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50% zen sales were a bug all this time, so we will nerf them so you can spend more as we always want

lordaldialordaldia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
edited November 2016 in General Discussion (PC)
So the black friday comes, and instead of being only a day like the last sale, this time the sale is 4 days, but only 40% discount, i wouldn´t be surprised if we find a dev message these days saying that the sales were never intended to be 50%, that it was a bug and we will get a pet for our troubles.

The point of the message is: Really you can´t let the sale as it was? Most of the people take their zen related stuff in the sales and by giving less discount you either make them buy less or have to spend more to get the same as before, considering the outrageous price of everything worth in game. In my case you just made me take away an order of 5000 zen and not buying a hero of the north pack, and considering not trying to get more stuff by zen.

You are going a dangerous way by trying to squeeze the HAMSTER too hard.

What do the rest of you think of the sale? still worth and you will get zen asap, or only will buy the essentials or nothing at all? I think i will wait for the last day and i will buy only the necessary 6 months of vip to get the keys and some bank slots because my backpacks are flooded with stuff everytime i do anything.


  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    4 days vs few hours? Fair and enough time to sleep over that decision to buy zen vor not.
    Lot's of player obviously bought zen at the first day, watching the Zen/AD exchange and this also speeds up your personal transaction, so you can spend that Zen within those 4 days on the market without paying money...THX cryptic
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    Well that's the HAMSTER! I hoarded 10,004 Zen for the Hero of the North pack and now don't have enough for it!
  • lordaldialordaldia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    i think if you put now an order of zen you will get it, in two days backlog has gone down 3M zen, so i´d expect to get somewhere near normal in these days and after that again to 10M
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    Well, i can say for sure, that changes like these won't motivate me to spend money here in the near future...

    It would have been better to change it to something like "older" items at 60% and "newer" items at 40% discount during the sale, so that we pay a little more on one end, but get something else cheaper on the other end in return.

    And i doubt, that you will get a buy listing through the ZAX before the sale ends, it's at 6.7m AD at the moment, which equals roughly 7 days... But only if more players throw ZEN into the ZAX, and that isn't countered by more players listing buy orders for ZEN to get those now missing 10%.

    Also, companions as bonus reward for charging ZEN?
    Companion upgrade costs are still way to high, and removing The Gateway as companion equipment source, without offering any equal replacement ingame, makes me wonder, who is coming up with such bonus reward ideas?

    And there seem to be some issues with those bonus rewards too?

    Not to forget the 2xAD event we have currently running...
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    40% of is still decent - thank you Cryptic (but only 80% of the tanks that you would have got for a 50% off sale :) )
  • ironzerg79ironzerg79 Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,942 Arc User
    To be fair, Cryptic never promised anything when it came to Black Friday sales.

    And remember last year there was a huge number of people who missed the 50% sale because they were at work, on vacation, or just slept through it. Giving people the entire weekend to take advantage of it is actually a pretty huge deal.

    Between running 2xRP, the 15% Wondrous Bazaar Sale, 15-25% off Zen, the charge event AND the 40% off sale, that's a pretty freakin' big boat of sales for one game this weekend.
    "Meanwhile in the moderator's lounge..."
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    60-75% off race reroll would have been nice.
  • samaka#2511 samaka Member Posts: 568 Arc User
    Well, I got what I wanted, some VIP and some shared bank slots... due to it "only" being 40% off I didn't get as many shared slots as I would have liked, but it's no big deal really.

    They really went all out this weekend, I don't think I've seen so many events all running at once since I started playing!

    Enjoy the sale and the events, they don't have to do a Black Friday sale, or Cyber Monday, or the entire weekend... but they did all that, so take advantage of the sale and enjoy the events! :)
  • lordaldialordaldia Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4 Arc User
    Ironzerg what i am saying is that for the last year and a half we had every six months our 50% sale, the amount of days changing every time ( i might be wrong here but i think the jubilees lasts for the entire weekend, and the last black friday yes it was a day but at least it was in the calendar, before telling the HAMSTER to take it away, another thing i don´t understand), that 40% is still good, of course i won´t deny it, but i had very clear ideas of what to buy, and now i have to rethink what i am gonna do with the zen i have. And i am sure cryptic doesn´t do this because there are all other discounts, because we all know the money come from the zen. So this is money talks, and this is a cheap move from cryptic to take more.

    Also what i am trying to tell here is that even when we are in that part of the year when we want to spend thinking in long term (at least I DO), because believe me when i tell you that the price to get somewhere decent, whether it is for solo playing, getting your guild a little better or getting that elusive legendary mount without paying outrageous loads of cash is just impossible, and you make it harder (by a 10%), and if we dont say anything now, the next jubilee the discount maybe 35%, or 30%, and so on and so forth. Or stay in 40%, because hey it is still good!

    And i think that is the main problem with the game here, is this "let´s take 10% out of the discount of the sale, because we couldn´t do the keys stuff , or because we need more money or whatever surely they will not notice, and if they don´t do anything the next time we can make a 30% sale". You say that cryptic never had to make sure it was a 50% deal and it is true, but all i see in this game is everytime is harder for everyone to go and get where they want. And now the chances we get to improve our characters or accounts also get harder. But hey if i must be happy getting less discount i will be........

  • namelesshero347namelesshero347 Member Posts: 2,109 Arc User
    Last year, the charge bonus was only 15%. This year, if you charge enough to get the 25% bonus, it would be equivalent to 50% zen store sale for that portion. They make you pay money to get it.
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    There's really not anything in the Zen store I want that bad. If I had more dollars on hand, I might stock up a few coal wards and retraining tokens, but thats about it. Possibly the Dragonborn pack, so that I can have an honest to god helmet (it contains the only helmet.
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User
    Well... You can rant about 40% off if you like, but as of today, I am seeing a lot of boxes being cracked open. This means some one is happy, even if you are not. Also the prices on the contents of those boxes are being dumped into the AH, lowering the cost of items I want to buy. I rather buy the known item than the unknown gamble. So you VIPs and Whales. Open those lockboxes and let it rain! <3
  • samaka#2511 samaka Member Posts: 568 Arc User
    Last year it was on the calendar on the preview server, not live, that was an accident apparently. Also, the Jubilee 50% off sale did not last an entire weekend.

    Instead of one or two days of 50% off, we get the entire weekend of 40% off, along with 6 events, along with a Zen promo bonus. I suppose a cynical person could state they made it 40% off so people would have to buy more Zen since most everyone probably thought the sale would be 50% off like it has previously been! ;)
  • zach#3177 zach Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    40% or 50% one day or the weekend my wallet stays closed. I've hung in since mod6, coalgate, & the gateway closing waiting for the game to be as fun as it once was. However, I've come to accept this is what Neverwinter is now. I still have some fun from time to time mainly because of the D&D setting but I no longer expect anything in the way of new fun gameplay.
  • shiva79#6664 shiva79 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    maybe its nitpicking, when people rant about having 40 or 50% sale.
    but considering, how much stuff (that was really helpful) was taken away from the game or changed to the worse during the last year, choosing 40% instead of 50% is a missed opportunity to reach a hand towards the community, since most expected that 50% sale.

    expectations and reality often differ, but this uproar was just unnecessary, because they had the 50% sales before, and it didnt ruin the company.
  • ilmenirailmenira Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 269 Arc User

    maybe its nitpicking, when people rant about having 40 or 50% sale.
    but considering, how much stuff (that was really helpful) was taken away from the game or changed to the worse during the last year, choosing 40% instead of 50% is a missed opportunity to reach a hand towards the community, since most expected that 50% sale.

    expectations and reality often differ, but this uproar was just unnecessary, because they had the 50% sales before, and it didnt ruin the company.

  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    edited November 2016

    maybe its nitpicking, when people rant about having 40 or 50% sale.
    but considering, how much stuff (that was really helpful) was taken away from the game or changed to the worse during the last year, choosing 40% instead of 50% is a missed opportunity to reach a hand towards the community, since most expected that 50% sale.

    expectations and reality often differ, but this uproar was just unnecessary, because they had the 50% sales before, and it didnt ruin the company.

    The difference between this time and last is:

    before: Only on black Friday and on Cyber Monday. You did not know about it until that morning at 8am Pacific time which is noon time in Eastern time zone. Many people did not know about the sales at all until it was already gone. You did not know there would be a cyber Monday sale until 8am PST Monday again. So, many people also missed Cyber monday. i.e. they did not know there would be Monday sale after they missed Friday sales.
    Both Friday and Monday are working days. People would be travelling, shopping, family gathering, etc.
    Hence, only a small group of 'dedicated' people took advantage of it. And, the windows of the sales for this group
    of 'dedicated' people were not big neither. Probably, a few hours (they still need to work, go home, family gathering, put kids to bed, go to bed early because of a tiring day).

    Now, it has the weekend. Many people know about it and they know there will be 4 days, enough time for anyone to prepare for it.

    If you look at their math, 50% discount of a small group of people is tiny comparing 40% for everybody.

    I am not endorsing what they are doing but I can understand why they do so.

    In addition, the real market is not here. It is in the consoles. They need to give a cut to the console stores.
    Post edited by plasticbat on
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • lldtlldt Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited November 2016
    When did they say "Black Friday shall now and forever be a 50% discount on zen store items"? It's like any other store sale. It can vary and if you don't like the prices, don't buy. Using that bug line makes no sense here.

  • btairbornebtairborne Member Posts: 352 Arc User
    Complaining because you mistakenly feel entitled to 50% because.. well you are crazy? Humorous. Imagine hearing a customer use that one at a department store. What I took away from this is Cryptic must be doing very well if they didn't feel the need to do 50% this year again. Very well for sure.
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  • diogene0diogene0 Member Posts: 2,894 Arc User
    What the HAMSTER is this whining over a discount. What a bunch of entitled crybabies. It's a discount. Drop it. If you don't like the % then vote with your wallet and please stay silent about it.
  • ichimaruginxichimaruginx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 230 Arc User
    I think we should just appreciate that we got the extended sale. Like many, I've planned for a 50% but I got some extra zen incase I need something - you can always resale the zen if any is left over... I used ZAX though. So instead of a 1 year VIP, I only got 6 months which isn't too shabby considering that there are other stuff that you can buy with the leftover zen, mostly for investment/reselling.

    Mind you, they did throw a 2xAD and 2x everything else (bazaar/rp/gm/ench&rune/exp) which gives us PLENTY of ad -> zen if you have been paying attention to the calendar beforehand or even other chats. 3kk backlog will let you get the extra zen you are missing, I really don't see a problem here unless you need the thing now.

    I think due to a lot of less savvy changes that we had recently, many of our players have become rather unhappy and negative. To the point that they are unappreciative when decent events/changes/things are happening. It's very understandable - I'm frustrated at them too. But we see that they postponed the keygate due to feedback, hopefully it'll be the trend from now on. Stay positive, and keep the festive mood up... 40% or 50% it's still a sale that's not promised and a boon for us :)
  • edited November 2016
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