Alright, so many of you helped me consider late game pets (I'm just north of 2000GS) and I wanted to ask if stacking combat advantage was a reasonable late game approach for my companion group (as I almost always play with a party). Here's what I'm looking at right now:
Fire Archon (In Play)
Intellect Devourer
Blink Dog
Is there some other path that will be vastly better for my DPS?
direct link I think
I would use Earth arcon, Erinyess, Siege master witch perhaps one CA companion and not 3 CA companions.
A 2k IL you probably don't see the Earth Arcon idea, but at 'late' game you will be with enough LS to have 100% health.
(Also do you get the additional .5% bonus on the Earth for having the Fire active or is the tooltip misleading and it just means .5% for other Earth Archons)
After the change it became much more problematic, you saw the non crit, I forgot to write the crit issue there.
On crit CA added to crit severity (at least as assumed for now, need to recheck this) so on crit CA pet will be equal to the 5% crit severity blade, and that is not so good.
So, IMO, it's situational, for example for dps GF, that can get perma CA with mark/ EF but their crit usually a bit lower and don't usually use vorpal, that can be interesting option, or SW with their non crit dots, not sure how they work with CA though. For high crit classes like TR, that use vorpal it's worse (though as I said the additivenes to crit should be retested, when it was tested long ago we didn't have the tools we have now, the fixed damage daggers) Still much better option than the crit severity blade itself, because you get the ~3.7 on non crit and the same on crit.
IMO Earth Arcon is a great option, I use it. And if you can find better things than CA companions, go for it, you can find better, but you can do worse.
edit: tagging for notification @raymond00713
Fire Archon (active+bondings)
Air Archon
Earth Archon
Siege Master
Erinyes of Belial
While CA can be easily achieved using Infiltrators Action + Artifact Offhand bonus. I think that % DMG bonuses are the best, because it's working all the time, regardless of your item level, critical strike chance and any other factors.