They should just release the API they use and turn the Gateway into an open source app. I would bet anything that, within a matter of weeks, it would be the most functional part of the entire game. Cryptic would quickly learn the sort of QoL improvements players want to see in the game client that way and the entire playerbase would benefit. Won't happen though.
People are ALREADY exploiting issues with the Gateway and making Millions of AD from those exploits... sure.. make it open source so the game economy will be completely broken and the game company goes out of business.. great idea.
“Improvise, Adapt and Overcome!”
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
I personally love the gateway. I love the dice game - it is reminiscent of Dragondice, an old D&D-related dice game (I still have mine, and the computer version). Also, it is something I can play at lunch time on work days on my tablet that does not take a huge amount of bandwidth. And, you get nice gear for your characters and to sell in the marketplace if you don't need it. The only criticism I have is that you have to use the One Time Code about once a month or so. But, that is really a tiny issue.
However, my lack of trust for this company (based on their prior changes to reduce the value of items worked for in order to reduce their value in the marketplace) has made me cringe at the thought that they are going to, again, change something that allows you to make a few astral diamonds - which is the primary way i get new gear for my characters. And I don's think a few astral diamonds is a bad is hard to get expensive items. To survive a dungeon that has the really great gear you basically need a character who already has that does not work well. i probably have almost 1500 epic keys from the VIP bags between my characters just because I cannot make it through the epic dungeons to use them. None of my characters have enchantments that are more than rank 9 - and I have characters that are just post-beta, and have played almost every day since then. So, for the regular player, it is already more than tough enough to top out in gear. It does not need any more meddling in the marketplace. Instead, if they just left the marketplace alone - which is what other games do - it really will balance out.
Hopefully this really is just a bug, or something connected to this weekends events (since it is supposed to be at least Tuesday before it is repaired). So...for a change, I am hoping for a bug....
kreatyveMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10,545Community Moderator
I personally love the gateway. I love the dice game - it is reminiscent of Dragondice, an old D&D-related dice game (I still have mine, and the computer version). Also, it is something I can play at lunch time on work days on my tablet that does not take a huge amount of bandwidth. And, you get nice gear for your characters and to sell in the marketplace if you don't need it. The only criticism I have is that you have to use the One Time Code about once a month or so. But, that is really a tiny issue.
However, my lack of trust for this company (based on their prior changes to reduce the value of items worked for in order to reduce their value in the marketplace) has made me cringe at the thought that they are going to, again, change something that allows you to make a few astral diamonds - which is the primary way i get new gear for my characters. And I don's think a few astral diamonds is a bad is hard to get expensive items. To survive a dungeon that has the really great gear you basically need a character who already has that does not work well. i probably have almost 1500 epic keys from the VIP bags between my characters just because I cannot make it through the epic dungeons to use them. None of my characters have enchantments that are more than rank 9 - and I have characters that are just post-beta, and have played almost every day since then. So, for the regular player, it is already more than tough enough to top out in gear. It does not need any more meddling in the marketplace. Instead, if they just left the marketplace alone - which is what other games do - it really will balance out.
Hopefully this really is just a bug, or something connected to this weekends events (since it is supposed to be at least Tuesday before it is repaired). So...for a change, I am hoping for a bug....
I wasn't told the reasons why it's down. Just that it won't be fixed over the weekend.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Didn't say it was being neglected, but obviously something happened... with a product clearly labeled as Beta.
Back in the first year or so, there were three separate sets of patch notes claiming to have finally removed references to Gateway "Beta".
Eventually, they seem to have given up, or admitted internally that they should leave it that way because it's still plenty imperfect.
Gateway being permanently in Beta is kind of a joke....
Ed: typo
Well, I've only been playing the game for three months or so now... I didn't realise the Gateway had been in beta for as long as it had... although, I did state in my original post that companies often leave the beta tag on software far longer than they should, as appears to be the case here!
I personally love the gateway. I love the dice game - it is reminiscent of Dragondice, an old D&D-related dice game (I still have mine, and the computer version). Also, it is something I can play at lunch time on work days on my tablet that does not take a huge amount of bandwidth. And, you get nice gear for your characters and to sell in the marketplace if you don't need it. The only criticism I have is that you have to use the One Time Code about once a month or so. But, that is really a tiny issue.
However, my lack of trust for this company (based on their prior changes to reduce the value of items worked for in order to reduce their value in the marketplace) has made me cringe at the thought that they are going to, again, change something that allows you to make a few astral diamonds - which is the primary way i get new gear for my characters. And I don's think a few astral diamonds is a bad is hard to get expensive items. To survive a dungeon that has the really great gear you basically need a character who already has that does not work well. i probably have almost 1500 epic keys from the VIP bags between my characters just because I cannot make it through the epic dungeons to use them. None of my characters have enchantments that are more than rank 9 - and I have characters that are just post-beta, and have played almost every day since then. So, for the regular player, it is already more than tough enough to top out in gear. It does not need any more meddling in the marketplace. Instead, if they just left the marketplace alone - which is what other games do - it really will balance out.
Hopefully this really is just a bug, or something connected to this weekends events (since it is supposed to be at least Tuesday before it is repaired). So...for a change, I am hoping for a bug....
I'm pretty sure it's the filthy botters that are now running SCA lowering the prices of our sales.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
It is beyond likely that the outage is simply that someone tripped over the plug on their way out for the weekend.
Thanks everybody for the posts. I was like: what a heck am I doing wrong? Now I am at least sure it is not PEBCAK on my side. I hope the issue gets fixed soon, as I have just started to work on Professions and Gateway is relly nice place to do it. The lack of official communication is bit frustrating.
Yeah have fun managing professions on 10 toons with just the game client. You will go insane. And yes, it is a game but it's also a game people put money and a lot of time into and for what? To be treated like second class customers and to be fobbed off with a lame apology.
I have 8 and all my prof maint is done in the game itself.
I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
The last days before the weekend the gateway and especially the dice game were a bit buggy. On one character I got 3 Sheppard dogs for free. Also I got three times the daily reward d20 dice. So I think there is really a bug on the gateway and unfortunately for us the support got on holiday.
LOL! It's 7:35 AM on the East Coast in the US. So like 4:35 AM in California. Pretty sure the devs are all still asleep. Please wait 12 hours before complaining.
My opinions are my own. I do not work for PWE or Cryptic. - Forum Rules - Protector's Enclave Discord - I play on Xbox Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official. Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
LOL! It's 7:35 AM on the East Coast in the US. So like 4:35 AM in California. Pretty sure the devs are all still asleep. Please wait 12 hours before complaining.
Ey I'm kidding, I know it's early in the US lmao, wasn't a complaint.
Probably need a /s: The Reddit Way to point out jokes and sarcasm. And they have the right to ignore us like we're nothing and respond only the ones that "feels" like it needs answering.
Neverwinter Module 6: The only MMO expansion in the history of MMO's to remove more content than it added.
myles08807Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 410Arc User
What a joke. I have a terrible feeling that the Gateway will go the way of the Foundry, an unwanted stepchild seen as an embarrassment to the profit centers of the game. Well, it was nice.
I personally love the gateway. I love the dice game - it is reminiscent of Dragondice, an old D&D-related dice game (I still have mine, and the computer version). Also, it is something I can play at lunch time on work days on my tablet that does not take a huge amount of bandwidth. And, you get nice gear for your characters and to sell in the marketplace if you don't need it. The only criticism I have is that you have to use the One Time Code about once a month or so. But, that is really a tiny issue.
However, my lack of trust for this company (based on their prior changes to reduce the value of items worked for in order to reduce their value in the marketplace) has made me cringe at the thought that they are going to, again, change something that allows you to make a few astral diamonds - which is the primary way i get new gear for my characters. And I don's think a few astral diamonds is a bad is hard to get expensive items. To survive a dungeon that has the really great gear you basically need a character who already has that does not work well. i probably have almost 1500 epic keys from the VIP bags between my characters just because I cannot make it through the epic dungeons to use them. None of my characters have enchantments that are more than rank 9 - and I have characters that are just post-beta, and have played almost every day since then. So, for the regular player, it is already more than tough enough to top out in gear. It does not need any more meddling in the marketplace. Instead, if they just left the marketplace alone - which is what other games do - it really will balance out.
Hopefully this really is just a bug, or something connected to this weekends events (since it is supposed to be at least Tuesday before it is repaired). So...for a change, I am hoping for a bug....
They should just release the API they use and turn the Gateway into an open source app...
People are ALREADY exploiting issues with the Gateway and making Millions of AD from those exploits... sure.. make it open source so the game economy will be completely broken and the game company goes out of business.. great idea.
So the gateway's closed-source nature doesn't prevent exploiting. Anyone clever enough to use an API can already automate the gateway, but it's difficult for skilled programmers to create a legitimate alternative to the gateway that benefits all players.
The real solution to exploitation is to adjust how professions work so that a human player and a bot will have about the same benefit (e.g. worthwhile tasks that take 24 hours, not 4 hours), allow limited task queuing, and make sure the total resources granted per day from crafting are reasonable.
You still have to deal with the fact that some players have 50 characters on their account and will have the same economic gain as 10 players that have 5 characters per account. That horse is out of the barn, though. PWE took money for those character slots and it would be very messy to walk that back.
PS - Botters can also automate the game client. This was proven when Leadership was temporarily removed from the gateway (back when you could directly generate raw AD).
So the gateway's closed-source nature doesn't prevent exploiting. Anyone clever enough to use an API can already automate the gateway, but it's difficult for skilled programmers to create a legitimate alternative to the gateway that benefits all players.
The real solution to exploitation is to adjust how professions work so that a human player and a bot will have about the same benefit (e.g. worthwhile tasks that take 24 hours, not 4 hours), allow limited task queuing, and make sure the total resources granted per day from crafting are reasonable.
You still have to deal with the fact that some players have 50 characters on their account and will have the same economic gain as 10 players that have 5 characters per account. That horse is out of the barn, though. PWE took money for those character slots and it would be very messy to walk that back.
PS - Botters can also automate the game client. This was proven when Leadership was temporarily removed from the gateway (back when you could directly generate raw AD).
In large part, this is my thinking too. In addition to allowing saavy players to add QoL features, the other important part here is that EVERYONE can be on equal footing. Build the automation in so there's simply isn't an exploit here. As suggested above, build the rewards around the fact that they can be automated, then allow the automation. Opening the source simply means those of us with the expertise can create/contribute legit QoL enhancements to the game experience of all players. Instead of writing code, whoever is running the gateway becomes a system architect instead of a pure developer - perhaps creating and publishing feature wishlists for the community to build rather than having to code it him/herself, then vetting the stuff that's committed, organizing it, and stewarding it through QA - probably under more or less the existing dev processes.
The gateway client is already "open source" simply because it's run client-side on the browser. I would never suggest they open source their server software, but the web client is just standard JS/HTML/CSS - if you want to look at every single line of code, you already can without doing anything particularly special. My suggestion is simply that rather than fighting against a community that is seeking a reduction is the rote clickityclick, they should consider options (my suggestion being one of many possibilities) to embrace the community's enthusiasm and harness their talent to their benefit.
so aside of the traditional speculation of Mr This and Ms That, the traditional non-sense of Mr That and Ms This, the traditional bad suggestions from the couple This That, any real information?
― Clint Eastwood, Heartbreak Ridge
Guild Leader of Ardent Justice HQ: Always recruiting People not Pixels.
FOUNDER and OWNER of the SKT3K Channel: SKT Only Content 3k+.
Eventually, they seem to have given up, or admitted internally that they should leave it that way because it's still plenty imperfect.
Gateway being permanently in Beta is kind of a joke....
Ed: typo
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
However, my lack of trust for this company (based on their prior changes to reduce the value of items worked for in order to reduce their value in the marketplace) has made me cringe at the thought that they are going to, again, change something that allows you to make a few astral diamonds - which is the primary way i get new gear for my characters. And I don's think a few astral diamonds is a bad is hard to get expensive items. To survive a dungeon that has the really great gear you basically need a character who already has that does not work well. i probably have almost 1500 epic keys from the VIP bags between my characters just because I cannot make it through the epic dungeons to use them. None of my characters have enchantments that are more than rank 9 - and I have characters that are just post-beta, and have played almost every day since then. So, for the regular player, it is already more than tough enough to top out in gear. It does not need any more meddling in the marketplace. Instead, if they just left the marketplace alone - which is what other games do - it really will balance out.
Hopefully this really is just a bug, or something connected to this weekends events (since it is supposed to be at least Tuesday before it is repaired). So...for a change, I am hoping for a bug....
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
The lack of official communication is bit frustrating.
Dead🔪The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
The Holy Crusaders guild leader ♚ Mod 10 PVE Destroyer GWF guide ♚ Founding member of the Relentless Alliance
death... waffles?@strumslinger - by the way, hope you have fun in my hometown. I'm jealous, I miss living in the PNW...
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
The real solution to exploitation is to adjust how professions work so that a human player and a bot will have about the same benefit (e.g. worthwhile tasks that take 24 hours, not 4 hours), allow limited task queuing, and make sure the total resources granted per day from crafting are reasonable.
You still have to deal with the fact that some players have 50 characters on their account and will have the same economic gain as 10 players that have 5 characters per account. That horse is out of the barn, though. PWE took money for those character slots and it would be very messy to walk that back.
PS - Botters can also automate the game client. This was proven when Leadership was temporarily removed from the gateway (back when you could directly generate raw AD).
Sci-fi author: The Gods We Make, The Gods We Seek, and Ji-min
The gateway client is already "open source" simply because it's run client-side on the browser. I would never suggest they open source their server software, but the web client is just standard JS/HTML/CSS - if you want to look at every single line of code, you already can without doing anything particularly special. My suggestion is simply that rather than fighting against a community that is seeking a reduction is the rote clickityclick, they should consider options (my suggestion being one of many possibilities) to embrace the community's enthusiasm and harness their talent to their benefit.
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance