We just finished sh rank 6.
What I really don't understand is the logic behind behind the availability of df armor, sh artifact weapon, pvp overload enchantments.
For example dragonflight armor. Many people of our small guild are working adults, we would be willing to spend some zen/cash to open dragonflight lockboxes for the fangs (that was one of your intents cryptic, casual players of small guilds have to buy keys, wasn't it?). But instead of making the armor available at a lower rank marketplace, they put it into marketplace rank 4 - that was too far away for small guilds, we all will skip df armor and will go for dusk or drow armor in mod 8 => you've lost money. Exactly the same will happen to the SH artifact weapons.
=> armor, weapons, pvp overload enchantments - you want all people to have/buy and wear them => put them in lower rank buildings
=> large boon improvements, put them in higher rank guilds - that is the carrot for pvp players, whale guilds, big spenders, ...
Perhaps you overestimated the amount of players because your numbers showed leadership toons, bots, lost players ... as active players. It's no shame to make a mistake in gathering your numbers, but it's a mistake to stubbornly hold on to your numbers.
the dragonflight gear is good but the upgrade from Elven gear to DF is minor at best you are talking a handful of stats and maybe 1k hp per peice so its not gonna be this big massive upgrade
also from what i understand from what i have read the new mod is going to give you new ways to get fangs
It is not the fang, it is the structures/GH construction requirement what is extreme. This is what OP wrote and is right.
- Is group pressure in large guilds so high Cryptic earns much more money with large guilds (>100 active players) than with 10 active small guilds (10-20 active players)?
- Do their numbers exclude all small inactive, dead guilds and small personal "bag-space" guilds - or do they look at simple reports unaware of the guild structures?
- What is their algorithm to detect active players (not leadership, pray, influence farm chars)?
- Are they afraid of performance problems with many small guilds doing HEs, dragonflights, ...?
I'm still searching for reasons to exclude a large playerbase from things like df armor in mod 7, sh armor, mastercrafting, ... - even accepting a profit loss.
Honestly you can't expect to play the game and get EVERYTHING. What mmorp out there will give you every possible reward in the game without giving you a challenge to overcome? Some of us go through games for years without even getting a glimpse of legendary gears that will trump every other gear by a mile. You have to be happy that at least here you have options.
boons are worth way more.. its the reason to grind and donate..
I will say, as many others said, its really grindy. and kind of boring in terms of what they require to give back. How are we supposed to both grind for AD, grind for new boons and grind for strongholds.. Its too much.
WHich again why I was opposed to leadership removal x 10000. But whatever, some of you think we should be in game 300 hours a week apparently.
I mean dont get me wrong I agree its tough on smaller guilds and kinda mking it to where smaller guilds are losing players to larger guilds but it was never meant to be a one mod deal