@nitocris83 "We'll generally give the highest attention to issues that prevent people from playing the game (including getting rewards)...."
Without rehashing the multitude of issues that players have addressed, tell me, why is the Solo Queue not permanently available?
This is the simplest bandaid that you have applied to PvP, yet you won't let us utilize it.
With regards to pvp they must have a .. Quote from your blog ...
"better, more comprehensive fix coming in a future module? If so, is it soon enough that we (they )can let this issue slide for the time being?"
" slide" implying years in the case of pvp ..
oh wait in the lastest dev stream mimmic said we get a 1 v 1 arena in our stronghold in like 2 years from now
NOT FUNNY AT ALL.....*sigh*
you all have seen a nice world
almost 1 year ago there was a poll What new pvp mode we would like see.... and Solo / dual Q bandaid was given cause they could not do class balancing ...after dozens pages of feedback from players to the devs.... now we cant even use that .....
they asked and we DID not get any new modes at all !!!!!!!!!!!! except a sometimes SOLO Q
Tens of thousands of views and TONS of feedback and we get NOTHING !!1
Please for the love of god do SOMETHING!!!
when we can already do 1 v 1 in icewind dale
Maybe they are Planning a huge NCL Pvp Suprise
remember last time the DEVS said there would be a pvp surprise and ... also we got nothing the surprise was there is/was no surprise . (it turned out to be armor sets and gear that we got years later...)
@nitocris83 @bbascomdev @rgutscheradev @terramak @MIMICKING
I know for a fact that some (DEVS) do play PvP and play on consoles. They just do not make themselves known.
and why not make themselves known then ??????? for fear of shame ?? or fear of suggestions ?
I definitely agree PvP needs some love. That's a more long-term project, though.
i wholdn't say they don't look at PVP at all.
they know they need to make you play different sets so you invest more on enchants, mounts, insignia etc.
and so far the PVE sets vivid and black ice are fail.
only PVP manage to do that.
Classes changes are all PVP focus in last year or so.
when u play against player at ur level diffrence is not that big. maybe TR on top and GWF on bottom but someone need to take that spot.
DC last update, 30% more ArP and 50% more damage is pure PVP buff
HR last update is pure PVP update (HR in party is still rare, and even then u cant see him)
GF update from last year is for PVP. same for TR.
Equipment is all design to be PVP/PVE now. its the first reason for a player to use 2 sets of armors
Mode 9 rings, Vashing, Ambush, Deflect, Vision, Reflex sight. all design for PVP.
Valhalla design for PVP mainly. and maybe even the new weapons.
Boons in last 3 modes have all PVP options.
Displace fate, Frozen Relection, Planar Vitality, Vision of Beyond are all PVP.
Guild boons are must in PVP
Guild Balance done many times and u can see many GH15-20.
this balance PVP abit, still slow but they just bring another update.
Loadouts deisgn for PVP.
if you tink its to help cleric grind daily influance, you better check the comercial for it. its deisgn to allow play in both PVP and PVE.
new GS system might be for PVP as well, hope they will fix the Q. (get off some mules from random PVE as well)
Environment is where they fail in PVP
years pass and all they manage is 2 domination maps, and even there its 90% garabge 1:1 time.
Icewind dale open PVP reward are fail. instead of giving Guild vouchers or valuable resources, you get nothing
GG is fail. even when it was a must to get AD, Luskans couldn't get off te porch.
Stronghold Siege supposed to bring companions to PVP is complete fail.
no rewards al all. while PVE rewards updated several times.
0 evenets, and there is event almost every week.
and the new item levels as well those are positive moves forward...
Honestly, could any of you blame them? We're terrible people.
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I mean known on the forums ... and actually respond to posts in the pvp section
specifically the posters original question ..why we as a community were given solo Q voted on it ...and its never available to Q for thus a problem getting rewards for ... and in the blog the guy / producer said they give the highest attention to that ,",issues that prevent people from playing the game (including getting rewards)" Quote from the dev blog .., that is the irony here
If some of the devs are playing pvp they should be our advocates and have the communities backs ...
Maybe you dont understand ...dONT LET THE PEOPLE YOU ARE TALKING TO GIVE YOU LIP SERVICE ..........the Solo Mode PvP was already developed and DEV resources put into it it exists in the code right now !!!!!!!! at the flip of a switch !!!!!! every few months they throw us a bone and activate i t
Like its some uber special secret event or someting ... ... They were supposed to tell us "what they learned from solo and dual Q ... and they Never did
Meanwhile Player that would like to pvp to earn double shard of power during the event are screwed out of thier PVP rewards (cause they cant get any wins Vs premades ) to build thier stronghold yet again.;.
Leading BAck to point 1 of the Blog
"We'll generally give the highest attention to issues that prevent people from playing the game (including getting rewards)
On the stream a few weeks ago somebody mentioned that they are working on a PvP duel arena in Stronghold. Show me the numbers and the justification for that project. Why did the devs decide that this is something they want to spend the time on? Its so obvious that something else is going on here. Someone is pushing personal agendas with no justification whats so ever. I believe you have a person on the crew that thinks he/she knows best but in reality has no clue.
And there are lots of other examples too. Nobody wants HEs, still we get HEs every single mod. Nobody wanted gear that has to be empowered and still we got exactly that.
We can also look at it from another perspective. We read the forums, we talk with the players in game in our guilds etc. We know what the players are asking for. You could see it in the stream chats too.
PvP needs attention. Right now there is one major concern that I think most players can stand behind and thats the problem regarding gear and boons in PvP. We need to have a more equal fight so new players has a chance.
We have been asking for loadouts since BETA and only now in Mod 11.b we finally get it. In the meantime we got Open PvP, Stronghold PvP that totally failed and required lots of dev resources. Now you doing the same mistake all over again by working on duels.
Here is a shortlist on what we do want and I think this would have support even from PvE players that wants to PvP but dont have the gear/stats for it.
1. Equalized PvP - close or remove the gear/stats gap between players
2. Everyone should have tenacity by default.
3. Matchmaking based on IL. BiS players playing against green gear players without tenacity is not matchmaking, thats random Q.
4. Keep working on class balance
5. New PvP maps
6. Working leaderboard
7. NCL
8. Better rewards overall in PvP
How hard can it be? Equalized PvP is the absolute biggest problem right now in PvP, so start with that. Removing guild boons would be a huge step and would take minimal time to fix.
▁ ▂ ▄ ▅ ▆ ▇ █ Gankdalf The Icehole █ ▇ ▆ ▅ ▄ ▂ ▁
Character: Vendetta
Ultimately, I don't have what the final decision is or a date on when or if anything will be said, which I know is what really matters. So anything I say just sounds like empty words or platitudes which sucks for you and me alike but I don't think silence is a better alternative either :-/
Thanks for trying : D and responding on a weekend on your free time : D
on another note solo Pvp integration seemed pretty seemless and speedy .. unless they were working out on testing and balancing elo or matches better or some other metrics they were gathering no doubt
the less you run solo pvp the less sustainable it will be and it will down spiral just like the foundry ..