Just a FYI, for PS peeps.
Having bought the "Dragonborn" and the "Legend of the North" packs, I didn't realise that PS store actually has a limit on how much you can top up your wallet by in any given day. Seems the UK is £100, not sure about elsewhere. Bit pants, since I was going to get some of the other packs today and when my attempt to top-up came back with credit card info is wrong (it wasn't, not changed since the day before when I topped up with said £100) and also top is unavailable (or something similar). So just in case you go crazy and want to buy all the packs...
Oh, I did ring PS store helpline btw, just to make sure it wasn't my card, they confirmed the limit above and said to give it 24 hours (from my last attempt to top-up) before trying again. I googled the issue before ringing them, seems others have come to grief over the same issue previously, never been in the situation to have it happen.
Ranatuor Erutaron (Wood Elf Hunter) | Lilith ( Halfling Warlock) | Fafnir (Dragonborn Paladin)
“Don't mess with me, lady. I've been drinking with skeletons.”
“Don't mess with me, lady. I've been drinking with skeletons.”
“Don't mess with me, lady. I've been drinking with skeletons.”