Despite a bit of research, I've gotten conflicting information: on
this thread, it seems that CS is better (and from my own numbers, I see it has a lower CD than IR).
However, I notice several guides suggesting IR over CS, especially for PvP. So, two questions:
- Which provides more single target DPS? Assuming Conduit of Ice is on Tab (which is generally optimal, even in bosses). Alternatively, worth cranking out numbers for Icy Rays is on Tab (CS damage doesn't change on Tab).
- Which is better for PvP? IR can immobilize 2 targets, CS can stun one (and CS has lower CD)
I hate IR in pve cause of the clunky double targeting. In particular in laggy HEs and boss fights. They never go off right.
Rise to POWER with <House of Power>.
The Exterminator - (NW-DLNXF3BGG)
Even though chillstrike has a lower cooldown, its animation is slow, hence it is limited in use in PvP and against mobs who knockback or drop red circles.
Spell twisting reduces any spell cooldown by 30% with 3 stacks, so even though icy rays has a longer cooldown, the absolute reduction in time for it is greater. Icy rays also gives you a bit more mobility when casting, and applies a stack of chill with each cast.
If you can incorporate the cooldown of icy rays into your rotation without too much waiting, then I think Icy Rays would perform better.
that being said icy rays does not benefit from far spell as chill strike does
however icy rays has more utilty as well you can mark invisible targets with it or delay casting the second ray to guarantee an interrupt
icy rays is not CC (crowd control )it is an interrupt therfore is useful on people with elven armor as well
also 2 stacks of chill
chill strike is a stun and therefore can be reduced by cc resistance
putting icyrays on tab immediately identifies you as a primary (less experienced) target
icy rays (not on tab) for the win :P
and omg no pvp cw worth his salt would use steal time in pvp you must be stuck in mod 2 or something when you could cancel it ..
there are many many ways to reveals hidden enemies
this post is full of mistakes and inaccuracies maybe a guide on what powers not to use that is all I am seeing here .. but i am at work now ..
500 posts and you are recommending steal time for pvp you must be joking
and even (if and big if) you did use it it would not be permanent slotted heck a ring of vision or reflex sight is more effective then that steal time HUUGE cooldown (for revealing hidden foes) and they only cost like 3k in the auction house great other post post about buffing certain powers but you missed the mark here you seem to be a pve cw
the guide you are using is from an expert pve CW not PVP
and not once was repel even mentioned in this thread either
Rise to POWER with <House of Power>.
The Exterminator - (NW-DLNXF3BGG)
Based on what I've read by you and others, this is the build I have in mind so far. My idea is to prioritize single target DPS (for boss fights, which are the core/most challenging endgame content), and PvP (which I really enjoyed in other mmos and would like to do here). If you have a chance, I would love some feedback on it--the 2 feats I'm missing (based on your suggestions), are Far Spell and Critical Power. I'm not sure what to drop for those, that wouldn't cost me single-target DPS. Does Icy Veins help with stealthed enemies, and is it worthwhile in PvP?
I didn't mention/ask about Repel in the other thread (or here) because I know that should always be slotted ;-). In keeping with my single target pve/pvp hybrid, I've maxed powers that overlap (I currently have 76 power points, total): Disintegrate, Repel (Sharpedge's guide recommended this for single target fights due to low cooldown, to get more spell twisting), Ray of Enfeeblement, along with the main PvE passives, Chilling presence and Storm Spell (I don't want to give up single target dps, since it's crucial in those tough fights). I'm currently putting points into Orb of Imposition and Arcane Presence for PvP, though it seems that I could just focus on CP and SS? I'm currently at 2.1K GS.
Anyway, thanks again, and if you get a chance, any suggestions are always welcome
your Shield should have 4 ranks in it for starters (no brainer)
also depending on how many power point you have they added a quest chain in sharandar to earn additional power points you should be grinding that as well
at low gear score you @khashir you need icy veins control build to clear pve content and get boons you will not be able to take far spell till you can clear mobs faster and maybe have a bonding pet
assuming we are min maxing a hybrid pvp pve build
Yes, the idea is to min-max the hybrid build, and I plan to get a bonding pet once I increase my GS as well.
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thanks for confirming tho
Thanks for the help!
yes it will make a big difference for healing or dps mode
arguably one of the biggest bang for your buck items in the game and you just missed double RP lol
If AD is a problem, for PVE at least, a (free) alternative is the DC Class Sigil, it's not quite as good as the wheel, but can be a considerable boost to damage if used well. This prolly isnt true for PVP tho.
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not even close to the wheel LOL and yes this is a discussion about pvp
Do you recommend 2pc prestige / 2piece warborn or full prestige?
What stats do you recommend for someone following Ironzerg's spellstorm renegade build in pvp? Not sure which pieces are considered the preferred choice when it comes to executioner vs duelist pvp gear. Lastly, artifact equipment choices for belt/cloak/weapons?
warborn can be acquired easier for trade bar whereas prestige is harder to grind
normally i have both to swap to a differed ward if i am fighting against the most threatening class ot me (and proving the other team is not using drains then you need ap and stamina wards in all the time
also depending on your guild boons you chose armor piece to shore up a weakness or strengthen a strength
you also should swap artefacts like rings to accomplish this
I use a full prestige set with 2 full tenacity rings personally ..
there is no right or wrong piece but if you cant stay alive with lot of life steal hitpoints and tenacity
or high recovery and control then your build is not viable in pvp ... rule of thumb
lol artifact choices are simply too long to list i have like 15 of them lol I swap them on the fly from defensive mode lots of deflect to offensive mode lots of hit points armor pen and power ..
200k hitpoints and ~ 50% deflection defensive mode
use auto run while in a match while going to another point ... to swap a gear piece / ring or a power or class feat
2 defensive potions or/and foods
2 offensive potions and/ or foods
practice doing this as fast as you can
get rid of any gear parts in your innovatory that you dont need for swaps in the bank
reorganise inv and align all potions/ food nice and neat together for when you die to quickly rebuff
put all gear and rings in the first top inventory bag