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feedback -managing IT problems and handling server security

royineverroyinever Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 162 Arc User
edited February 2016 in Player Feedback (PC)
forget class balance ..forget new content ,, when the ddos just started month ago or so i said this is serious business ,, lots of ppl here just made jokes at the "official" thread , didnt realized it can be the number 1 cause for new players not stay here ,, they will ran away because right now this game is unplayable several times a day

hell..my advise to new player right now is not continue in this game cause its not worth the time to get "hooked" up just to get upset by not able to play the game when u want
which is starting to happen more and more often

again .,,,this is serious ,, not some balance issues ,, not lack of content .. this is make the game literally unplayable

and cryptic and pwe handle it very poor , my opinion
this is 14 years old kid ..not top hacker group ,, i can assure u that

and cryptic right now seems to not have any solution to handle it,, even official comment is "We're aware of the network issues and are investigating", thats it ,,

this is not how u handle in crysis mode ..and it is crysis mode ..
it seems they are not puting their resource on that like they can ..

i ask also ev1 to submit ticket directly to pwe regard this attacks .. via their website or arc
im pretty sure that pwe dont aware how the situation is serious right now and that cryptic is incompetent to handle it, and maybe its up to us the users to "wake" some people up high in their managment tree

so first they will put it on their first priority table

it isnt seems like now, more like they just accept it
which is poor decision to my opinion

wake up !


  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    Sounds to me that in addition to the DDOS attack, you suggest to DDOS their support with tickets.
    I don't think it is productive in any way.

    Also, I'm not sure what you suggest that cryptic should do, by it's nature DDOS attack is very hard to handle (without blocking the player base) when it saturates the bandwidth and not the server processing capability.

    Or the short version: Life Sucks.
  • edited February 2016
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  • helix#4749 helix Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    If this kid keeps it up I'm pretty sure it will erode the customer base of players. That translates to lost revenue, and if Cryptic doesn't invest or do something about it...well it appears they don't have a security network person on their staff.

    Hmmm. They are well paid, I can give them that. $120K per year for the lead programming position. I say about $78K average for the content and computer artists.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited February 2016
    royinever said:

    big companies handle ddos attemps every day.. like countries
    there are ways to reduce it ,, and i can tell u that each time he wants and have a window of resources he can shut the game down like he does

    Handle? They do not. They fall. Small & big.
    Web services can be cached and filtered by external routing services like Akami and Cloudflare. Games have further constrains, UDP based connections so there are no handshakes, and you can't just proxy every connection or the ping will be worse than the attack.

    Government sites fall:

    But governments don't actually care, their revenue is not related to their web presence even though those attacks can be more easily handled by mirrored hosting, rerouting and services like I mentioned.

    But the big companies, that do care, and have resources in abundance - they can't just handle it:

    Here microsoft and sony:

    Valves Dota 2:

    The companies above have multiple server centers across the world and can reroute traffic. And yet the got shutdown too.
    Cryptic has only one server center with a fixed IP block they own. You can't simply 'fix' DDOS attack.

    BTW cryptic has their own specialized proxies, and if you re-route through a suitable one you will have a much more stable connection to them (during the attacks).
    royinever said:

    ur additude is excatly why things not moving here in terms of the bad stuff ,, cause for cryptic its excatly the kind of customers they want , the "take it and be quiet"

    Right, because thumping the hands and feet on the floor usually helps past age 5.
    I'm sure that both extremes are really healthy.

    Cryptic have the usage metrics, people are disconnecting, you have the community manager tweeting and posting, they are obviously aware of it, and the effect on the player base. So in no place I told you to "take it". I just told you that what you suggest is exactly by definition is a DDOS attack. You ask to send multiple requests from distributed source where each response takes more resources than the request and denying the other users the service.

    So spamming the customer will just take time of the few people working on customer service and will prevent people from getting the minimal support the game has.

    You want to "shout"?!
    Use the social media. It's there for shouting, it's public, and you wont get automated customer service response after someone reviewed what it is about.
    Or just disconnect. There is no stronger shout than players not playing.
    royinever said:

    if u dont want to help ..dont help .. but poor comments like this just annoy the ppl who understand we deserve better treat in regarding managing crysis

    1. Don't speak for all the people. Speak for yourself only.
    2. I'm annoyed by a lot of things. But unless you want a side job as my therapist I don't see a reason to share those things with you.
    3. I'll appreciate if you wont call my comment poor. It's a hard economy, the poor thing does it's best to make a living. I tried to marry it off to some rich thread, but it didn't work out. So please, do not hurt my comments further, they have low self esteem already.
    royinever said:

    cause right now its not professional

    and im talking with exp

    Experience in DDOS handling ? Or what is professional ? Who knows if fighting this person head to head, closing his account (twitter & game) will be more beneficial than counting on his attention span to end.

    If something, it's people should ask not to twit to him, it's only the attention he is looking for.
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  • kievitzkievitz Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 260 Arc User
    edited February 2016

    royinever said:

    so y .. something need to be changed in terms of security

    The entire internet has been plagued by DDoS-like attacks since the dawn of the net and nobody has found a permanent solution in the past 25 years. I'm really interested in hearing your solution.

    one way to go, and lots of ISP providers have shielded their main network distributions with similar stuff for years, here where i live our ISPs main networkdistributions are ddos protected.

    It stops the attack before reaching the servers.

    so ddos shields have been out there for years.
  • edited February 2016
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