I played POM at least 450 times and gave up on that rising precision +5 ring.
Completly egnored this game for 1 month for witcher 3 game of the year edition.
First time I log on and queue for POM I get +5 rising presicion ring.???
OK this is only a coincidence...
I start to play ndemo and edemo and first week 5+4 rings and 1+5 ring next week 2+4 rings 1+5 ring
and now i have not got 1+4 ring in several weeks.+5 rings is not even close....
Many players say that after been away for a while encrease chanses for getting a +5 ring....
Is this what we all should do???
Stop playing for 1 month to encrese the chanses to get something good......
Is this your plan to get players back to this game....
I've run POM many times, not as much as you, perhaps around 70+ times these past few weeks, looking for the Psion's shroud, but instead have dropped two +5 Rings of Precision - I wansn't even looking for it!
So now my other main, a healer, is a wearing a +5 Ring of Precision, as I don't have anyone else to put it on.
Personally I've run eGWD 60 times for the Bloodstained Shirt, nada. I like what folks have suggested in the past, a means to trade useless/unwanted +5's for +5's you actually want.
*puts on tinfoil hat*
Somehow, when you download the game, the game also downloads a brainwave reader which studies your brainwaves to figure out what you want.
I received a +5 Rising Power and +5 Rising Defense when hunting for multiple Survivor's Wraps copies. I got my +5 Rising Precision because I was bored and wanted to do PoM for the lulz. I got a +5 Sudden Precision because I was eager to learn how to tank when Sharp used to drag me on hundreds of CN runs. I have 4 complete sets of Relic Armor from random FBI runs to help my friends (sans boots, because Bryn Shander bores me). I have 3 orange Helligs on my GF, even though I don't need them and the DCs I run with are salivating at the chance for even one (consequently, all the DCs I run with have a surplus of Krig rings that I want).
You know that thread about how completely new players getting all the good stuff... isn't that because the new players have no clue what's good or bad (ie, the new players aren't looking for the good stuff because they have no clue what it is?)
Is this phenomenon happening to anyone else?
*takes off tinfoil hat*
(The story is supposed to be a joke by the way, but somehow... you get all the good drops when you aren't looking for them).
Example implementations (not discussed on the stream) might be a Masterwork task to modify the ring's magic and/or an NPC that does the same for a fee.
@terramak would be awesome if we could get that feature at some point.
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
I have run ToDGs maybe 50 times max over the last year and I got one +5 when I was least expecting it. I had ten minutes to kill and thought "oh go on then".
I didn't even have a key!
Its a bit like once I ran about ten BHEs in Lonelywood and got 7 Lanolin - that must be pretty rare?
the very first day i logged in after 2 months i got a rising power +5
It is the same in other games. I had a guild mate in LoTRO, who complained, if she had to run a dungeon more then 3 times, to get the desired item. Another one did 400 runs for a pair of boots with crit severity.
Here I did get some good drops and I wont complain, but there are some ppl I did run with for a time, who had to hear some insults from their mates and were threatened to get on their ignore list, due to exceptional dumb luck. For example 'why do you run this HAMSTER again and again? Personal beholder tank? Ok I will join you for a few runs'. Six runs later he had the tank and I congratulated him, while adding some choice comments about his luck.
1st POM: nothing
2nd POM: +5 Ring of Rising Focus
3rd POM: Dwarven Spelunking
4th POM: Psion's Shroud! (FINALLY!)
5th POM: Psion's Shroud! (TWO in a row, and TWO dropped in this instance - one for another player!!)
WTF Cryptic ... but uh ... thanks?