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The "Jungles of Chult" campaign - power creep alert?

adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
edited June 2017 in General Discussion (PC)
Some interesting points
asterdahl said:

It’s been some time since the difficulty of enemies outside high level dungeons has increased, even in dungeons increases have been limited. The enemies you encounter in the unexplored lands of Chult will be stronger than anything you’ve faced previously.

anything? Stronger than, say, the stronghold marauder critters after 40+ waves ? Ugh.
asterdahl said:

For the detail oriented, all enemies in Module 12 will feature increased hit points, defense, attack power, and armor penetration. For enemies and bosses in dungeons these enhancements will be on top of existing enhancements.

Maybe this might mean that 60% RI will no longer be enough?
asterdahl said:

Step into Port Nyanzaru’s vibrant bazaar, among the many treasures you’ll find a set of item level 420 equipment available for purchase directly with astral diamonds.

New non-masterwork profession recipes will be available for item level 420 and 430 equipment and a new set of item level 460 equipment will be available in the zen market and trade bar store. If you don’t have great gear already, there will be many options to get you up to speed and ready to adventure in Chult.

There will also be plenty of new high end gear to earn. That includes unique item level 480 drop from hunt marks you can track down and face off against in the wilds, as well as an item level 480 set that drops directly from the upcoming epic dungeon.

...which will make quite a lot of of existing gear obsolete.
asterdahl said:

Finally, Module 12 will see the introduction of a new seal—the seal of the brave—appearing in the upcoming epic dungeon. Seals of the brave will have a weekly earnings limit and be exchangeable for a set of item level 500 equipment.

Note to self - cancel all plans to progress in masterwork. It is now going to be pointless......again.
asterdahl said:

We’re also making quality of life adjustments to current seals. It’s been almost a year since the introduction of relic armor; starting in Module 12 unrestored relic armor and restoration reagents will be available for purchase with seals of the protector.

Good news for some....but this will kill the interest in some of the existing content.

I'm not quite sure what to say.
Hoping for improvements...


  • pandoratanakapandoratanaka Member Posts: 40 Arc User
    Looks like I was right not bothering with Masterwork and Relic sets.

    When you've played this game for 4 or so years you get to know Cryptic and their methods.

    Nothing is ever permanent in usefulness.
  • josephskyrimjosephskyrim Member Posts: 356 Arc User
    asterdahl said:

    We’re also making quality of life adjustments to current seals. It’s been almost a year since the introduction of relic armor; starting in Module 12 unrestored relic armor and restoration reagents will be available for purchase with seals of the protector.

    Does that mean I can finally restore those unusable relic weapons that were a "reward" from SKT? Because really, giving me unusable garbage as a "reward" really killed my enthusiasm to play. It's like saying "oh, you saved the world? well done! Have this trash can. It's useless now but it you work on it for a year, through a task you hate (fishing), it might turn into something amazing (which we are outdating in mod 12)!"
    If you can't stand on a chest, it is a mimic!
  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    The relic armor will be two generations old when mod 12 drops. Commoditizing them to replace the elven/drowcraft sets makes sense. The alternative would be to design a new line for the masses.

    The main reason I didn't grind for the relic set is I know by the time I get my last piece, something like this will happen.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    I see encouragament for the selfish call it? lazy call it? All in silver plate? Who cares about poeple worked together to make mastercraft items we have to look for all in silver plate community to be in line with those worked together for the best items.

    DO and the next move please and give in silver plate also all the stronghold boons to silver plate community in a campaign.
  • mentinmindmakermentinmindmaker Member Posts: 1,492 Arc User
    It is the normal development that new mods bring new and better gear. That is to be expected and nothing to complain about.. Cryptic needs to offer new challenges with each mod.

    Currently the 4 armor pieces are perhaps the most volatile of all gear slots, so it probably is better to put the effort into maxing the other gear slots before worrying too much about the armor. Enchantments, companions, artifacts, mounts etc are much more persistent.
  • edited June 2017
    This content has been removed.
  • litaaerslitaaers Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 871 Arc User
    edited June 2017

    I see encouragament for the selfish call it? lazy call it? All in silver plate? Who cares about poeple worked together to make mastercraft items we have to look for all in silver plate community to be in line with those worked together for the best items.

    DO and the next move please and give in silver plate also all the stronghold boons to silver plate community in a campaign.

    I do not think these words mean what you think they mean.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User

    I see encouragament for the selfish call it? lazy call it? All in silver plate? Who cares about poeple worked together to make mastercraft items we have to look for all in silver plate community to be in line with those worked together for the best items.

    DO and the next move please and give in silver plate also all the stronghold boons to silver plate community in a campaign.

    I am sorry but I have no idea what you just said.
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User

    I see encouragament for the selfish call it? lazy call it? All in silver plate? Who cares about poeple worked together to make mastercraft items we have to look for all in silver plate community to be in line with those worked together for the best items.

    DO and the next move please and give in silver plate also all the stronghold boons to silver plate community in a campaign.

    I am sorry but I have no idea what you just said.
    Silver platter... Being handed to them on a silver platter... The stuff that some worked their asses off for, will now be obsolete.
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    The big question is how will our heavy investment in BIS active bonding procing companions be affected by the fact that they are potentially going to be mincemeat.
    Post edited by niadan on
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User
    OK i will say it more clear. A guild effort when poeple in a guild work together they should have the best items in game.When i see the dev blog: and a new set of item level 460 equipment will be available in the zen market and trade bar store. If you don’t have great gear already, there will be many options to get you up to speed and ready to adventure in Chult.

    460 item level especially if is with set bonus like the dusk were with set bonus has little difference than masterwork one and maybe and better.

    HOW pwe-cryptic ruin a guild effort introducing those items in zen-trade bar store?
    Masterwork armors were always with more stats and more hp but without set bonus.
    MAYBE we are fool ok but some of us we did masterwork as a guild and cryptic once more want in 1 month to replace those armors.

    AS i said and previous what stops them to add in zen store stronghold boons campaign so the silverplaters can buy instead work together:)
    THE way the things come at the end we dont need guilds at all nw is a solo play game.

  • wintersmokewintersmoke Member Posts: 1,641 Arc User

    OK i will say it more clear. A guild effort when poeple in a guild work together they should have the best items in game.When i see the dev blog: and a new set of item level 460 equipment will be available in the zen market and trade bar store. If you don’t have great gear already, there will be many options to get you up to speed and ready to adventure in Chult.

    460 item level especially if is with set bonus like the dusk were with set bonus has little difference than masterwork one and maybe and better.

    HOW pwe-cryptic ruin a guild effort introducing those items in zen-trade bar store?
    Masterwork armors were always with more stats and more hp but without set bonus.
    MAYBE we are fool ok but some of us we did masterwork as a guild and cryptic once more want in 1 month to replace those armors.

    AS i said and previous what stops them to add in zen store stronghold boons campaign so the silverplaters can buy instead work together:)
    THE way the things come at the end we dont need guilds at all nw is a solo play game.

    Every new mod comes with improved gear. The old gear becomes obsolete, but not until people play enough to earn the new gear. The way Tomb of Annihilation is described, players might need the newer gear just to survive. Also, they are not doing way with Mastercraft gear. They are not even nerfing it. I am still working on my level 1 tasks, so I don't know the IL for the Mastercraft gear, however if it is near to BIS for mod 11, then it will still be a good thing to have while you are working for the new gear in Mod 12. Even if it will be replaced, people will still need to get ready for the new mod. No changes coming in the future need to stop your guild from working together to get your members ready for the new content.

  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    I'm not really happy about another set of gear either this soon... DF gear seemed to have been around a lot longer than Relic or MW2 gear... I got my MW2 gear about 2 weeks ago for my SW & DC! Does anyone remember the quote used when they nerfed the old gear sets(High Profit, etc) What is the time frame they like to keep gear in circulation? I'm sorry but the time frame on the MW2 gear is way off considering the average player needs years to develop MW professions lol

    What I see happening here is more alt unfriendly gaming. Sell us a HAMSTER load of character slots while we are able to use them for several things, then mess with everything we would use them for. Sure moving salvage to an alt might not be what was originally intended by PWE but it was one of the reasons I bought character slots I hope the bind status will change on salvage purchased with those seals.

    I can understand why some of these changes come. There are some people with a LOT more time to play than others. Those players can effectivly farm the HAMSTER out of whatever they want bringing in some nice hauls! How do you balance the game where players have more time than others? You keep changing so alts can't stay BiS. You set forth salvage that can no longer be passed to an alt and only salvaged on the toon that gets it. It doesn't level the playing field but it nerfs the HAMSTER outta people who play a lot.

    I hope the changes are for the better but I'm very skeptical about it...
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User

    asterdahl: link
    As such, you can expect the new equipment available for protector's seals to be bound to account.

    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • kiraskytowerkiraskytower Member Posts: 455 Arc User

    Every new mod comes with improved gear. The old gear becomes obsolete, but not until people play enough to earn the new gear. The way Tomb of Annihilation is described, players might need the newer gear just to survive. Also, they are not doing way with Mastercraft gear. They are not even nerfing it. I am still working on my level 1 tasks, so I don't know the IL for the Mastercraft gear, however if it is near to BIS for mod 11, then it will still be a good thing to have while you are working for the new gear in Mod 12. Even if it will be replaced, people will still need to get ready for the new mod. No changes coming in the future need to stop your guild from working together to get your members ready for the new content.

    The current Masterwork III gear (Manticore, Titansteel) is item level 480 for the PvE stuff. It's currently the highest item level stuff available (there are only a couple other things that are item level 480). In Mod 12, there will be item level 500 gear - this gear should be slightly better than the Masterwork gear, but it has a couple down sides to it. It cannot be bought, so that means to get it you need an end game geared character capable of repeatedly running Tier 3 dungeons. By contrast anyone can get the Masterwork gear if they have the ADs for it. You can also get the Masterwork gear now, so that you can use it to grind through the campaign in Mod 12. The new set will take some time after Mod 12 drops to acquire.
    Winter Lily (CW) / Winter Rose (DC) / Winter Ivy (HR)
    Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
  • niadanniadan Member Posts: 1,635 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    Which is how it should be. And do not forget that we have loadouts now. More easily obtainable gear variations are needed by old and new players alike.

    My advise is to "play" for gear and "invest" in enchants, companions, mounts....a chair or two or three for the stronghold.
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User
    niadan said:

    Which is how it should be.

    For the most part, yes. I think what annoys people are two things - Masterwork II armor is not even available on the consoles yet, but the knowledge that IL 500 items are coming soon means that the potential market size just shrank. It will not be insanely profitable initially.

    Also, some people (myself included) just made some masterwork armor pieces and expected them to remain close to BiS for a while - not just a couple of months. However, I'm not really upset, my gear will be useful in Mod 12 and my two masterwork rings look like they will remain BiS for me for a while longer.

    Anyhow, I really, really look forward to the "tougher monsters" promised in Mod 12. The current solo content simply does not provide any challenges to well-geared characters.
    Hoping for improvements...
  • eoleeeolee Member Posts: 264 Arc User
    edited June 2017
    Just go on preview and check stats on the new gear 500iL......
  • fuglymookfuglymook Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 119 Arc User
    This is why crafted gear should never be BIS. As a player you hope each new MOD will bring better gear then the last. Crafted gear should be just a rung lower than BIS and BIS should always be gotten through end game content. Having Master Crafting should be about making AD. You buy Master Crafting items to fill in holes or buy entire sets if you are unable to do end game content.
  • hadestemplar#9918 hadestemplar Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,185 Arc User
    Best gear..
    In my older played games, dungeons difficulty where measured, will we complete or not.

    Here in Neverwinter online difficulty measured by how many minutes it will take to complete by doing speed runs without tank.

    So think, do we need have top end gear, if we can still complete any game content without big problems?
    And only top end, hardest fights still don't last long.. Not mentioned that lot of players got oneshoted mostly because they haven't use dodge mechanic, and prefer to eat all incoming hits, and latter complain in forum.

    I where in preview server, checked new area, even with elemental infused DF gear, without maxed artifacts, without legendary arti weapons still where not as hard as I thought.
    So this new BiS stuff is just for fans who love hardcore grinding.
    “The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
    Gustave Le Bon.

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