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Developer Stream: Bugs and General Q&A



  • rgladiatorgladiato Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 313 Arc User
    jayzn888 said:

    Oh and whilst we're on about bugs, what about the one where you are in the stronghold, join a dungeon and then return after the dungeon to wherever you were before you went to the stronghold ... that's really annoying.

    This may not be a bug. If no one is at the stronghold it despawns. So if your group members are the only ones at the stronghold when you leave for a dungeon it basically shuts off. Now for QOL I'd like to see the stronghold re-spawn when the group is done, especially when multiple guild members would pop back in at the same time.
    Nixon the TR
    Give a man a fire and he's warm for the day. But set fire to him and he's warm for the rest of his life.
  • felixkelllfelixkelll Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 26 Arc User
    You currently have one item set (Lostmauth) in the game that is considered "Best In Slot" for every single DPS class (and a few non-DPS classes) and can be responsible for upwards of ~30% of those classes damage output. Do you consider this an 'issue' or is it working as intended? If the former, why has it not been addressed in nearly a year, and if the latter, should we expect to see equally powerful sets introduced in the coming months to provide alternatives?
  • mrvincent1959mrvincent1959 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 740 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Please modify the Tooltip for the Dragon's Hoard Enchantment to reflect how they actually work.

    Current: You have a x% chance after killing a foe to find a refining Stone at your feet. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of a find.

    Suggest: You have a x% chance after killing a foe to find a refining Stone at your feet. Multiple copies of this Enchantment increase the chance of a find. This occurs only every 30 seconds and there is a daily limit.

    This way people can make an informed decision before spending a huge amount of time and effort before making them. Thx
  • mstrssihrmstrssihr Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 545 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    1. Sharandar is so very boring, we've been doing the ~EXACT same thing since day 1, please can you add some HE's and possibly more quests to help switch it up? You guys need to please take into account that Sharandar mats are an absolutely MASSIVE part of Strongholds- we need tons of Fey. So again, Sharandar is TIRED.

    2. The Auction House was afflicted with a bug about 5 months ago(?). Your search is reset if you change tabs to another of the AHs tabs.

    ***Example: I enter the name of my item, I go to Refinement and select Enchantments, then I go Quality and select Rare, that's my search. That's quite a few clicks right? Now say I need to check my sell tab, I do that and then I go back to my search and everything is reset. The name of my item GONE, the Refinement/Enchantment tabs CLOSED, the Advanced Option of Rare has been RESET.

    PLEASE FIX #2, it's making people slowly crazy!!!

    add: derp, spelling
    - Major Peachy Bottom * Gutbuster's Brigade -

    "Last request - microtransactions for alllll old skins for zen/weapon appearance changes, 500 zen to make ur wep glow the color/enchant you want it... You will make more off that one item than any other zen item ever made." freshour

    "beckylunatic" Gateway AH should have column headers to sort by buyout, bid, end time, quantity, etc. These disappeared iirc with the module launch. It's obnoxious.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    And for the love of the gods, when is transmuting costs going to be addressed? I have bags and bags full of gear that I would very much like to transmute but not for the current price of 50k AD per transmute. It. Is. Insane. We have enough overpriced AD sinks in the game, please consider shifting transmute costs to a minor amount of gold if not completely free. Thank you.
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • soulspiritxsoulspiritx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 6 Arc User
    Bugs are already known. By us and by you.
    And we know you won't fix them. Why? 'cause you're not able to: you have no goals, you don't know programming, you don't know the game or the rules behind it, you don't play the game, you have no motivation to fix anything and your useless boss is just sitting there counting zen transactions and crying poverty.

    Bugs must be solved, not discussed even more.
    An event like this is pointless.
  • blackurn1blackurn1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 26 Arc User
    Make crafting worthwhile again. Masterwork made an attempt, but my guild isn't there yet, and those who are don't seem impressed with the results. Even the lower end crafting should be worthwhile.
    Also, the armor kits are way overpriced with the current AD values, and you have completely ignored Leadership since the axe dropped on it - aren't you embarrassed that the rare leadership tasks are so out of alignment with the normal tasks? If I was the designer, I would be.
    Fact is, all of the professions need a serious analysis and revision - right now there is just no attraction whatsoever for players who like crafting...
  • bigdaddytmbigdaddytm Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    Started plans to get a mount i like upgraded, needed to find out the price again, and....it's no longer available! Is this on purpose or a change somewhere else that caused this to happen? I would rather upgrade my favorite looking mount to a faster speed than settle for a faster less appealing mount...

    Had my card in hand, ready to use too...!
  • reiwulfreiwulf Member Posts: 2,687 Arc User
    not a bug, but game issues, the foundry. Once again, what is up with it? Is it too much to ask for cryptic to be honest about their intentions about the foundry? it has been ignored for years already with nothing new, no new assets, and the only real reward people got was the 4kad for 1 hr of gameplay and now you even removed that.
    Do you guys want to do anything with it? do you guys want to remove it? wasn't it supposed to be one of the pillars of NW? if the problem is that you can't directly get money from it, isn't it better to figure a way to do it and then support it instead of leaving it there to rot and die because no one plays it anymore? we really really need answers to this.
  • angryjohn#4172 angryjohn Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    Common cause has a couple secondary quests that make it frustrating to work with. 1. If you are too high a level, the quest giver won't have a notification over his or her head, you have to know to try each person. 2. If you don't get the secondary quest in the other zone on the same day, it won't be available, and you have to abandon common cause.
  • damoc#3687 damoc Member Posts: 112 Arc User
    Is it possible to span the campaigns a little? If you could have maybe Sharandar and or Dread ring at lvl 60 in parrallel to Elemental Evil it wouldn't be so frustrating to try them fresh at lvl 70 and getting pounded in the ground. Plus it would ease the brutal xp increase for these 10 last levels.

    A new player reaching lvl 70 is very badly informed of what he will face. If he did the ToD campaign (quite grindy) he will be disgusted by its logical sequel in WoD since there is a real chasm in power requirement.

    Xp gain is not very well adjusted : I skipped a big chunk of the "normal" content to reach lvl 60.
    (and rightly so some areas are just boring with their endless back and forth, poor quest requirement - why can't you highlight questgivers differently if the quest will further the plot? It's quite annoying to take a quest, go to the required zone, return and discover you need another quest in the same area given by another NPC to unlock the next quest- and generally speaking uninteresting plots that don't really further the story against the forces of Valindra).
    If I hadn't skipped this content I would have been too high level for the zone. but once you reach 60, if you're not in a guild to have access to the daily quests, it's nigh impossible to gain enough xp by following the content. That's why I ask if some of the campaigns coud be mouved back to lvl 60 in order to smoothe things over.
  • stpensivestpensive Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    lirithiel said:

    Are the devs aware that there is currently one artifact set the whole playerbase is using regardless of stat weights? Everyone and their mother has Lostmauth set because all the other sets are so very, very underwhelming.

    +1 and I have the LM set with my SW. Was busting my hump to get the GBIce set until I realized that, the ability score bump, and its 3 set bonus, was inferior to the LM set even if it did not match my primary and secondary stats.

    On the GBIce set, 10% of weapon damage is weak, what is the 'chance', and what is 'unresistable' damage (includes deflect perhaps)? If unresistable is just defence, armor pen is so high on most that almost everything is 'unresistible' already.
  • edited January 2016
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  • eion311eion311 Member Posts: 338 Arc User
    • Cosmetic bug of the Champion's Armored Bulette being tiny.
    • Gelatinous Cube Companion, should "Ooze" effect be proccing bonding stones? xbox version does, PC version does not.
    • Defender companion threat, people now use these companions to proc bonding stones. The issue is, as a tank, these pets constantly pull aggro and turn bosses/npcs which leads to players eating a cleave/PBAoE. Is it possible like other MMO's to give players the ability to turn off taunt on their companions or increase the threat current tanks do.
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  • drigg01drigg01 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 6 Arc User
    1.Personally I'd like the old dungeons fixed / returned. Maybe some new ones added.

    2. The foundry.. I used this a lot i liked to run the play made content as well as the regular content.

    3.Achievement bugs .. several have been submitted- some long standing.. can those be fixed? and if not can they be removed ?

    Yeah i am a completionist... i know it. Several other the other posts brought up valid points. Those need looked at as well. but this was my 2 cents.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User

    here is my question and i hope you guys will answer this:

    what was the purpose of lvl 70 update and making game more challenging if the forums are now filled with players posting them soloing the hardest epic dungeons?

    we are back to point 0.

    Speak for yourself. My BiS 4.2k archer HR with almost 21k defense, (over 22k with buffs), up to 65% base damage resistance, and 15k power still gets 2-shotted by even the lowliest peon in eCC. Sure, I can one-man my way to a boss with the aid of a super-tricked-out BiS frost mimic (and a **lot** of deaths along the way), but solo a boss? Not in a million years.

    Certain classes in this game are like unto gods. Unfortunately, the archer isn't among them.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • edited January 2016
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  • viola996viola996 Member Posts: 10 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    lirithiel said:

    And for the love of the gods, when is transmuting costs going to be addressed? I have bags and bags full of gear that I would very much like to transmute but not for the current price of 50k AD per transmute. It. Is. Insane. We have enough overpriced AD sinks in the game, please consider shifting transmute costs to a minor amount of gold if not completely free. Thank you.

    ^ This! And 25,000AD and a dragon egg just so I can hide my shirt/pants? Really?! You could have given us a "hide visuals" option for those slots, but nooooo, lets make another ridiculous AD sink. (Sorry for the snarkiness, if I didn't like the game I wouldn't bother complaining.)

    Also, there are quite a few visual / animation bugs in this game that haven't been mentioned yet. Here's a few that come to mind:
    • The idle pose for female Rangers looks wrong - she's hunched forward and the bow hangs at a weird angle. The pose in the character menu is fine however.
    • On the subject of female HRs, they seem to have the most clipping issues with armor. The Illyanbruen Hide set is especially bad.
    • Using Tymora's Lucky Coin causes a character to draw their weapon and for some classes (eg. HR and CW) the weapon is briefly duplicated with one in the sheathed position and one in the hand.
    • When riding a mount, a tiefling's tail flops around like crazy. This was especially bad on the Bullette, which I made the mistake of giving to my tiefling warlock. It got so irritating I race-changed her to a half-elf.
    • Cloaks, when seen from a distance, appear to float above the character.
    I realize none of this is game-breaking and therefor not high priority, but I assume there are different devs for code and animation so fixing animation bugs shouldn't take time away from fixing things like class balance (idk I'm not a game dev). Mostly I would like to know; are these things going to be fixed EVER, or are they just not important enough to bother with?
    Post edited by viola996 on
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  • melodicahmelodicah Member Posts: 35 Arc User
    A few things that I've noticed (some have already been mentioned, but I'm going to add my voice to them). These are in no particular order.

    1. Transmutation costs - Seriously, this needs to be lowered A LOT. There's so many pieces of armor that I've gotten that look great, but I'm not going to spend 50k to transmute it.
    2. Dungeons - I was never a huge dungeoneer, but I would love to be able to do some of the others rather than the same few ALL the time.
    3. Foundry - Would be nice if this was made relevant again.
    4. Crafting - This needs a complete overhaul. There are so very few choices that are actually worth leveling at this point and even when you do, you have to wait for the right rare recipe to show up and hope that the RNG works for you (I've made many things and gotten the crappier item that had a lower % chance - really annoying)
    5. Astral Diamonds - More ways to earn them - and stop forcing us into group content, please!
    6. Strongholds - Make progress attainable by ALL guilds. Small guilds have little to no chance to get ANYTHING.
    7. Balance - Too much grinding. I used to play a lot but at this point I only log on to open my daily chest. It's just boring.

    I could keep going, but those are a few things that have been bothering me and they seem to be commonly mentioned.
  • regenerderegenerde Member Posts: 3,052 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    there's a lot of player feedback allready in
    any chance of getting some official answers for this whole thread?

    1. AD sellers, the spam and friend invite situation is getting out of hand.
    1.1 we need an editable chat filter
    1.2 an option to clear the ingore list in one go, since AD sellers only use an account for spam ONCE

    2. AD changes
    2.1 what can we expect to see in this year first quarter in changes here?
    2.2 when will daily quests reward rAD too?

    3. the reward of the XP overflow should reflect the time invested to fill it
    3.1 one power point should be in it at least, and then something usefull for level. just saying that 30k rAD is a nice reward, but rank 5 enchantments or some experience tomes are not a real reward...

    4. strongholds for everyone
    4.1 make building a stronghold easier through reducing the costs for low ranking structures
    4.2 adjust the costs to what you can actual procude with your stronghold, as example, the farm should only require some gold/wood and maybe some AD, the quarry should only require some gold/wood/food and maybe some AD, and "labor" should come from the workers we rescue all around our stronghold

    5. bugs/issues with equipment should be fixed first, and then any class "balance" should get some work done
    5.1. and if any class ability is performing "overpowered" because of group bonuses, then that should be the point to change and not that ability itself.

    6. SW
    6.1. in short, broken and bugged since mod 6. enough of the talk, let's see some class improvements here.

    7. demonic heroic encounters
    7.1. just move them to their own Underdark area please

    8. Underdark
    8.1. it starts nice with the chapters 1-9 and then it just ends in a small area? i think a lot of players would actually like to see a lot more of Underdark...
    I do believe in killing the messenger...
    Want to know why?
    Because it sends a message!
  • galadrifgaladrif Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 13 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    1. Lag in IWD and Dread Ring
    2. Please make all character bound items to account bound. More space in inventory
    3. Where are old dungeons? Game is about dungeons? no?
    4. No challenge in the Dungeons. I play a lot tactician GF. GF and OP in one group turning whole group in to god mode. We just stand in eCC Traven fire. No one in the group have to dodge anything. Same goes for eGWD. Im 3k IL and OP is 2.8
    5. Lostmouth Set - all the DPS classes are using it. Who needs control in this days? Control Wizard who ain't controlling nothing
    6. Old sets. SW and DC for example. Fix please
    7. GWF is a bit too powerful. Seems all the new items fit perfectly to GWF. Twisted set etc. GWF can solo all epics... :(
    8. Goldsellers now adding many times in a day to a friend list.
    9. Please move all demonic encounters from other maps to Mantol. Make Mantol bigger. Less lag in other maps like IWD WoD DR.
    10. Some classes feats still make a lot of lag. Please fix. Tiamat is great example to log and investigate whats going on.
    11. PVP ??? for who is that one? Stopped long ago.
    12. Stronghold returning bug. Please fix.
    13. Last and most annoying the map change. It came with module 7 i think. It happens 2-3 times in a day.
    When i change map example i go from SH to DR my game gets stuck at loading screen. Im playing on PC. So task manager - kill the game and start over.
    14. Skirmish Dwarven Throne - one version where you have to break those doors. Its very hard to achieve gold in that event. Please change it.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    Okay I'll make a list of my main gripes:

    1. Transmuting costs - will this be addressed any time soon?

    2. Class balancing - the game is in serious need of this. HRs and SWs in particular need to be looked at.

    3. Overflow XP and Power Points - I can understand when lvl 60 was the cap, basing Power Points on RNG was okay because XP gained and XP needed was a lot less. Now at lvl 70 I can go months without getting a Power Point, purely because of the ridiculous amount of XP needed at 70.

    4. The lag in DR and IWD - adding Demonic HEs to the mix really wasn't the best idea this company ever came up with when the two zones have always been plagued by lag.

    5. Lack of AD for solo players - 5 weekly quests were added some time ago rewarding us with some AD but that doesn't even scrape the surface. We are still required to run the same old dungeons (eLoL and eToS) over and over and over and over to obtain AD.

    6. Lack of BoE in the game - far too many items are character-bound. I have previously proposed making only quest rewards character-bound. All dungeon drops should be Bind on Equip, while profession rewards and invoking rewards (especially this one) should be account-bound at least.

    7. Professions - Please do something about refreshing them, especially Weaponsmithing and Artifacing. Your attempts with Masterwork professions failed because you gated it behind the unholy massive grind that is Strongholds.

    8. Mail system - How is it that characters on the same account are only picked up in the sending list when part of the same guild. Surely all characters on the same account can be recorded in the mail system so we don't have to type our handles out all the time. Would be a nice QoL improvement.
    Post edited by lirithiel on
    Our pain is self chosen.

    The most important thing in life is to be yourself. Unless you can be Batman. Always be Batman.
  • kazuhiro3kazuhiro3 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 16 Arc User
    Please make legendary companions are tied to account and not character. The costs are too large for one character and a few legendary makes them,gamers more will be upgrading companions for the account.
  • torontodavetorontodave Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 992 Arc User
    edited January 2016
    reiwulf said:

    not a bug, but game issues, the foundry. Once again, what is up with it? Is it too much to ask for cryptic to be honest about their intentions about the foundry? it has been ignored for years already with nothing new, no new assets, and the only real reward people got was the 4kad for 1 hr of gameplay and now you even removed that.
    Do you guys want to do anything with it? do you guys want to remove it? wasn't it supposed to be one of the pillars of NW? if the problem is that you can't directly get money from it, isn't it better to figure a way to do it and then support it instead of leaving it there to rot and die because no one plays it anymore? we really really need answers to this.

    In addition to this, I want an answer other than "We know you guys want the Foundry better, We're gonna work on it, Soon(tm)"

    I want a clear plan. WHAT are you gonna work on? WHAT is the goal? Should I bother even making great quests anymore if no one is gonna play them?

    Over a year ago I asked for REAL REWARDS for Players/Authors.. I suggested tying a reward to the review submission:
    1 review submitted per foundry/ It rewards the Author and the Player some RP.
    ^^ over a year ago!

    Or daily keys for foundry, or a 0/100 Foundry Mote weapon, or artifacts that only drop in featured foundry q's, OR, OR, OR, OR, or go look in the dusty Foundry subforum. =P


    You want to know how to get players to buy ZEN? Give them FUN.

    FUN is the only way to get people to deposit.

    I deposited when I was having FUN, on the 0-60.

    Right now, my money is going to Mechwarrior Online. Wanna know why? Not a sales promotion, not some item that I need, not 'the whole game changed now I need all new stuff', MWO is getting my money because I'm having FUNNNNNNNNNNNN with it.

    Just like you, I spend money on things I find fun. Devs don't even play the game, if they did, they'd see how pointless and un-fun its become. =/

    edit: wanna read reviews from players having FUN in neverwinter? follow the links in my sig to the 2nd page of those threads. I've posted reviews from people saying "THIS WAS FUN" .. do you want me to post the images of the people saying things like "DEVS MAKE QUESTS LIKE THIS"?? =P =P =P =P
    Post edited by torontodave on
    NW-DSQ39N5SJ - 'To Infinity, and BEYOND!' - Spelljammer Quest. Skyships, Indiana Jones moments
    NW-DC9R4J5EH - 'The Black Pearl' - Spelljammer! Phlo Riders and Space Orcs
    Thanks for all the fish.
  • hmdq#4491 hmdq Member Posts: 508 Arc User
    @verdonix1 perhaps a dev manifesting ...
  • darkstarcrashdarkstarcrash Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,382 Arc User
    jayzn888 said:

    Oh and whilst we're on about bugs, what about the one where you are in the stronghold, join a dungeon and then return after the dungeon to wherever you were before you went to the stronghold ... that's really annoying.

    This is not a bug.

    The stronghold is instanced for your guild, so keeping a stronghold instance for every guild at all times would take up a lot of server space. So if the SH map is empty (when you left to do the dungeon), it closes to save server space.
  • katamaster81899katamaster81899 Member Posts: 1,157 Arc User
    1. Are there plans to fix the active bonus on the Lightfoot Thief? I paid a whole lot of AD for that companion, and it effectively has no active bonus.
    2. Seriously, I've thought about quitting quite a few times now, and I don't say this lightly. It does not take a whole year to change the level and placement of a couple of mobs in order to re-realease a dungeon. The environment, graphics, enemy types, mechanics, all of it is in place. There is no excuse as to why we haven't gotten a single one of the old dungeons back since module 6 launched.
    3. Are you planning on releasing more artifact equipment in upcoming modules? (Hint: DON'T)
    || Axios Guild Leader || Neverwinter Trade Forum Moderator || Infernal Paragons ||
    Check out my foundry, titled "Akro's Gone Wacko", featuring our ex-CM Akromatik!: NW-DL8J7BY5T
    Erza Moonstalker | Lara Moonstalker | Julie Marvell | Erza Moonhunter | Annie Hellangel | Jenn Moonstalker
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