Is it possible to add a spam filter based on the number of special characters used? Like a maximum of 6 (maybe exclude the period, comma, and apostrophe). Normal usage should be unaffected (raise to 8 or 9 if necc.) and spammers cut off at the knees. Please consider, thanks.
P.S. ok, maybe not unaffected, those little emoticon drawings would be no more. .;;. (lurking spider is sad)
There are 10 types of people in the world. Those that understand binary and those that don't.
Spammers use text like - ( () /\/\ for 'COM'. that alone took 7 special characters (not letters or numbers, and possibly period, comma, and apostrophe because of their common usage).
Second, they do things like ~~~~ [text] ~~~~~.
Does that help any?
Because there is already a filter in place, and they use the symbols to bypass it. If another filter was added, they would simply do something else to get around it.