I quit 2 years ago because of this. Basically the game deters you from playing with PUGS. And if you joined a random PUG already in progress the group is waiting outside to kill the boss, they'll kick you unless you're either from their clan or a class they need.
The worse is when they start vote kicking you right before the end boss is dead and/or after an item is dropped that is worth a lot. Not only do you lose the chance to roll for the item you also lose the chest loot at the end, and you all know the only things that count is whatever is at the end. So all that hard work wasted, 1 to 2 hours work only to get booted from the party.
I've been thinking about coming back to this game but is it still the same as before?
Kicking isn't as abusive as it used to be. But people who play bad will be getting their butts kicked out in the skirmishes.
What helps is being vocal. If you pug and see redundant class, speak up and work out with your pug party who slots what encounters or which gf will tank and which will go burst dps etc. A little teamwork can stop a grief boot before it happens. Although a language barrier can bomb that philosophy altogether.
Thats my pug experience anyways. Have fun out there.
EDIT: I've never been kicked either...
Reasons I've been vote kicked:
- having 20 less Ilvl than I say ( I'm at about 2980 and say 3k )
- pulling all the zombies in CN at once during the dark area before orcus. ( I'm a CW and it's fun )
- politely asking a DC to focus on healing rather than DPS ( after I joined a group that has multiple failed attempts at Orcus )
And when I've been in groups that have tried to vote kick another player, it almost always has to do with an elitist mindset. It can get pretty ugly round here. Anything that detracts from the goal of skipping as much content as possible or min / maxing is not permissible.
Do you mean these loot are either worthless or there's new loot, so good that it's not worth the time to farm old gear anymore... or something else?
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance