I had a little break from Neverwinter (almost whole mod 10, actually), and after completeing eLoL today I got Cambist Gauntlets from the chest. I've never seen that before, so I looked it up and noticed that in every dungeon there is a new, powerful epic item. And here's my question: are those items viable for CW? For comparison I'm 2,8k MoF Thaum with dusk/drowcraft armor, capped only on ArP (so most of them gives me more stats than my current gear, but on the other hand those with ArP would be redundant for PvE) and I'm curious if those items would prove useful and, if yes, getting which of them should be top priority.
And the second question - I've finished Sea of the Moving Ice "main quest path" and got unrestored relic weapon and talisman. Are they worth this gigantic amount of grind that is required to restore them? I've noticed that those relics give you much more stats and have higher base damage, but 50k Voninblood and reagents worth 600k+ AD on AH seem impossible to get! Also, mod 11 goes live in two days, with four more artifact weapons - should I grind my HAMSTER off for relics, or maybe focus on new ones?
The Psion's Shroud is pretty good, especially if you team with an OP (Aura of Courage + CW is lovely).
Can't think of anything else, my CW is sitting on Drowcraft/Dusk/Dragonflight armors as well.
For the Relic weapons:Up to you. If you're patient for a couple of weeks, you can pick up the Mod 11 ones, which offer the same stats and weapon damage, but aren't as much of a pain to upgrade.
Personally, I'd just wait for the new weapons. The set bonus difference is a marginal bonus, unlike the extra weapon damage confered by the Relic/new weapons.
Btw, with the new weapon enchantment changes incoming with Mod11, you might want to do some research to see what will work for your build (for a Thaum, it is likely it will be T. Lightning for mobs and T. Bilethorn for bosses).
The main problem with the relic weapons is the grind for marks in MSVA because you're looking at millions of AD to get the keys for them. Mod 11 hits in three days though and the Ascendant weapons introduced in it are the same ilvl (so the same damage and stats) with different set bonuses. They're also much easier to obtain and you upgrade them with union/power/stability marks the way you would any other artifact weapon before mod 10.
Dungeon armor doesn't really have the right stat distributions. If you're not going to grind out relic armor (I wouldn't, it's a waste of AD at your ilvl) then I'd just get mix of dragonflight/drowcraft and dusk focusing on power and crit.
First and foremost: best I could afford is probably Greater enchantment, so if they are good because of their pure/transcendent bonuses, it doesn't really matter to me.
Soooo... if the mod 11 weapons are to be comparable with the relic ones, I guess I'll just wait. I just recall reading an article saying, that the ascendency weapons aren't supposed to outshine relics, but I might have misunderstood it. And about dungeons items... even if they aren't worth using, I'll still look for them. For transmogs
About weapon enchantments... first and foremost, Transcendent is far beyond my reach - the best I could afford would probably be Greater, so if it's Pure/Pranscendent ability that makes Lightning and Bilethorn so good, it's irrelevant for me. Right now I'm using Greater Dread and I have my old Greater Plaguefire on second character. As far as I know Dread is solid choice for CW (+ it looks much better than Vorpal!), and I heard that Lightning got nerfed on preview, so it's not as strong as before. And for Bilethorn: last when I checked AH for it, I found mostly Lesser ones, few normal and one Transcendent (or Pure; doesn't matter, still too expensive for me)
Note that Vorpal and Dread will still be as good as ever, as nothing about Vorpal/Dread is being changed, so your build won't be impacted if you are using either one.
Dragon Visage in Shores. It provides a nice boost in Power and Arm Pen. I also am using the Silken Robes and the armor from Varinda is also nice for the stat bonus, AC increase and HP increase. The PS chest is ok but lacks anything but AC and HP, so other stats you gain from the other chest pieces you lose on the PS chest. I did get the GF/OP chest for my GF as the HP boost is wonderful for tanks. My GF went from around 115K HP to now over 155K HP with Dragon Visage and the Bringade armor piece.
My recommendation is look at the stats and see which piece of gear would benefit your character the best. For me, I want to get the chest from Varindra on my CW as the Life Steal it has IMO is better than the Recovery from the Silken Robes I am using now.
Just find what you think will help you and go for it.