Now Neverwinter has removed Wards from the Trade Bar store they have unleased a hurricane of angry (VIP) players. I fully understand Neverwinter's spoken and unspoken reasoning behind it (the empty hole in their wallet, but hey...they are a company after all and need to make profit). None the less, I feel the player base is being left out and the VIP's are in need of some sort of compensation. Many people purchased VIP because of these items and let's be honest, the daily keys usually don't give amazing rewards on it's own.
My request:
- Add 1 Preversation ward to the daily enchanted key bag from VIP and make it BoA so that botters can't do anything with it. Make it a 50-30% drop rate if needed.
- Add a rare chance to win a BoA Coalescent Ward from the daily enchanted key bag from VIP as well. The drop chance should be higher than the invocation chance since you are paying for it, but not high enough to take advantage of. (I literally won 1 coalward with 8 character in 2 years from invocation bags...)
Credit to someone in the comments of the hatefull tsunami that had the idea to add the Prev ward in the daily enchanted key bag
I did not submit a ticket as that is usually and only for bugs and problems, I think if we can get enough attention drawn to this thread it has a high chance on being seen by the devs and at least thought about or considered. Especially when Andy will see it @strumslinger Come check this out!
Personally, I think it sucks that the devs removed the wards, but I do understand the issues as to why. I am a VIP, and I would love a chance, even a small one, to get these items without having to spend more money on top of the 3 month VIP I currently hold. I don't mind supporting a game I like but I hate to support it and then have to support it more because of botters and 3rd party sellers. It feels like I have to pay for them to break ToS, when it should be them paying....
But anyway.....
Co-Founder of TOS Veterans and TOS Qan Mang
Most people are getting VIP with AD converted to zen. Buying coal wards with tradebars. Gold sellers are doing the same thing.
Nobody is buying coals off zen market. Cryptic mad, cryptic removes coals from TB store.....
Now on to the topic at hand, it's a nice idea Elva but I would propose that the drop rate for invoking coffers is increased massively to compensate for this BS Cryptic pulled on us. It is ridiculous that you have received just ONE Coalescent Ward on eight toons in two years of playing. I've been luckier during my two years of playing but then I haven't seen a Coal Ward in about a month with 10 toons invoking every day.
The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
i would like this very much since cryptic wont refund anything like the month of vip i purchased for the gaurentee of being able to get coal wards
VIP is supposed to be usefull to everybody, not only to over experienced players who may not be the more numerous people on the server, at least there is other kind of players.
But well I use this kind of wards only something like once a week =/
Maybe when I reach lvl 70, I will need more, I don't know at all.
I was thinking the big point was the removal of the rubish for trade, am I wrong ?
RNG is insanely erratic....hence Random.
I've spend about 3-4 preservation wards on average on the 5% upgrade to mythic....hell I've even upgraded one on the first try (Lantern of revelation and had only 5 pres wards left xD) then tried to upgrade a 20% radiant a few days later....15 damn wards.
So ye, you gonna be feeling some pain post lvl 70 xD