Upgrading the weapons shouldn't even be RNG based especially since they are so difficult to restore in the first place. Ive needed 2 superior marks since the key changes and im up to 45 greaters and regular marks of ild and stig. Would be great if we could just trade in those extra marks that we are forced to take for the superior marks since there is nothing else we can do with them.
If not that, then something else because something really needs to be done to improve the loot in SVA. It is far too punishing for how much time you have to put in to get the rep to open the chests. Especially since the arcane brotherhood chest can only be opened once a day if you don't buy dragon keys. After the key changes it may well take a full year to obtain 10 superior marks of ild if you don't want to throw money at the game, that is if you have my crappy RNG anyways.
"please tell me how many esva runs and how many zens i have to spend for 2 @drakumel
@creepinthedark summed it up pretty well:
I am Took.
"Full plate and packing steel" in NW since 2013.
I am neither here nor there, for I am NevrCene
NevrCene: TRMelisandre: SW
Brienne: GWF
Guild : Mystic Dawn (GH20)
Neverwinter is currently at mod 10 (or 10.5 as many consider).
This 10 mod has 1 offhand and 1 main hand that you need many esva runs and many keys (500 esva runs and 30m approximately in zen/reputation keys). We use the world approximately when the factors are unknown and you have the random generated drops. At this case the rng drops are the 30 total orange marks you get only from esva and only from 3 chests with either reputation or zen keys.
One could get the marks in 10 runs , other could get the marks in 1k runs.
Upcoming mod 11 (you can look at it at preview server) already has similar weapons like the ones from mod 10.
Someone somewhere said that he heard someone saying that a dev (or was it a moderator) said somewhere that mod10 weapons will not get obsolete after mod 11 release but that is not the case.
The point is the rng at marks and that no one knows how many runs it will take to max the mod 10 weapons.
thats why players ask for the esva marks to :
1.be unbound so you can trade and/or
2.get a vendor so you can trade lower marks for the orange marks and/or
3.be able to open esva chests not only with zen/rep keys and/or
4.farm rep keys faster (the brothers keys is limited 1 per day for example) and
5.have a clue if you will get the mod10 weapons maxed the next 2 years with average playtime (2-3 hours per day)
I am neither here nor there, for I am NevrCene
NevrCene: TRMelisandre: SW
Brienne: GWF
Guild : Mystic Dawn (GH20)
there is a mirror server where you can copy your character and test upcoming things
this test / mirror server has things that will come/change
and its not about the weapons that have same stats in mod 11, its about the marks from the failed voniblood / marks esva grind system. If you support the marks system as it is please elaborate.
If you wanna talk about the weapons then i can say that its really worthless to run esva since next mod will have the same weapons.
Not until one of the things happen. What things? Things that players suggested before even mod 10 release. Like the lack of moults and good drops from FBI and things like:
esva marks be able to :
1. be unbound so you can trade and/or
2. get a vendor so you can trade lower marks for the orange marks and/or
3. be able to open esva chests not only with zen/rep keys and/or
4. farm rep keys faster (the brothers keys is limited 1 per day for example) and
5. have a clue if you will get the mod10 weapons maxed the next 2 years with average playtime (2-3 hours per day)
Players are happy about it.
Won't happen again!
CRYPTIC!!, put a marks vendor in the campaign store or in SoMI. 5 purples for an orange, 5 blues for a purple. give us something to work towards. 10/10.5 fixed immediately and we can all move on with our lives.
you are losing players!! if you don't believe me, just spend a few hours a night reading in game chat you will see the frustration.
there are other games your players ARE leaving for, you are not the only video game in existence if you weren't aware.
im trying to keep the salt level low here lol. but the frustration with this game (which is supposed to be fun btw) is real.