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How would you make NW a higher skill required game

swirve#6429 swirve Member Posts: 90 Arc User
Outside of having 3 to 4k versions of content or lvl capping so say elol reduces your lvl to 2k as cap.

1. Reduce lifesteal dependency or in dungeons create a persistent damage counter or vastly reduce life steal

2. Remove or reduce benefits of soul forged, negation etc...

3. Reduce the obscene lvl of buff on buffs for little effort...

4. Remove cheap 1 shot kills but increase overall expected dmg so more consistent...

5. Develop better mechanics that require co ordination and skill...looking at FF14 and coils vs anything in NW...which is stack n burn


  • hastati96hastati96 Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    Why would you want to make the game more skill required? There is already a huge gap between players who can play their class and those who dont. I would welcome a more difficult NWO but I guess there are already a lot of people who struggle on the current endgame content and with new endgame gear the 1.5k-2.5k content also becomes easier.
    The devs have already done a huge step forward to this with the paladin changes and removing the old T2 sets.

    The only thing I would change is the DC. Currently AA is pretty op. All the buffs and dmg avoiding that a DC can provide to the group makes the class too op for most of the group content. The best setup for svardborg for example has atleast 3-4 DCs.
    Nero - Palacetamol - Essence of Aggression
  • swirve#6429 swirve Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Have you considered players dont play their class because they dont need to learn how? If you cant do elol below 2k just lvl to 3k and laugh at it.

    Also this is skill stuff for those who want it, not every1 want 6min speed farm dngs with invunerable toons blitzing.

    The game caters to much for low skill players and should have some healthy progression. If you contrast to other big MMOs NW is the weakest in difficulty.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    It's also supposed to be a game (enjoyment and relaxation), not a job. What you suggest would most likely lock out the casual players.
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  • swirve#6429 swirve Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    Why? Casual players still have all existing content to do.

    The changes affect the hardcore more than anything.

    But why not actually post some ideas or do you think the low skill bar is how NW should be?
  • mossy#5930 mossy Member Posts: 121 Arc User
    How about a difficulty slider? Many games utilize them. No need to deny any content that way; empower the player; be they hardcore or casual
  • swirve#6429 swirve Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    A difficulty slider on dngs...greater risk 4 greater reward...

    Not talking solo stuff hear...just the fact power creep has ruined the endgame in pve....bit like athenian archive or echo t1 to t5 with overgearing in ESO and FF14...

    The game needs a power creep removal...
  • umarachnea#5673 umarachnea Member Posts: 126 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    I like the idea of adding skill requirements, but there's a bit of an issue here that we can't overlook.

    Casual Players = A) players who want to relax and enjoy most (if not all) of the content in a game or B> players who don't have much time to spend on the game

    Casual players are the majority clients of the game industry, and so it makes business sense to lower skill requirements, even though being casual does not mean you lack in skill.

    MMO's in general feel out of reach of the casual player base due to the skill factor (and the following point), and therefore, most will jump in, try it for a while, and then get driven out by high skill and grind requirements (amongst the many others).

    Furthermore, most of the active players (in NW and others) are quite picky or elitists. Even with things as they are now, players are being excluded because they are not yet at 3K+. They demand experienced players, and yet are not willing to provide that experience.

    I'm not saying everyone should help out all the time, or at all. Just highlighting, that even with content being so trivial once you hit the 2.8K+ ilvl, and people still exclude others. Add high skill requirements, and what do you think will happen?

    I like FBI because it adds that level of skill required for people trying it for the first time. Even players in the 4K range can fail it miserably if they don't pay attention and coordinate. That's a great step. Experience and some skill are required.

    As for your post:

    1- This is mostly to bring back the usefulness of healers. (which I would love)

    2- Soulforged cooldown is fine, this is your 1 free mistake every x seconds (just keep it at 90sec at any rank, increase HP returned by more). Negation change I like.

    3- Not so sure about the little effort. You can still see how even BiS buffers still perform below others with lower gear.

    4- Same as 1. The 1-shot is an interesting mechanic as long as it happens at predictable intervals, and requires good reflexes and environmental awareness. (edit: but having it as the only tough mechanic should be changed)

    5- Yes Please. I would love to see more of this. Things that require players to move to some positions, activate things, group up etc.... then go back to damage.

    (sorry for the long post)
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited December 2016
    Haven't we been here before???? I hated mod 6 and I'd likely hate whatever the OP envisions. Certainly a rage-quit would be in order.

    If they want to add newer, harder content, so be it. But no nerfing of all that has come before--it's like stealing from the playerbase.

    I honestly don't understand why they've added the relic weapons or amplified the bondings (augmets were easily good enough), but I would not appreciate a world-wide tilt as was done last year.
  • demonmongerdemonmonger Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,350 Arc User
    I agree
    I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    The disparity is between dungeon difficulty and the stats of players over 3k. T2s are designed to be run by teams of 2.1 - 2.8k players.

    The company seems to be addressing this already by the recent introduction of 3k+ dungeons. I hate the fact they've gated FBI behind stupid gear grind requirements but I do think they need to expand the number of 3k+ dungeons.
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  • inyawayupdeepinyawayupdeep Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 206 Arc User
    Provide an in game Stat monitor like ACT that would show how well your build is doing, and help players develop rotations that work.
    Make sure all power and feat descriptions are accurate, not vague and outdated.
    Make sure powers and feats actually work as described.
    Give information on enchant cool downs and how they work, and how much results tied to things like weapon damage and hitpoints are affected. perferably by your actual character.
    Tell us what the heck a "chance to process" is, the actual odds please.
    Give good explanation on what symbols and colors mean in a fight.
    Stop letting companions and bonding stones make the difference of who is a good player and who isn't, or at least not to the degree they are now.
    Power creep from mounts, insignia, stronghold boons and armor along with several other purchased items can make an average person look skilled when they aren't.
    Don't get me wrong I like and use most of these items, but just because I join guild A because it's got a rank 20 Guildhall and I can get some really sweet boons for no work at all and then buy purple mount B to get its really cool Stat bonus, and then stuff rank 12 bonding stones in companion C that I buy in the Zen store and put all my good enchants there also so I can triple their stats just because I have the disposable income to do so.
    Doesn't mean I know what makes my capstone proc, or what the circle on the floor under my enemy means or why when I fight some of the numbers on the screen pop up un different colors and with strange symbols next to them. You need to make it so the info is easy to find for all and reign in the power creep.
    Very sorry if this became a rant.
  • mamalion1234mamalion1234 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,415 Arc User

    Provide an in game Stat monitor like ACT that would show how well your build is doing, and help players develop rotations that work.

    Make sure all power and feat descriptions are accurate, not vague and outdated.

    Make sure powers and feats actually work as described.

    Give information on enchant cool downs and how they work, and how much results tied to things like weapon damage and hitpoints are affected. perferably by your actual character.

    Tell us what the heck a "chance to process" is, the actual odds please.

    Give good explanation on what symbols and colors mean in a fight.

    Stop letting companions and bonding stones make the difference of who is a good player and who isn't, or at least not to the degree they are now.

    Power creep from mounts, insignia, stronghold boons and armor along with several other purchased items can make an average person look skilled when they aren't.

    Don't get me wrong I like and use most of these items, but just because I join guild A because it's got a rank 20 Guildhall and I can get some really sweet boons for no work at all and then buy purple mount B to get its really cool Stat bonus, and then stuff rank 12 bonding stones in companion C that I buy in the Zen store and put all my good enchants there also so I can triple their stats just because I have the disposable income to do so.

    Doesn't mean I know what makes my capstone proc, or what the circle on the floor under my enemy means or why when I fight some of the numbers on the screen pop up un different colors and with strange symbols next to them. You need to make it so the info is easy to find for all and reign in the power creep.

    Very sorry if this became a rant.

    BOnding are here to speed up things.Without summon companion and without stone still can be done by good players.
    WIthout guild boons still. BUT players rank 12. TALking about hard contents like cn-sva-fbi.
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