I think lots of people think that the PC community is playing the beta version of NWO for consoles (and i mean the live server), and we are ironing out issues for xbox and in the future for ps4.
So as the betatesters we are - could you reduce the zen prices for pc with the release for ps4?
Please fix Zhentarim Warlock companion's skill "Arcane Warping" to the originally intended "Arcane Boost"
zhentarim-warlock-companionPure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
plague-fire-weapon-enchant-r11-vs-r12 0
Personally I think it is a good thing. We get the new stuff first.
Also: There has been a lot of new stuff coming to NW recently.. for instance we get guild alliances outside normal release schedule, we have been told there are THREE new adventure zones in mod 10, including a new challenge dungeon level, plus a new campaign, etc etc. Mod 10 seems to be a big release.
I doubt NW would be able to fund such a high development level if XBox and soon PS4 does not contribute to pay for developer resources. So we should all be VERY happy XBox and PS4 got NW too.
Also please forgive me for not being all too excited about Mod 10 - like a popular 90's TV show - "I want to believe"
but look what mod 9 brought and compare it to how epic it's description sounded in the announcement
(afaik they call Manol Derith a new zone alas for me it's 3 quest NPC's and 3 Vendors)
or mod 8 2 new skirmishes, one still broken as of release in one of it's versions the other broken for a month or so (since they 'fixed' timers) and the epic grindaringon.
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
On the other hand. Is there any actual reason why the versions are not synced?
However, in my experience the bugs left alive are mostly annoyances, nothing game breaking.
I would rather get lots of new stuff first than have a game that is 100% bug free. (Those things are in conflict
But that's me.