On a good day, as a VIP I could collect 60 Dungeoneering Shards of Power, BUT I have to win 6 times to collect. If I wanted to get 60 Conqueror's Shads of Power I would also have to win 6 PvP matches.
It's hard to compete with doing 10 Stronghold PvP matches and losing every time, BUT getting 100 Conqueror's shards just for Participating. That Rubs me the wrong way.
Large Guilds, defined as have 25 members with at least 1 TIL 3100 character[small Guilds are everyone else], have no problem doing T2 Dungeons and winning within 45 min. Small Guilds can take upwards of 4 hours to complete ECC, but once they win once, each time after that it gets easier. For the Stronghold (the lack of) Dungeoneering Shards is a roadblock to advancement.
A Domination PvP match takes 15-20 minutes, Icewind Dale PvP can take less than that, but usually doesn't and since it takes twice as long for a small Guild team to finish a T2 Dungeon, T2 Dungeons should be awarded 20 Dungeoneering Shards of Power for completion.
What do you think?
on the other hand, you cant get more than 2 conquerors shards per ton per day and you need them a lot more.
so i say buff conquerors one and nerf dungeoneering one ....
When did they change that??
dungeoneering shards are almost useless in my small guild. i almost always slotting them in inventory, since there is no space in coffer for them.
on the other hand, you cant get more than 2 conquerors shards per ton per day and you need them a lot more.
so i say buff conquerors one and nerf dungeoneering one ....
And when things in all the campaign zones are as difficult as it is, not to mention the most often very OP enemies in dungeons, it's really not fun to try and scrape together everything needed. Hell, I'm a lvl70 CW with focus on damage with all the boons in the game (except for the SH one; my guild isn't even close to getting those) and Protectors Artifact Gear, the full Validra set and several rank 12 enchantments and I can't stay alive when trying to solo simple quests in Icewind Dale, ffs!
The devs were so quick to nerf classes because people complained in PVP and they're quick to nerf anything that gives us something actually valuable (dragon hoard enchant comes to mind), but when it comes to things like this they don't do anything to fix it.
Which is just another thing that'll make people more and more frustrated and eventually leave the game.
Remember, Stronghold is a Long term project, that's why the requirements are so high. The Guild Hall upgrade takes days to build, the other structures take minutes (an hour or less each). The bulk of the time is spent gathering materials to build structures, as in real life.
Guilds were set up with the unrealistic expectation that 16% of the members (25 out of 150) would participate and ended up with 6% participating and its taking many times longer. If they reality is addressed then the Guild cap would have to be raised to 500 members to get the 25-30 active members needed to build Strongholds as the Developers planned.
6% of a 400 member Guild is 24, 6% of a 500 member Guild is 30, maybe it's time to raise the Guild cap to deal with reality.