Hi !
First, I apologize for my very broken english ^^' it's not my mother tongue, and I'm still learning it.
Since a couple of months, I'm trying to gather every piece of Lolth's clothes. I've already the Armor of Lolth, her crown, but I'm still looking for her boots and her gloves. Does any one of you have an idea where I can find it ? (you can imagine that they are not called "Gloves of Lolth" or something close, like the crown were not called ''Crown of Lolth" ^^').
After that, I had the "good" idea to replicate every significant boss in Neverwinter with my toons, so if you have any idea for any piece of any costume of any boss, I'll be very happy to know the name of this item, and maybe his location ^^
Thank you in advance for your help : Komashika
Headgear: Circlet of Webs
Armor: Armor of Lolth
Arms: House Xorlarrin Bracers
Feet: Senobith's boots
Neck: House Xorlarrin Cloak
Ring: House Xorlarrin Signet
screenshot of the full set:
screenshot belongs to ironzerg
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
The bracers and boots are BoE, so just buy them.
For a necklace, the jewelry merchant in Protector's Enclave sells necklaces for CWs with a spider-shaped charm, for gold. This will look better than a cloak.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
thought it was one shot deal.
devs need to make that repeatables.
http://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/index.php?search=Lolth&title=Special:Search&fulltext=Search I actually wrote nonsense before. You can open the final chest and abandon the quest before returning to the quest giver, and then have it once more. There are some quests, I think these are dailies only, that are finished after taking the loot from the chest.
The real fix would be to make the various zone boss loot drops consistently BoE so that players didn't need to go to ridiculous ends to obtain a class-specific transmute piece.
The sheer fact that some zones' boss drops are BoE and some are BoP indicates either longstanding bugs or developers who weren't all on the same page, but I think the best way of making it consistent would be all boss drop items are BoE, since these are randomized (one item of several possible) and frequently class-specific.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
all the cool looking stuff is gone..
But somebody not in the knows must have been messing with loot tables for the lower level map lairs. I don't remember to have seen any Guardian Fighter or shield wearing drows anywhere, but the Armor of Lolth from Daughter of Lolth always is for GF. And there is more. When I deleted all my old chars I had a HR with a lizard folk leather armor from a lair in Pirate Skyhold. This *leather* armor now always is for GF.
Anyways, I'm looking forward to finding more variety in looks from campaign vendors as promised for Maze Engine. Indeed. Well, fixing it would require more /bandwidth/.
"Uhm, yes?"
"Me am YOUR character, ain't me? Ya' should, by now, know 'bout me a little better. Look."
He put of the frightening mask he was wearing, and I started to giggle.
"Ohhh. It's you! Welcome back. Where have you been?"
"Me and da rest of da staff was grinding da lower level map lairs ye' sent us to, for some... some fashion stuff."
"Ahhh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean no bad."
"Here ya' have it."
He put all armor off and jumped into casual wear. I inspected the armor:
"Thank you very much. Impressive. And so fast!?"
"Yah. -- No. An' me won't wear dat fancy pants anyway."
"Really? Why not?"
"Da Belt of da armor set is still missing..."
"Ah. Ya' doing it all wrong. Besides not putting all da skill an' boon points to da spots they are really useful to me, just so makin' me life around Sword Coasts extra hard, me am not a Guardian Fighter but a Great Weapon Fighter, remember? Da' stuff dere was crafted for a Guardian Fighter."
"I see. Hmm."
"An', me was cheating."
"Cheating? What are you talking about!?"
"Me just picked da stuff dere from da auction house, on Gear Preview."
"How dare you! But still would make a very special outfit for you."
He shook his head and frowned at me:
"By Moradin, make ya'selves a Guardian Fighter for da very special outfit. I'm off to da Driftwood Tavern."
April 7, 2015 -- a day that shall live in Neverwinter infamy.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
Alt - Freaya Lvl70 (CW 33XX)
Alt - Demonic Iccy Lvl70 (TR 27XX)
Guild - Windows Central (GH14)
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Featured Foundry Quest: Whispers of an Ancient Evil [v3] - NW-DQ4WKW6ZG
Foundry Quest: Harper Chronicles: Blacklake - NW-DCPA4W2Q5
if we get moderators make petitoned to devs for fashionable gear sets.
only those in specific zones will sell specific gears, all the other seal vendors in other zones are lame and look the same, nothing unique about those sets.
classic set should be only in PE's market section, and outer zones are for special "signature armor set".
edited to add:
how about those armorsmith professions to have special crafting recipes, it would also more popular for new loot table, if they added tradable armorsmith recipes.