both teams)
  • /c [channel name] [msg] = switch to custom channel and send a message
  • /invite [toon@handle] = invite someone to your party (if you are leader)
  • /team_request [toon@handle] = request to join someone else's party (if they are leader)
  • /team_leave = leave your party
Getting that name right
When typing [toon@handle] you can begin typing someone's toon or @handle, then select from a list by using the arrow keys and [enter]. The list contains players the game thinks you'd have interest talking to, and often has the right names in it. The player name suggestion list is case sensitive, but sending commands is not.

Names aren't case-sensitive, and for invites and join requests you can usually use only the toon name, omitting the @handle. If a name contains spaces, you can usually even get away with omitting " " (ex. /inv purify the pickles)

A note for those who use single-target ranged powers, particularly with allied targets
Aliases and keybinds can be used to specify a target by name, making it easier in the heat of combat. See this link:

Select sources (not all listed, PM me):
Post edited by dupeks on


  • thefiresidecatthefiresidecat Member Posts: 4,486 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    so is there a way to bind keys to touchpad? My touch pad has a ton of options I currently have off. two finger double taps three finger double taps etc. I also have a mouse with a wheel. I could buy a gaming mouse or keyboard if people find they are easier to work with..

    but my problem is the shift and move buttons being on the same hand as the attack buttons for me there is a disconnect when those things are connected. I have to stop and look and that gets me killed. I'm pretty useless in a dungeon as it stands lol. But if I could have all the move keys moved to the right hand it would work a lot better and more intuitively for me but not sure how to do that. I've kind of sort of gotten used to w being in the middle of all the fire buttons (but still move forward a lot when i'm trying to fire a power) but it's pretty much the only button I can use wihtout stopping. I've been playing pretty much all the time for a week and I'd expect a tiny bit of proficiency to be creeping in but as far as dodge and positioning myself it's like my toon has two wooden legs.

    I could just give it more time but I'm not sure it's better to commit this to muscle memory than to just configure it differently and commit that to muscle memory.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User

    so is there a way to bind keys to touchpad? My touch pad has a ton of options I currently have off. two finger double taps three finger double taps etc. I also have a mouse with a wheel. I could buy a gaming mouse or keyboard if people find they are easier to work with..

    but my problem is the shift and move buttons being on the same hand as the attack buttons for me there is a disconnect when those things are connected. I have to stop and look and that gets me killed. I'm pretty useless in a dungeon as it stands lol. But if I could have all the move keys moved to the right hand it would work a lot better and more intuitively for me but not sure how to do that. I've kind of sort of gotten used to w being in the middle of all the fire buttons (but still move forward a lot when i'm trying to fire a power) but it's pretty much the only button I can use wihtout stopping. I've been playing pretty much all the time for a week and I'd expect a tiny bit of proficiency to be creeping in but as far as dodge and positioning myself it's like my toon has two wooden legs.

    I could just give it more time but I'm not sure it's better to commit this to muscle memory than to just configure it differently and commit that to muscle memory.

    You can rebind all of it and move it to the right. But, IMO, perhaps it's not worth doing, I think 99% of PC games use w,a,s,d as movement with shift, tab and q,e,r, space as additional modifiers or actions. So if you ever want to try something else, it can be useful to get accustomed to this.

    But bottom line, you can change all the keys from the game option->keybinds menu. For the regular stuff you don't even need complex binds or aliases.
  • aasuraasur Member Posts: 66 Arc User
    Is there something I need to do to "load" the CommandAliases.txt file? I have it saved to [INSTALL ROOT]\Neverwinter_en\Neverwinter\Live\localdata but none of the Aliases work.
  • dupeksdupeks Member Posts: 1,789 Arc User
    edited July 2017
    Other than saving the file in that directory, it shouldn't.

    There is a directory [INSTALL ROOT]\Neverwinter_en\localdata that's the wrong one, have to go in \Neverwinter\Live\localdata

    Also have to save the file? And because it's a system folder depending on your permissions you might not be able to save a file in there. That's why I suggest saving on desktop and moving it in there...

    PM me next time we're both on <3
  • This content has been removed.
  • dupeksdupeks Member Posts: 1,789 Arc User

    The alias to switch to a custom channel with spaces doesn’t work when saved to the CommandAliases.txt file. Looking around, it seems like this may have broken recently (i.e., in the last 6 months). I’m wondering if I’m missing something, or if there’s a workaround.

    Specifically, if I type:

    /alias chan2s "channel_setcurrent "channel name with spaces""

    into the in-game chat window, the alias works across my account, but there doesn’t seem to be a way to save it. (/bind_save_file and related don’t seem to save aliases.) So if I exit the game and restart, the alias is gone.

    On the other hand, if I save that same line (without the leading slash) to CommandAliases.txt, it doesn’t work. The alias is not recognized; and moreover, it seems to break parsing of the rest of the file.

    Is there any way to get this to work?


    That's very interesting and I've also noticed it broke. I'll poke around to see if there is a way to get it back...

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