I loathe pvp right now. I can't tell whatthe matchmaking system is looking to determine the balance. Fights are so desperately onesided people start to sit by the campfire within 1 minute of starting the match.
I'm not gonna go on about how cool it would be to have a 5v5 moba style game within nwo.
Instead you went with a 20 vs 20 death match.
Dont get me wrong i like the supplies system. The base mechanics of the match (player gear) make it impossible to make it worthwhile.
Can we please have some match environment that balances the gear problem ? The pvp towers are a start but they wont be enough.
The automanned ballista concept could work but too hard to test it atm. If you dont want the troops/ minions to have much of an impact, then what is there left to balance these problems out ?
This is gonna be worse than the previous two pvp game you have put forward because you have not dealt with the root problem. Player gear.
The giant walking around in gg was a great idea. but he did not do enough to swing the match by taking and holding points. Nor were players capable of talking to an instance connected to that particualr match in order to inflence the construction of catapults etc.
Please put more things in to balance this mess of a pvp system you have.
The simple things like a golem preventing camping spawn points have never ever been implemented.
Players working towards an enchantment boost that lasts for the match to make for gear ? early capping versus working towards enchant. trade offs. balancing. Please.
Thank You.
cryptic dont see problem, according to their words - there will be reward for tight defeat too, but there will not be something like tight defeat. cryptic dont have a clue, dont play own game obviously
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Domination pvp, this is working -very slow progress because recent game change, WAI
IceWindDale pvp campaign, nearly impossible to finish with out "trading kills", current situation
Grym pvp campaign, some players have been stuck with "triples & douples" = imbosible to finish, current situation
Stronghold pvp campaign, will continue line off success, "your prediction here" Future situation
Great success with pvp campaigns will continue... or how we can call it?