Hello guys,
I recently hit level 70 and i was wondering if it's worth to invest in offensive gear as a devotion paladin.
I understand we are not a dps class, so i do not pretend to be on par with strikers, but since i basically already fullfill the buffing and healing role decently, i would love to be more useful to the group in terms of damage.
For now, i find that i do too low damage to be considered useful, but i'm heavily undergeared, does it get better at higher item levels?
If so, which stats should i give my priority to? and which encounters do you suggest for that?
Should i consider crit right now? is it even worth or should i just stack power and hp for the auras and let others do the work?
I'll just do my best to increase team dps, i guess thats more valuable than me struggling to do decent damage.