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Lockbox legendary item drop rate (possible ICD?)

playersnoopyplayersnoopy Member Posts: 73 Arc User
So I've been trying to test out the approximate drop rate for legendary items in lockboxes on preview server; is it me or does it seem to have an ICD for legendary once you get one? I haven't done enough testing but I have tried in the past week 4 runs of opening 1000 lockboxes (legendary resurgence lockbox) fast/slow (slow didn't work out for some reason; got 0 legendary). Anyways I got a legendary in the first 375 boxes and nothing for rest; once at 600; 400. Then recent tests showed approximately a similar result of about 1 in the first 500 on average; but not necessarily 1 in 500 apparently.

Now today I decided to open 5000 resurgence lockboxes thinking I should yield somewhere around 7+ or so legendary. But I got 4!!!! So it went something like this; 1 legendary just after 350; then another 1k boxes another legendary; then another 1k boxes in another legendary; then wait about 1300 boxes for the 4th legendary which is about 3600+ boxes opened; then nothing for the remainder of 1400 boxes :(

I'm not complaining about what all you can get from lockboxes since there are plenty of things I can sell that are epic not legendary and get AD back but still the chances for drops withing these lockboxes... well you decide; I'll post some video of it opening next round but let me know if anyone has done this test before.


  • romotheoneromotheone Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 729 Arc User
    I've been watching a few lockbox opening videos. You're lucky if you get 1:1000.
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  • mmm1001mmm1001 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 497 Arc User
    Drop rate is probably 1:1000, unless you've been nasty in forums (I am joking ... I hope). But I personally opened more that 1000 boxes and never got any legendary item
  • someonediessomeonedies Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,257 Arc User
    PTR drop rate and Live drop rate not the same.

    plz do not post ur survey here.
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  • edited July 2016
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  • playersnoopyplayersnoopy Member Posts: 73 Arc User

    PTR drop rate and Live drop rate not the same.

    plz do not post ur survey here.

    lol then live drop rate must be horrible since I've opened 400 and nothing
  • shiva79#6664 shiva79 Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    i know that STO lockboxes have no ICD, because my friend got 2 ships out of 10 boxes within seconds.
    but in NWO, i cant remember seeing the same name popping twice in system messages during a short period of time
  • shadows1313shadows1313 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 68 Arc User

    i know that STO lockboxes have no ICD, because my friend got 2 ships out of 10 boxes within seconds.
    but in NWO, i cant remember seeing the same name popping twice in system messages during a short period of time

    That is prolly cause from what i noticed in nwo the system message doesnt repeat itself most of the time even if u win several rare same items in a row. I recall winning before 2 rare drops in a row from lockboxes but there was only 1 system message not 2.
  • iandarkswordiandarksword Member Posts: 978 Arc User
    Someone needs to ask that Magma Brute guy...
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  • archangelzorak01archangelzorak01 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 324 Arc User
    I opened 1500 boxes on preview a few days ago in order to acquire a snail for testing purposes.


    Then again, on live one time some friends were opening boxes and talking about it on TS. I was playing a different game at the time and said, well f'k it I'll log on NW and open some boxes. I logged on, bought 20 keys, opened 1 and BAM! Legendary Mounts Pack. So RNG is RNG.
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  • nameexpirednameexpired Member Posts: 1,282 Arc User

    i know that STO lockboxes have no ICD, because my friend got 2 ships out of 10 boxes within seconds.
    but in NWO, i cant remember seeing the same name popping twice in system messages during a short period of time

    I do remember the same name popping often in system messages during a short period of time, but that was two years ago, or even before that.

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  • misquamacus2misquamacus2 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 194 Arc User

    i know that STO lockboxes have no ICD, because my friend got 2 ships out of 10 boxes within seconds.
    but in NWO, i cant remember seeing the same name popping twice in system messages during a short period of time

    I do remember the same name popping often in system messages during a short period of time, but that was two years ago, or even before that.

    Just last week I saw the same name pop up within 2-3 minutes, so it still happens

  • playersnoopyplayersnoopy Member Posts: 73 Arc User
    Maybe I should have rephrased the ICD; I meant degrading % chance if you get a legendary. Seems consistent so far on testing on preview; and I understand it either is different on live or could be different on live (but then why would it be different anyways). But hard to test it on live as I don't have unlimited supply of keys on live to test; so was curious if it was known or not.

    As far as test server goes it does seem to degrade on the return as far as legendary; as for system messages you get messages for several epic items; I haven't tested it for the rate including these; but they're not worth anywhere close to the legendary mount.
  • hav0clolhav0clol Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 147 Arc User

    i know that STO lockboxes have no ICD, because my friend got 2 ships out of 10 boxes within seconds.
    but in NWO, i cant remember seeing the same name popping twice in system messages during a short period of time

    i've seen it
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    The number I believe in is 1/2000 for a legendary prize, so it's not surprising you got four out of 5000. It's probably even good.

    ICDs in lockboxes make no sense. Why would you want to nerf your whales that open hundreds and thousands of lockboxes in quick succession?​​
  • flambridgeflambridge Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 191 Arc User
    400 here and 0 Legendary.
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    No ICD, Just wait till you see, "I SLEPT WITH A MAGMA BRUTE" start opening them.
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  • eion311eion311 Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    I've been opening chests since the game came out and have still yet to see a legendary. RNGesus is a cruel mistress.
  • taevannyataevannya Member Posts: 70 Arc User

    No ICD, Just wait till you see, "I SLEPT WITH A MAGMA BRUTE" start opening them.

    OMG... it's not just me... I can't help but laugh when I see him pop up from getting stuff from boxes. Though it has been quiet lately from him ;)

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  • fdsakhfduewhfiuffdsakhfduewhfiuf Member Posts: 604 Arc User

    PTR drop rate and Live drop rate not the same.

    Where's your proof? I doesn't make sense for them to implement different drop rates for live and preview servers. Therefore it's not likely that this is the case.

  • oggycz#5356 oggycz Member Posts: 182 Arc User
    So was lucky, I guess. I have VIP for about 5 months now. I open just one box every day. I got New life legendary companion pack (I wanted owlbear cub) and Flail snail (epic), which I wanted too. These drops were within 10 days.
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  • tieashametieashame Member Posts: 25 Arc User
    My friend Jebus *Guildies know who I am talking about* never had VIP but I kept bugging him to get it and he got VIP 1. 1st box and BAM, I hate him. Not really but yes. >:) He now has VIP 12, took him 5 or 6 months and is loving it. I forget what he's gotten so far but i'll edit when I ask him next time I see him.
  • reg1981reg1981 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,438 Arc User
    Back when I was a newbie I pulled a Legendary Strider, next pull was a purple strider, next day another Legendary. These 3 mounts came from 20 keys. Maybe things changed with the introduction of VIP but I can say there WAS no ICD 9 months ago.
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