Hello fellow rogue adventurers. I 've noticed that the TR class is in a bad spot at the moment regarding dps at PvE compared to other classes like for example GWF or HR trapper (same IL/enchants/gear etc my trapper has x2 my TR's dps). I 'm pretty sure though that I 'm also not maximizing my TR's dps potential through skill rotation/performance since I don't know the class as good as I know the trapper for example which I play since it came out. So I 'd like to ask any experienced TR to provide some feedback with the right rotation and playstyle which is effective at PvE, AoE and single target dps.
P.S - I 'm a MI exe spec (Power:13.7k / Crt. chance 52% / ArP: 42% / Recovery: 15%) current rotation smoke bomb, lashing blade, dazing strike and i swap to WR sometimes for single target bosses, my go to daily is whirlwind of blades but going through some other threads many ppl use Lurker's which might have more benefits (need some info on that).
Any advice is appreciated, thanks.
Blade Flurry has no cooldown if used from stealth, that's its bonus (point 3). Combine points 1, 2 and 3, you can fire off up to 10 Blade Flurries during your time in Lurkers Assault if you get the timing down perfectly. Practice on dummies.
Use with Invisible Infiltrator, Sigil of Devoted, Flail Snail
for single target damage, lurkers is always much better.
lostmauth set required...even then there is no way to compete vs a gwf no matter the item level difference. Once they reach 2.8k+ they just fly
Rayrdan yeah sadly I know there is no way to compete against a gwf in terms of damage I just want to know how to maximize my dps as a TR and how to play the class the right way and get as much dps as I can out of it given the bad state our dps output is at the moment.
If you have Exec questions the person to listen to is rustie. He and I have had some lengthy conversations on Exec powers... and TR powers. In fact rustlord got me to look at Blade Flurry... and now that is my go to encounter.
Whirlwind works well... but it seems more for solo play than the party dynamic. My go to Daily is Bloodbath or Lurkers... during boss fights I use Courage Breaker.
path of blades stealth dhs smoke stealth daily and again and again and again....
added link to my pwers and feats hope it helps
lurker assault ---> smoke bomb ----> blade flurries no stop until lurker assault ends.
rinse and repeat
I know that's a lot of question but I'm really trying to improve my DPS
If you have a link or a screenshot of your build, it would be much appreciated
look here to see what invisible infiltrator is http://nwcalc.com/index.html#/tr?b=23ci:k6rwk5:8dep:5tb7d,1000000:1000000:1000000:1000000&h=0&p=min
with snail and sigils that aoe combo can be spammed continuously
you are not a gwf but its high aoe dps anyways.
its not worth it in single target
I'd go with Stealth -> Smoke bomb -> Lurker's assault -> Stealth -> Blade flurry. Is that it ?
If (a) full stealth bar, full AP, do this Stealth -> Lurkers -> Smoke Bomb -> BF BF BF BF BF BF BF...
If (b) empty stealth, full AP, do this Lurkers (Invisible Infiltrator proc) -> Stealth -> Smoke Bomb -> BF BF BF BF BF BF ...
Also try simulating jump-Blade Flurries, like how you would do jumping Duelist Flurry strikes back in the day. Jumping puts you in sync with the restealth timing. Spam too fast, you will drop out of stealth. Spam too slow, fewer hits, lower DPS.