was watching some of the new rings at preview today.
and i was wandering what effect will they have at pvp.
although they dont give any stat at all i can imagine a gwf with unstoppable or just using the running skill with a blue 30% dmg resistance buff for moving for 5 sec or even a gf or tank paladin using it.
would like to read other player thoughts about that.
If pvp wouldnt be such a mess, i would look forward to it.
they have 1 slot.......meh
Now, if there'd be bubble-cancelling rings, too, I'd say it'd be a godlike balancing move...
It would be nice if the rings cancelled all classes tab abilities. Or if there were a set to target each class.
TRs already have an artifact that cancels their tab, should be all classes to be fair.
There should be rings targeted at each class not just one
In the least, if they are going to introduce gear to weaken a class ability, they should add one that strengthens it. IE ward/drain
7 (guild hall 8) + 6 (guild hall 7)+ 5 (guild hall 6)+ 4 (guild hall 5)+ 3 (guild hall 4)+ 2 (guild hall 3)+ 1 (guild hall 2)=> 28 days = 4 weeks
Looks like you can't bear that some were already prepared and planned to get lvl 8 as fast as they can...
So the ap drain runes didn't come for at least 4 weeks, not 2 weeks. Giving wrong numbers discredit your post man....
I want to say that all of these rings have a weakness and I don't think they're that op. I'm talking about pvp now, because it is the topic of this discussion.
As lemonchill said the 30% def bonus works only when you move and keep moving. So that means 2 things: first, if someone uses it, he cannot attack or just few quick attacks. Then, a lot of clases have a root/stun. Once you root/freeze him, he loses the bonus and need to keep moving for 5 seconds or so (less as the ring level increase): 5 sec is a long time especially in pvp without being able to attack. Same for all the rings that force you to move (I'm thinking about the invisibility ring): you cannot attack or do anything, just run. Oh and btw, when you slot a ring like that, you lose stats from a normal ring + another ench slot. So I don't think they gonna break pvp, even tho i'm looking forward to see the combinations
Now let's talk about the stats rings that are stacked (the +?? per hit for 4 sec stacking 10 times). I agree that in pve they gonna be really good imo (especially the legendary ones). But in pvp: just dodge, or stun him. 4 sec without being struck is possible. And for the defensive ones (you get def by getting hit), just stop hitting him for 4 sec, and he loses all his defense. especially if he wears 2 rings like that.
Now the others rings I've seen have a big cd (20 sec to 2 min), for a minor bonus: less than 1 sec of immunity, or few sec of invulnerability with huge cd (120 sec), a power bonus for few secs, stealth sight for few sec, root for couple of secs, removing buffs...)
Maybe the one of "Natural Order" might be good in pvp, even tho it has a big cd (60s), as it removes all the buffs: I didn't test it, but if it removes the DP or stealth, or unstoppable etc, it might have a role. However you still don't get stats, and are good in only few specific situations.
So far I don't think the rings I saw are really op in pvp and can break it. I think I didn't get all the rings possible but I've got a few of them
The Debuff rings are broken beyond anything, its removes EVERYTHING, all buffs all elixirs and OPs bubble, Feytouch etc. I have not been able to test everything yet. But my best guess its affecting the most.
Or maybe this is a good thing in the end, so players dont need to pot up like crazy anymore, but its gamechanging for sure.
edit: Ok I've tested, The ring of Natural order does remove the DP. So I don't think it'll break pvp, but it'll add new strats and way to win ( and maybe it's good as it brings a way to remove perma bubble in pvp )
Look Good Play Good