Read about what awaits when you first encounter your stronghold and the early stages of building it:
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I personally wouldn't like to be forced into a guild and participate to get the latest stuff. If that's the case however, I wanna be prepared.
Please put a (NPC) guild map out there so we can do some sightseeing without being in a guild.
|| Axios Guild Leader || Neverwinter Trade Forum Moderator || Infernal Paragons ||
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Thaumaturge's Time To Shine: A Complete Guide
It stated there will be more buildings than spots to build them on. This could be nice, but also quite bad. Is there a balance where you'll say: this boon / bonus will not affect pvp, but is ok for open world pvp, or only available during pve.
Or will guilds have to specialize in either pve or pvp, if they want to be competative in the top ranking?
Anyways, that was the first thing that came to mind. Everyone wants to go somewhere with their character and dont wanna be hold back, because their guild made a different decission than they would have. Just curious how..uhm, mobile, people can stay outside a guild without these bonus things, or inside a guild where the leaders decide to go a certain route.
I think this pretty much echoes my own sentiments.
ASSUMING they can pull of the Strongholds expansion without having it reduced to some crappy experience like Mod 6 (which sounded AMAZING on paper, but in reality is the most gawd-awful thing I've ever experienced in a game), that, for me (and most of mu guildies) will go a long, long way towards really turning this game around.
So, please.. don't suck.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79