This set bonus as it is now is just a joke, a bad joke.
I like to sprint a lot to move during fights, to avoid damage from rocks and dashes from giants in FBI and SVA, even to avoid stuff in CN, Epic Demogorgon, but I can't because if I do in the wrong time, I lose a 10% damage buff to gain a movement speed buff and that's completely ridiculous for a dps toon. What is happening is that I'm losing dps because I'm not running towards mobs, and if I have to dodge something, I have to walk like a GF who has no sprint/dodge/teleport mechanism and that makes me lose dps instead of gaining dps.
So, you can tell me "Just ignore the bonus and sprint", yes, then I'm losing the set bonus for the whole fight, that's a 10% damage loss for 10 seconds every 30 seconds. I believe the weapon set bonus was made to INCREASE my dps, not to control and dictate when I have to shadow slip or not, because that's what I'm doing, now I'm afraid of shadow slipping because if I do I get a movement speed bonus on my dps toon.
I want to be able to dodge as long as I can and still get a set bonus because it's a hard work to make the weapons and even more a really hard work to put them on legendary rank.
I'm a striker and I believe the weapon set bonus should not restrict my movement during combat.
And please, don't tell me it's easy to coordinate because it's not. Sometimes you just need to dodge a hit from a boss if he turns against you, you need to dodge the manticores in SVA, to dodge Hati in FBI, you need to dodge the breath from the giants in SVA. (Try to fight Hati without shadow slipping at all). One more thing...Hati moves a lot, you need to keep running against him, so, what I'm being forced to do now? WALKING towards him, what makes me lose dps because by the time I reach him he flies, or completely ignore the set bonus....and, if I'm ignoring my set bonus, why am I using this? Why was it made if not to be used?
One more thing, sometimes I need to use arms of hadar in the wind to get the bonus, and that makes me lose 1 encounter, thus wasting my encounter to get the bonus. This is not right.
Trust me, you will end up getting Overcharge: Defense by the time you dodge and it will happen more than once because you don't control the cooldown.
Please make the weapon set cooldown for Overcharge: Defense and Overcharge: Attack work separated.
Ly'saaera, Hellbringer Fury Scourge Warlock of Thieves World
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
There are currently a lot of actions that makes your character stop, basically can't move for like half a second to an entiere second. Pop the wheel of elements ? You're blocked. Use any Encounter power ? You're blocked. For melee classes that need to move (i speak as a GWF), the only way to get over this is to sprint a bit, press Maj key just a little to be able to move and continue what i'm doing.
I usually pop the wheel and immediatly start sprinting a bit to take the fire and go to melee. Same when i attack, i sprint just a bit to be able to continue my rotation, or the get closer to the mobs (manticore i'm looking at you).
But, now with the new set, if i want to get the "Overcharge : Attack", i cannot pop the wheel before a battle, or i'll lose some precious time to get to melee. If ever i make the mistake to press Maj for a millisecond to overpass the blocked character feature, i'm stuck for 10 sec with an "Overcharge : Defense" that i don't need, and a reload of the overcharge.
As a GWf i try to stack a lot of movement, mostly because of the crappy 2 sec without stamina regeneration after you stop the sprint (no feature like this on my CW, i can teleport an infinite number of time...). But all this movement is useless on some times, like when i pop the wheel of elements, and that's why i use the sprint. Now i cannot even do that, or i'll not have the most important effect of the weapon set...
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
But, I'm gonna feed the troll, just this time, just once.
The new content like FBI and Master SVA demands a very good group. Really high dps toons, not toons with 3 bondings and 0 skills claiming they are hdps. And in the future more harder content will be launched.There are players (like me) who like every single piece of dps and improvement to get better and better, we like improvement. If you are the sort of guy who doesn't care about numbers at all, it's YOUR opinion, and this topic is MY opinion. You can't be aggressive or make fun of people just because they have different opinions. You have the right to disagree, but watch your attitude, posting fun pics, making jokes, saying you hate this and that, demanding logs. Respect the forums users, man, because not everyone is supposed to agree with you.
An example of disagreement with respect is the post below yours, the post from gabrieldourden. He gave his opinion, said he doesn't agree, but didn't offend or made jokes.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
The reason I created this topic it's because it's player feedback. It's meant to be used as a place for us to say "thanks, this is nice" or "hey, this is not nice".
I enjoy the game, I love neverwinter but I don't like this set bonus, that's why I created the topic. In my opinion the cooldowns should work in separated times.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
If you think I'm a player with 0 skills, let's do a Master SVA or FBI run together, I promise you will regret your comment.
And if you think a toon with 500,000 encdps, chardps and dps has 0 skills, I'm done.
Or you can check my FBI video, along with the Master SVA video I'm going to post in 1 hour.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
My topic is only about a request to change how set bonus works. If you don't agree, that's up to you, but don't make everyone waste their times answering you because you have a different opinion. My toon got all offense slots maxed, all insignias maxed, my companion has all offense slots maxed...That means I'm awesome? No, that means I can't get any dps improvement from nowhere besides a legendary mount (im working on it). I'm doing a new content so I improve, and the problem is not not having 100% uptime, is loosing the Attack bonus because I had to dodge.
Some people pay 1-2M ad for 1-2% dps increase, and I'm like them, it's the way I like to play just like I like a soccer team and you like another. If you are not, that's your decision, but don't flame because I have a different opinion.
I'm not full of myself, I just know I'm a good player and that's all, I don't think I'm the best SW around, just a decent one. But I can't stand with a flammer telling me that I probably have 0 skills because I don't like how the set bonus works.
You did the same to @tom#6998 topic and probably did the same to countless topics. i'm not feeding you, dude.
Anyway, again, I don't need to prove you or anyone else anything. I made a request, it's up to the devs if they change it or not.
Stop acting like a boss demanding arguments and explanations, this is a request topic, not a explain-to-the-kid-with-all-arguments-needed-so-you-convince-his-ego-that-he-can-be-wrong. I'm done with you. You can say anything in any topic, I'm just not even going to bother reading your posts, have a nice weekend and fun
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
I thought it made a lot more sense the first way btw...
But let me quote some wise words instead.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
My feedback on this is the same as remjijones'. The new weapon bonus should stay as it is. it requires timing whenver u have to use an encounter to trigger the dmg bonus or a shift to trigger the defense bonus. the weapon already gives power and a ridculous base weapon. <- it is because these kind of content and item they introduce that makes a class or a player go overpowered.
Like we say in my country, it's not what you say, it's the way you say it. You and gabriel said almost the same thing the other dude did, but you were polite and cool, that's what I'm saying.
Like I said before, I just made a request, it's up to them if they check this or not. I believe when you are not happy with something you should state it, that's just the way I am, I think the weapon set bonus is not nice the way it is at the moment, and that's all.
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
Its like when the elemental sets where introduced. Do i need the additional self healing from the drowned weapons, or do the fire ones fit better my playstyle? Since i am playing a GF, maybe even earth is an option? Each of the sets require different adaptions to your playstyle to get the most out of it. What you want is what we Germans call "die eierlegende Wollmilchsau" something that does it all, without any setbacks. And thats very boring in my opinion (not to mention OP).
I agree that the new weapon set got very good damage and stats, I'm not complaining about the weapons themselves, but I just believe the weapon set bonus should have their cooldowns separated for defense and attack action..even for tanks...a tank might find that he used an encounter just by the time the overcharge: ready appeared, and he got 10% more damage instead of 10% less incoming damage.
I always try to adapt, when they fixed Tyrannical Curse, yes, I complained a bit in some topics, but I didn't make rage topics, I just adapted and now I still love my class. What I'm doing is trying to adapt with this set bonus. From the log I posted here, it was 26 Attacks vs. 7 Defenses.
I just got a msva act log where I got 12 Attacks vs. 1 Defense, and I can say it demands a lot of coordination. I can deal with coordination? Yes..but depending on the dungeon, trial or whatever, it's harder to coordinate.
And in my opinion the weapon set should work differently for both tanks and dps classes. I'd like to keep the incoming damage reduction on my tank as well as keep the increased damage on my dps.
I believe a tank should not get more damage and a dps should not get less incoming damage from the endgame weapon set, that makes no sense to me.
PS: What OP, the class or me? :P
Hælja, Swordmaster Conqueror Guardian Fighter of Thieves World
GWF: Vretzina
OP: Vee
DC: Evee
CW: nezterV
Leader - Valaraukari Ascension
And not to mention that my rushing in to hit the mobs first has decreased drastically. Slow walk to get the Attack now.