As the titles states, I'd like the option to transfer my account from Xbox to PC. I started playing this game on PC years ago and found it entertaining but in its infantile stages. Later a friend (on Xbox) got me interested in the game again and I've been playing it for about a year. I can honestly say the Xbox takes away from the D&D feel that you have on PC. That coupled with the less than optimal Live service has made me wish I would have dedicated the time on my PC account rather than Xbox. Could you please add a service (for a fee of course) to transfer my account from Xbox to PC. I truly feel both parties stand to gain in a service such as this.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
never gonna happen. it shouldn't happen. although the one area that I'd think would work is if they transferred your toon over barebones. no stuff just your bare naked confused teleported toon(S) with maybe the boons you'd earned or something like that. or maybe if everything were bound to character that you had so you couldn't sell your stuff. I don't think we have anything pc doesn't have.
OP - Sunshine: 16000 IL
Casual Dailies
The question then becomes: How does the Xbox take away from the D&D feel on the PC? You never explained this. If you're going to use it as a lynchpin for a forum thread post, you really should offer some substance.
If you had read the Developer Letter: State of the Game, you would see what the dev team's position is on at least one of the major differences between PC and Xbox: the in-game economy. That's just one aspect. I recommend reading it and not taking the TL;DR approach, as it helps put things into perspective from the dev team's side of the fence (so to speak). When they choose to publish things like that, it helps us - as players - better understand their involvement in the whole project. More importantly, it also helps dispel the popular and ignorant illusion that the dev team is an autonomous, money-grubbing beast that only cares about inflating its cash appetite. It shows that they're human too, and that they're motivated by more than making money on the game (which, incidentally, they have to do because if the game isn't profitable, it will cease to exist). What does this mean? Are you talking about network performance/stability, or are you talking about population figures in-game? What is less-than-optimal about the Xbox Live service in-game?
Again, you've offered nothing of substance. And again, I'll say speak for yourself. I've had a very different experience on Xbox than you have (which has been positive for the most part), and I've also played on both platforms so I have a frame-of-reference that's not so different from yours. You don't know that, and quite frankly it's just a little bit arrogant to assume it. And let's at least be honest about what you're doing with this post. You're not 'simply reaching out to the player base and devs to show a potential demand.' You're complaining about the game, and wrapping that complaint in a blanket of wishful-thinking-and-nostalgia-gone-wrong doesn't change the underlying tone of your message. You're also assuming that making such an account transition possible (and accessible) is an easy task. If you think this way, then you've never worked in software development, tools development, database/account administration or systems integration. What you're asking for might seem like a simple thing to you, but the work required to make it a viable implementation may or may not be cost-effective, let alone feasible.
All else aside, you already benefit from something of a unique choice: You can play Neverwinter on your PC or you can play it on your Xbox. You already have both. You just don't have them combined. Instead of griping about what you don't have, you could try appreciating what you do have. You don't know that. You're talking trash, using nothing but a singular experience (your own) and utter speculation.
The fact is, you don't have access to the data that shows the game's economic health, either historically or as part of a future extrapolation. You don't have the specifics showing economic trends and/or forecasting for what the in-game markets might look like if such a merger were to take place. You certainly don't possess the understanding of personality that would allow you to confidently state what other people might or might not do in response to such a change. You only have one piece of the puzzle (your own gaming experience and observations), limited as it is, and you're asserting yourself as if you had the whole puzzle. /fail ... In short, your response is entirely made-up. Consequently, that makes it entirely worthless for the purpose of this discussion. It's just noise.
Graphics: Learn the different settings and what they mean.
Crash: Properly maintaining your system does matter. And it's on you.
What thefirecat write is perfectly true and you seem to think its only his opinion. Anyway...
To get back on what OP says, i think its really undoable for a PC to consol set-up. Its never been done before on any case, and i doubt a game like NW would be the first one. Diablo 3 is one of the few games that allowed a transfer of Xbox 360 to Xbox One, even PS3 to Xbox One or other way around (Xbox 360 to PS4) and i tough it was great, but the consol versions of the game where identical, patched at same time, same items etc. Only button layout was different from one consol to another. I still think its formidable what they did, the fact that this save transfer was possible made buy Diablo 3 on X1 cause frankly since i already had the 360 version (both of them) i wouldn't had felt like restarting new characters. So i was able to get back my characters and keep upping them, wich is great. Even some achievements like upping 6 char at lev max was transferable partially, all i had to do was up ONE character to max to make it pop again. Sure i had to redo 500 bounties(still 60 left, man i got tired of running those lol) and up another hardcore character wich counted thanksfully as getting a regular one to max as well, so yeah it was not perfect but it was still a major great thing and like i said wihtout it, i wouldn't had bough D3 on X1 to start all over again.
But here its PC to Consol, and even D3 didn't do that. The fact that on PC they get stuff first and so on would make it too hard and i do know it would crash the economy (or whats left of it cause currently its a mess) so i doubt its doable. From what i heard just making a 10 man queue system like whats coming for maze engine took them a year to do, saw that in an article cause it use a different tool or something like that. So imagine... lol
An opinion is not automatically valid just because it's an opinion. This article may help you better understand the difference between a valuable opinion and a wasteful one. What thefirecat wrote is an incomplete assertion at best. He/she can't possibly state those results with any degree of certainty because he/she doesn't have all of the data from the game. A player can only comment on what he/she directly observes; even then, it's from the client-side of the game experience. It doesn't include *anything* server-side. Nor does include specifics like billing records/history, server performance/network data, spending trends, etc. (in case it's unclear, I'm referring to in-game data that the dev team has access to, and uses, for purposes of content planning, event planning, revenue/profit analysis, etc.)
Are you starting to get the picture?
Player's don't have access to all of the game's information, so it's ultimately absurd to start throwing around statements like the ones made in said post. Additionally, your support of such nonsense is also absurd.
Stop being part of the noise. MMOs have far too much of that as it is.
Graphics: Learn the different settings and what they mean.
Crash: Properly maintaining your system does matter. And it's on you.
And i know the post was not an answer to me, but i see such post i feel a need to reply. Want to see how an opinion and facts can be combined?
Final Fantasy is a bad game cause i don't like the gameplay. Thats a personal opinion and is false cause its just personal taste.
Big Rigs is a bad game cause its full of bugs, glitches and is simply an unfinished game. Thats a fact. Does not mean somebody can't enjoy it, either for 5 min or more, but the facts are its a bad game, no matter if some people enjoy it.
I love some movies that are considered "so bad there good". Do i realize those are bad movies? Yes, but there still fun for me.
I don't need to to see the devs notes and computers to know that. Anyway you get my point?