So I understand that making things difficult to get is a thing, but please add these to the Store even at some outrageous cost in twisted Ichor this would give the grind an ending point instead of a endless RNG (To get a drop) in a RNG (To get the RIng you want) Grind to get the item you want for your build. 200 Ichor is 100 GOLD wins, 100 Keys, I am quite sure people would buy keys to make this happen buying KEys = Zen Sales.
Bump the PRice up I don't Care BUT GIVE ME AN ACHIEVABLE GOAL.
And avoid the Rings that no one really wants...
Edit: For clarification, any +5 ring is extremely rare which would make it a valid type of currency(I heard of many people who have run underdark dungeons several hundred times, hunting for desired +5 rings with no success). Heck, even any +5 ring plus 20 twisted ichor for a specific +5 ring would be great I think. This idea cannot be very gamebreaking, no?
Also, using twisted ichors as a base currency for it is a very very good idea. That way, those rewards are gonna be achieved by mostly players who spend a lot of time grinding that stuff up, instead of like most events where everything can be fast forwarded by zen. (Well actually you can also put out something in the zen store to make getting the currency faster which is another source of income for the game; i wouldnt spend on this like how i havent spend any on the game, but it is an idea that i think would be successful given the past knowledge of things).
I am sure, that neither the other players nor I did run POM for its brilliant design or dazzling graphics, but for the +5 rising crit ring.
While I would love to exchange my two +5 Orcus rings for something useful, I dont think, that it would be fair, if I could exchange CN rings for the drops from any other underdark dungeon/ skirmish.
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
the rng is killing us
i would rather play slot machines, i really may start doing it indeed
Great Idea