So I've been trying to test out the approximate drop rate for legendary items in lockboxes on preview server; is it me or does it seem to have an ICD for legendary once you get one? I haven't done enough testing but I have tried in the past week 4 runs of opening 1000 lockboxes (legendary resurgence lockbox) fast/slow (slow didn't work out for some reason; got 0 legendary). Anyways I got a legendary in the first 375 boxes and nothing for rest; once at 600; 400. Then recent tests showed approximately a similar result of about 1 in the first 500 on average; but not necessarily 1 in 500 apparently.
Now today I decided to open 5000 resurgence lockboxes thinking I should yield somewhere around 7+ or so legendary. But I got 4!!!! So it went something like this; 1 legendary just after 350; then another 1k boxes another legendary; then another 1k boxes in another legendary; then wait about 1300 boxes for the 4th legendary which is about 3600+ boxes opened; then nothing for the remainder of 1400 boxes

I'm not complaining about what all you can get from lockboxes since there are plenty of things I can sell that are epic not legendary and get AD back but still the chances for drops withing these lockboxes... well you decide; I'll post some video of it opening next round but let me know if anyone has done this test before.
plz do not post ur survey here.
Dead🔪but in NWO, i cant remember seeing the same name popping twice in system messages during a short period of time
Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
Then again, on live one time some friends were opening boxes and talking about it on TS. I was playing a different game at the time and said, well f'k it I'll log on NW and open some boxes. I logged on, bought 20 keys, opened 1 and BAM! Legendary Mounts Pack. So RNG is RNG.
As far as test server goes it does seem to degrade on the return as far as legendary; as for system messages you get messages for several epic items; I haven't tested it for the rate including these; but they're not worth anywhere close to the legendary mount.
ICDs in lockboxes make no sense. Why would you want to nerf your whales that open hundreds and thousands of lockboxes in quick succession?
NW-DRSTZIHXU : The Silver Hand (needs reviews, RP map)
game - Human/real life - ???
OP 18k+ Devotion/Justice - Light