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Armor Penetration for healing classes

boatmanfall3nboatmanfall3n Member Posts: 141 Arc User
edited October 2015 in PvE Discussion
Healers benefit from armor pen as well.

Not quite sure what stat effects resistance to friendly heals (damage resist, armor class, etc.) But there is something at play that actually negates a portion of incoming heals.

If you would like to test and see the numbers for yourself party up with a friend and remove all of your gear. Let your friend take a bit of damage and then heal them. Then equip 1 item with a bit of armor pen and repeat. After doing both (one with armor pen and one without), check the combat log and compare the numbers.

I have no clue what the armor pen cap is for healers but I am running 40% and it seems to be enough.

Plus, a bit of armor pen will help healing classes do more damage when playing non group content.

Just wanted to share the information. A post from the PC paladin forums is what got me to look into it. All credit goes to thefabricant and his amazing insight into game mechanics.

Link if interested:


As noted in section 8.1 of the guide. Thefabricant has done ample testing in the pc side and has a wealth of knowledge regarding game mechanics.

So if you see a healer with armor pen do not think that they have no idea what they are doing. When in fact, they likely have a better understanding of the games mechanics than you do.
Post edited by boatmanfall3n on


  • bkt5789bkt5789 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    I'm running the same build in my devotion paladin it's fantastic. As far as armor pen, my heals are fine since there are so many of them but I'm still getting all the things I need to maximize my armor pen, I'm a little below 40%, and aiming for 55-60%. My reasoning is that I have to solo dailies, it's nice to deal okay to decent damage, and for me to heal more it means I should be hitting my vowed target more so more heals go out and I can help a bit with dps. Thanks to my spec and boons I'm usually in middle of the damage charts either 2nd or 3rd. I'm not even fully geared yet, and I'm not trying hard to heal people, I'm just healing people are hitting my marked target and as I hit as well. Dungeons have since been going faster as more pressure is taken off of the rest of the party to dps, it evens out the inaccurate pain giver chart a lot. The chart might be full of HAMSTER I don't care I just like dead dungeons and defeated bosses.
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  • boatmanfall3nboatmanfall3n Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    Well it seems you are running the same thing I am. We should definitely team up some time. I have been itching to get 2 devotion paladins together running this spec.

    PM me your gamertag if you ever want to test some shenanigans.

    I was more so wanting to just get the information out there that armor pen is also useful for healers. I don't feel that I actually need it at all for group content as I already over heal by a tremendous amount.
  • boatmanfall3nboatmanfall3n Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    And sadly enough it is true. I had to test it to believe it myself. I have never seen another mmo that had a resist mechanism to friendly heals.

    From the amount of glitches and exploits I have seen so far though I cannot honestly say that I am not surprised. I would guess that it is just lazy coding on their part.
    Post edited by boatmanfall3n on
  • enicegeoenicegeo Member Posts: 88 Arc User
    Not to surprising heals work like that when one considers one of the Elemental Evil patch notes said this:
    •Urgent Prayers: The heal from this feat can no longer be deflected.
  • bkt5789bkt5789 Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    Their regeneration stat also affects their incoming healing by the way. And if you wanna hit me up on the Xbox my gamer tag is cocostarfish69. I'm curious to test two prisms going off at the same time (stacking shield of faith would be sweet)
  • boatmanfall3nboatmanfall3n Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    Oh wow didn't even know that regeneration did that. Sometimes I feel like I just started playing this game lol.

    Added you. Let's get together this weekend for some OP OP'ness.
  • jikhanjikhan Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    I'm running this build as well, plus DR boons (burning guidance). GT is Nostradammit if you guys ever want help testing!
  • boatmanfall3nboatmanfall3n Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    edited October 2015
    5 man devo pally bg party? Let's do it! Shield of faith stacks in case you didn't already know. 5 shields means we take 1/32 of incoming damage minus whatever your DR is.
    Post edited by boatmanfall3n on
  • thefabricantthefabricant Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5,248 Arc User
    edited October 2015

    5 man devo pally bg party? Let's do it! Shield of faith stacks in case you didn't already know. 5 shields means we take 1/5 of incoming damage minus whatever your DR is.

    actually, 5 shields means you take 1/2^5 incoming damage (or 1/32, or 3.125% incoming damage), then you take into account dr :p
  • boatmanfall3nboatmanfall3n Member Posts: 141 Arc User
    Lol realized that after I wrote it. Was going to change it after lunch.
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