Considering the cost of purchasing new reinforcement kits every time you upgrade your gear it is a bit reminiscent of the days when you would destroy your armor enchants (Circa mod 1-2) because it was too expensive to unslot them.
Reinforcement kits should be able to be taken off of armor sets either with gold or with an item purchased *cheaply* for AD off the wondrous bazaar. They are very expensive and considering the decided lack of AD flowing these days, reusing them would really help the playerbase. This would be another excellent step in "watching the market post AD changes and making appropriate changes" that devs are working towards.
Thanks for your time.
On ambush rings: "How would you like PVE if all the mobs were invisible?"

it should be a joke for you or some of your guildmates atleast sitting with over 50M AD löl
jokes by side:
the reinforced kits is fine how is it, there should be some risk and decisions that we have to think of before we handle it.
come on the game is really easy enough,
- we had too much 2xRP Event now everyone is walking with legendarys and mythics (too fast, too soon),
- Legendary weapon "whit 2xRP on it" - is giving now "4x RP on Event" löl how ridiculous is it,
to have Legendary weapon or mythics its simply comon now..
- Enchantments is tradable, What means once you have what you need,
you don't need more, you can sell it, trade it or do what ever you want
- there's many monre , but i don't have more time jet to keep writing..
Another one of the things that should (have) be(en) corrected/adapted in the wake of the ADplague infestation that hit Neverwinter this summer...
Interesting that there are still people supporting the cost structures, but after reading " Legendary weapon "whit 2xRP on it" - is giving now "4x RP on Event" löl how ridiculous is it" - I'm not sure if he/she is serious.
If you want to pay more AD for purchasing expensive reinforcement slots every time you gear up then far be it for me to tell you otherwise. However, I'm guessing the majority of the playerbase would rather have reusable reinforcements similar to enchantments for the sake of AD preservation so that "risk and decisions" last for more than one mod when the next set of gear comes out and you must have it.
Thanks for your assumptive, well thought out reply.
YOU simply cannot open up power progression and not have players fill it. IT doesn't work that way. The only way to limit power progression is simply NOT to introduce it in the game.
That being said, I dont even bother anymore.. I buy blue ones at most and slot them.. things change WAY to fast to worry about it otherwise.
I know there are BiS types with one or maybe two toons that do that every mod.. kudos to them. I simply cannot.
I think a more realistic solution is to make them cheaper to make.
But considering what they think are reasonable price adjustments sometimes, wouldn't hold my breath that much.
Add in the AD component for the campaign chest keys. And crafted lingerie. :^D And Jewelcrafting rings...
(Looked it up: Don't you put the cart before the donkey here?)
Currently, with the irreversibility of the Armor Upgrades' grafting onto a piece of armor, it's plainly somewhat useless. Add in an option for extraction, at e.g. the Salvager - easy to implement, add in an acceptable (e.g. 5-10k AD) price tag, and it makes sense again to use them.
Would make all the time we've spent leveling the crafting professions worthwhile if the Armor Enhancements would become a useful investment again, wouldn't it?