I for one would like to see my Companion *finally* get his fix, he's been completely messed up since the start of the Elemental Evil mod and has been continually neglected. I know not many people use the Pseudodragon, but I literally NEVER go anywhere without my little buddy.
(Yes this has been reported in the bug thread, multiple times I've bumped it and still nothing.)
Photo comparison of before and after:
Before Elemental Evil dropped;
After Elemental Evil;
So, that aside... What would others like to see *finally* get addressed in the next module?
I dont enter tiamat so often since i got all boons on my main. But even with maybe 5 entry a week i still see black dragon head is bugged.
Think of tiamat release i dont remember but still i like to play
It's so out of the priority fix list that it can be fixed soon...
Remember the 8Hour update to fix a npc hair cut?
Every thing is good, nothing needs fixed, please push another module, that's all we need please.
/sarcasm off
Lol this guy...
I bet this kind of stuff would get fixed if Akro were still here...
There's nothing wrong with people venting a bit as long as it stays within the rules. The forums area good place for people to vent and express their frustration with the game. But when it turns to people flaming and trolling other players, the devs or other PWE staff, that's where the line gets draw most times.
There is nothing, as Ironzerg78 confirmed, against the rules about grousing about things, as long as you don't get personal or nasty against others or use foul language or slanderous comments.
And with that said..a bit of grousing..Get off my lawn you darn Whippersnappers! *shakes fist in air*