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UnBinding Option please

doublea2015doublea2015 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
edited September 2016 in Player Feedback (PC)
Yes for a Long time now folks like myself and others I hear chatter of this, A option to Unbind items that are bound to your character by paying say like 500 zen or 700 zen, something that makes Arc/Cryptic money on the side and gives customers who have items else where wanting to move them to a new main, this would benefit a lot of players in that manner making it easier for them to get the stuff they need for their new toons by paying a small fee for unbinding items that are sometimes dire needed, Defiantly please consider this.

Example: Right Click on the item brings up current normal menu plus a new option to unbind, when the unbind option is clicked it brings up the zen store and offers unbind token or unbind option right there!!!!


  • edited September 2016
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  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,171 Arc User
    Not to mention the seller abuse of being able to unbind.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • julianalz55julianalz55 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 89 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    I dont think unbinding would be viable, maybe making a token that can make stuff BoA, like artifact equipement, artifacts, mounts, companions, this would make the game abit more alt'friendly
  • edited September 2016
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  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    They would make it so cost intensive that it would be pointless.

    As was said above....they are unlikely to make this change because they believe higher zen, less frequent sales are better than low ler zen, high frequency sales.

    In the end, people will buy duplicate items eventually for alts without this, so making this would mean people wont spend as much time in game.
  • sockmunkeysockmunkey Member Posts: 4,622 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    Not to mention that it would be lovely tool for the bad guys. Instead of simply taking an account and stripping it for the enchants and salvage value. With this, they can truly clean you out, taking your gear, your mounts, your companions, everything.

    And good luck getting a rollback. That would also have to stop, it would be too easy to use it to dupe items.
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    edited September 2016

    heck I think some folks want to see that option so bad they would even pay 1000 zen to unbind something, I know I would, maybe if they do make something of such the item UnBInd Cost could be based upon the Rank of the Item, Just another idea

    Pfft... You'd pay any amount upto the cost of the item. That said, no, unbinding is not good for both the game and business. It'd create a lot of havoc in the market.

    I dont think unbinding would be viable, maybe making a token that can make stuff BoA, like artifact equipement, artifacts, mounts, companions, this would make the game abit more alt'friendly

    This on the other hand might help, but still, unlikely.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    greywynd said:

    Not to mention the seller abuse of being able to unbind.

    Unbind from character but still bound to account. I mean Id love it if i could remove the power from a few old toons I dont play anymore and focus it onto my main. And I think it wont stop people from spending money on other stuff as I know it wont stop me if I really want something. QoL improvements and catering to the customer is actually a massive incentive to spend which I think Cryptic's marketing folks missed back in class.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
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  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User

    No No I don't see where yall folks come up with Havoc and terror, this wouldn't do all that this would generate more cash flow to cryptic and decrease the prices in the auction house some, items that are say 15mill would come down by atleast 5 mill within 2 months if not faster, ontop of that a lot of folks would be happy to get items they may have and sell them if they not going to use them, or move them to where they need them, with the way the market is now I have to say its not in good shape, stuff is way to overpriced and in some areas not enough of certain items, so this idea would help both Us the Customer and Arc Cryptic PWE, so with this being said, I know of another game that Has this Unbind option, there market is just fine, and they have all the same problems there with bots as we do here, market prices stable, so I don't see where all yalls fears are coming from, heck I say let the Devs put the Option there, Try it out if they don't like it they can remove it lol just like they do a lot of other things, but I say it will make them tons of cash and make a lot of folks very happy.

    You are very naive sir. The very BEST case scenario, they would allow a token to make an item BoA. But even that is a HUUUUUUGE stretch and it would be barely worth it. Quality of life enhancements such as this are very low on the priority list. The last one I can think of is the Mount upgrade (which was 1000% awesome!).

    You are right this would lower prices in the AH, and probably would make Cryptic a short burst of money. However, lower AD costs means less people buying Zen to convert to AD, meaning less money in the long run. It also means less grinding, which is the bread and butter of the game.

    People are also absolutely correct to say that people who steal accounts would have a field day with an unbind token. Use all your AD to unbind items, and then move them to their account to sell on the AH.

    Ultimately, this would lower prices through the floor (which people who can't afford the expensive items would probably enjoy for a time). Hackers would have real incentive to hack accounts, selling all that freshly unbound gear on the AH, and then selling the AD on their sites.

    Is this a good idea for players with tons of stuff on un-used Alts? Sure. But in the end, Cryptic will look at it as less time spent in game and less grinding, and ultimately less money for them. They won't shoot themselves in the foot like that.
  • silvergryphsilvergryph Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    Give us a vendor who will exchange any bound artifact or piece of artifact gear of blue quality or higher for an unbound one a single level of quality lower. For example, trade a bound Legendary Lostmauth's Horn of Blasting for an unbound Epic Laustmauth's Horn of Blasting. The basic framework for an artifact exchanging vendor is already there. And it would exert less downward pressure on AH prices because of the inherent sacrifice of losing a level of quality. Heck, people will probably charge higher prices to make up for the loss. And it might stimulate some revenue since the new owner will have to rank it back up.

    Then, make all other bound gear salvageable. Everything. Unless its a reclaimable item, of course. Basically, if something acquires the "bound" tag it also acquires the "salvageable" tag regardless of item level or rarity.

    I think with the new stable system, mounts might be a problem to unbind. What happens if you unbind a mount you are not using, but your active mount is currently using an ability from the one you unbind? It sounds like they should be able to work around that, but it might not be that easy. After all, as far as I know there isn't even a way to delete a mount anymore, is there?

    Companions should be doable, though. Again, there may be techincal hurdles. If so, they could at least make them "salvageable" by having the companion vendor in PE buy out their contracts for RAD.
  • btairbornebtairborne Member Posts: 352 Arc User

    No No I don't see where yall folks come up with Havoc and terror, this wouldn't do all that this would generate more cash flow to cryptic... -SNIP-

    You can be sure if Cryptic thought they could make money selling this they would do it. I agree with above conclusion, long term = $$ loss.

    What I would like to change this suggestion to is, why not make an Unbind Token as some kind of reward? Say as Anniversary give-away or Module release free gifts. That would be a nice gesture to players to give these out every so often.
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User

    Something to remove a bound to character binding... I've been suggesting this since I started playing the game years ago.

    What sense does it make, particularly when a person actually spends money to buy game currency for them to purchase an item only to have it so quickly made obsolete with leveling or subsequent modifications?

    The most memorable - and aggravating instance was after being repeatedly beaten down in Sharandar, investing over $100 to purchase Zen Cards that would allow me to exchange Zen for Astral Diamonds and purchase level 60 Epic gear to allow me to quest in Sharandar without immediately being killed by one shot from the opponents in that area.

    It worked so well as a matter of fact that for that year's Christmas I purchased Zen gift cards for my daughter, her husband, my wife and a few of our friends that I had talked into playing Neverwinter. Then for the next couple of birthdays we would all purchase more Zen gift cards because it was a thoughtful and useful portion of the gifts they would receive for their celebrations.

    Not only doesn't anyone, including myself, purchase Zen gift cards anymore but of the dozen or so people who were playing Neverwinter only two of us still bother to regularly sign on and I'm the only one who still (somewhat) enjoys playing - but just the normal content as I can no longer play in most of the recently added Mod updated areas, or even most of the areas where I (we) used to be able to play without being so quickly being killed off.
  • jonkocajonkoca Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,586 Arc User
    I'd like it for the incredibly expensive things. I bought a legendary mount for my main, something I will never ever do again for any of my toons, if heaven forbid, HRs get to being unplayable, then an option to unbind that mount to account rather than character, would be nice.
    No idea what my toon is now.
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    IMO people should have the opportunity to purchase items from Perfect World/Neverwinter just like they supposedly can from those third party spammers and anything purchased, should be clearly defined as bound to character, bound to account or not bound - AND THAT SHOULD NEVER - EVER CHANGE!

    IMO "expensive" is subjective... Some people might find a $16 Runic Bag of Holding "expensive" where some people can afford to drop a couple of hundred on a Hero of the North package and not bat an eye...

    But buying something with foreknowledge that the item can be freely traded between characters if needed only to have the ability to trade them taken away after a time is IMO not only detrimental for some who would have consider spending money (or more money) to purchase something but also dishonest.

    However that's just my opinion.

    On a side note, I wish I could have a dollar for every time I saw someone post they will: "never, ever spend money on the game again"...

    I'd not only make back the money I've spent on the game, but would probably make a nice profit to boot. o:)
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User

    No No I don't see where yall folks come up with Havoc and terror, this wouldn't do all that this would generate more cash flow to cryptic and decrease the prices in the auction house some, items that are say 15mill would come down by atleast 5 mill within 2 months if not faster, ontop of that a lot of folks would be happy to get items they may have and sell them if they not going to use them, or move them to where they need them, with the way the market is now I have to say its not in good shape, stuff is way to overpriced and in some areas not enough of certain items, so this idea would help both Us the Customer and Arc Cryptic PWE, so with this being said, I know of another game that Has this Unbind option, there market is just fine, and they have all the same problems there with bots as we do here, market prices stable, so I don't see where all yalls fears are coming from, heck I say let the Devs put the Option there, Try it out if they don't like it they can remove it lol just like they do a lot of other things, but I say it will make them tons of cash and make a lot of folks very happy.

    You are very naive sir. The very BEST case scenario, they would allow a token to make an item BoA. But even that is a HUUUUUUGE stretch and it would be barely worth it. Quality of life enhancements such as this are very low on the priority list. The last one I can think of is the Mount upgrade (which was 1000% awesome!).

    You are right this would lower prices in the AH, and probably would make Cryptic a short burst of money. However, lower AD costs means less people buying Zen to convert to AD, meaning less money in the long run. It also means less grinding, which is the bread and butter of the game.

    People are also absolutely correct to say that people who steal accounts would have a field day with an unbind token. Use all your AD to unbind items, and then move them to their account to sell on the AH.

    Ultimately, this would lower prices through the floor (which people who can't afford the expensive items would probably enjoy for a time). Hackers would have real incentive to hack accounts, selling all that freshly unbound gear on the AH, and then selling the AD on their sites.

    Is this a good idea for players with tons of stuff on un-used Alts? Sure. But in the end, Cryptic will look at it as less time spent in game and less grinding, and ultimately less money for them. They won't shoot themselves in the foot like that.
    Your logic is sound however if we are at a place where we have to evaluate a positive change against the posibility of it being used by hackers then the game is done. Seriously who in his right mind would play and pay for a game if hacking is such an immediate threat? Your comments make it sound like hackers can do whatever the heck they want in Neverwinter. If that truly is the case then you, me and everyone else should actively rethink ou choice of mmorpg.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • dionchidionchi Member Posts: 919 Arc User
    edited September 2016
    During the recent CTA event I have one character that picked the same artifact three times and they are all "bound to character"... WTH?!?

    A player can only equip one artifact of the same type, they cannot transfer, sell or trade a bound to character artifact and even if they have other characters on their account they cannot transfer artifact one of their other characters in the same account... Grrrrrr!


    Why not bind more things like this to account so that a player could transfer the item to another character in their account and even if the player doesn't have a character that could use the item, it might encourage them to buy extra character slots to make a new character that can use the bound to account rather than bound to character item.

    Post edited by dionchi on
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  • crizpynutzcrizpynutz Member Posts: 349 Arc User
    +1 for unbind from character to bind to account
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    dionchi said:

    During the recent CTA event I have one character that picked the same artifact three times and they are all "bound to character"... WTH?!?

    A player can only equip one artifact of the same type, they cannot transfer, sell or trade a bound to character artifact and even if they have other characters on their account they cannot transfer artifact one of their other characters in the same account... Grrrrrr!


    Why not bind more things like this to account so that a player could transfer the item to another character in their account and even if the player doesn't have a character that could use the item, it might encourage them to buy extra character slots to make a new character that can use the bound to account rather than bound to character item.

    If it is an artifact, it is not worthless because at least, you can get RP out of it by feeding it to another artifact. Of course, if you have all the artifact in mystic, yes, it is worthless.

    Getting another identical mount/companion is truly worthless.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • bitterratbitterrat Member Posts: 25 Arc User

    Yes for a Long time now folks like myself and others I hear chatter of this, A option to Unbind items that are bound to your character by paying say like 500 zen or 700 zen, something that makes Arc/Cryptic money on the side and gives customers who have items else where wanting to move them to a new main, this would benefit a lot of players in that manner making it easier for them to get the stuff they need for their new toons by paying a small fee for unbinding items that are sometimes dire needed, Defiantly please consider this.

    Example: Right Click on the item brings up current normal menu plus a new option to unbind, when the unbind option is clicked it brings up the zen store and offers unbind token or unbind option right there!!!!

    £5 to unbind an item, your having a laugh.

    Make it cheap as chips. This is the biggest problem with the game and why so many people have left, because people think everyone is made of bloody money and you get so little back for the money you put in.

    There is so much I would like to do, but it just costs far to much money for relatively nothing. All this 1000 (£10) zen for blood stones or whatever and yet they give you what 50,000 rp, when artifact weapons are around 4.5 million rp to max out...

    I do agree that stuff could be rebinded, but it shouldnt cost £5
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