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Why Gods...WHY?!?!?

varakethvaraketh Member Posts: 8 Arc User
I haven't played Neverwinter for a few months now–just had some personal and family problems I had to take care of–about seventy-two hours ago I finally came back to Neverwinter. When I first left, I deleted the two characters I had made because I had no idea when or if I would be playing the game again. Well, I guess the call to adventure in the world of Faerun was too strong; and here I am.

When I got back into playing Neverwinter, I actually enjoyed starting over from the beginning, it gave me the opportunity to do quests in the beginning that I had completely forgotten about, and, strange as it may sound, I actually liked doing some of the "noob" quests again to–for lack of a better term–refamiliarize myself with the game and the mechanics of it.

Everything was going swimmingly until I reached the Blacklake District. Now, shortly after you enter into Blacklake you get a quest called "The Dead Rats"; where you delve into the sewers in order to find Gothwan Cooper, who was one of the thieves that stole the Crown of Neverwinter in the beginning of the game.

Now while you are in the sewers, a tooltip pops up saying that you have discovered a trap, however, unless you are a Rogue, you have no idea where the trap is actually located. Since this quest was one that I really couldn't remember very well I forgot exactly where the trap was located and triggered it. Now, before my departure, traps were a pain, yes, but, I dealt with them. After all, I was a Great Weapon Fighter; a trap is not going to hurt me all that much. Imagine my shock, and my WTF face and exclamation of the actual words that make up that abbreviation when I saw the red "You Are Injured" message flash on screen and I discovered I had a Minor Body Injury.

Who was the "brainiac" who thought it would be a great idea to have traps bestow upon players minor injuries?!?! The only time I remember getting an injury like that was if I died; that I could easily understand, but to have simple traps hit you with a minor body/leg/arm/whatever injury has got to be THE stupidest decision that the powers that be that decide what is added/subtracted from Neverwinter have ever made.

Is Cryptic and Perfect World trying to drive players away from the game? Because if they are, they’re doing a bang up job with numbskull decisions like this. Since players who start Neverwinter from the beginning do not have much in the way of money to buy supplies they may need, purchasing one or more Injury Kits to fix these injuries may not be feasible for those who are just starting out. True, you can stand at a campfire for three minutes to heal the injury but if you're deep inside a dungeon, nine times out of ten, a campfire is not going to be right around the corner, thus you can’t do that. So, you are left with this injury handicap that could mean the difference between life and death when you go against a boss in the particular dungeon you may be in. Do you see the problem with traps bestowing injuries on players yet?

Some may say that I should quit my griping and just deal with it, but, as I mentioned previously, unless you are a Rogue, you have absolutely no idea where traps may be located. Say you're going through a rather lengthy dungeon and trigger say…eight traps…that means you'll have to use eight injury kits after triggering them, then when you die, you will have no injury kits left to fix the injury you suffered when you died, so you're stuck standing by a campfire until you heal. Again, do you see the problem with traps bestowing injuries upon players yet?

I'm not sure when the next patch will be coming out, but the traps bestowing injuries on players should be removed ASAP or you are going to lose a lot of players who will not want to waste their time to save up enough money to buy three sets of ninety-nine injury kits instead of purchasing a new weapon and/or armor for their character.
He is Death Incarnate. He will never eat, he will never sleep, he will never stop.


  • polymemepolymeme Member Posts: 87 Arc User
    Man did you ever come late to the party. Trap rage has already swelled and subsided.
    Yes, it sucks that traps cause injury. But in mod 5, traps were barely even a nuisance. Even those terrifying fire rune things in the thayan pocket dimension in WoD were just some damage that you regenned back.
    Traps now are a serious threat. You CAN see traps. They're an obvious little plate or slot and you know to move around it or dodge/block thru it. Everybody adjusted. And with all the end-game mobs hitting so hard, half the players I know have injury kits in their belt slots anyway. Part of my restocking routine is buying a stack of kits on the AH. You learn, you adapt.
  • sasagerusasageru Member Posts: 269 Arc User
    I hate to be a pesimist, but if this is currently your main point of contention in the game... well, things could be worse ^^: and actually are worse once you run out of new quests.

    For traps though, they are visible if you pay attention, they are usually raise off the ground slightly if they are buttons, otherwise they appear on walls as a square grid or a line (saw trap), or little holes (arrow trap).

    I know its irritating to have to carry tons of injury kits now, but traps are generally only seen in dungeons and instances, so in general you won't be encountering them all that much.
    DPS Rogue | Heal/Buff Cleric
  • maegmaagmaegmaag Member Posts: 332 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Besides that traps are visible and that the injury could be somehow random instead of granted (more like based on type of trap), they are still meaningless as they deal mostly comic damage, cause no debuffs or any effect and injury kits are cheap/easy to come by.

    Wonder how crazy would ppl go, if I was in charge of traps mechanics and power. Not to mention i would not make them that easily visible, from afar "hey am over here" yelling even for TRs. At least they are a bit annoying now so we know some are in the game.
    A bit nosy NW-DKG7E99X6
    "Hardcore" exploration journey and dungeon crawl. Read its description prior to trying it.
  • tyrtallowtyrtallow Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 747 Arc User
    Traps have always had visual cues .The fact that you conditioned yourself to ignore them completely is proof that they needed to be more dangerous.
    You there. New to the game? Feeling overwhelmed? Maybe you think getting to end-game is impossible for a casual player like yourself, or maybe you just need to be around a community that helps each other stay sane and competitive with the latest news, current trends, random chitchat and most of all LEGIT (that is, we try to keep things fair) gameplay. If you don't mind being around quirky people and the rare occasional drama (one of our prominent TR members is apparently a mafia godfather) join nw_legit_community at http://www.nwlegitcommunity.shivtr.com/forum_threads/2330542.
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  • burkaancburkaanc Member Posts: 2,186 Arc User
    buy a stack of kits, drop them in a quickslot and run over all those stupid traps,

    but i do have a pair of army boots that would like to have a chat with the "genius" who thought injury on traps was a good idea
    Paladin Master Race
  • angryspriteangrysprite Member Posts: 4,982 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Injury on traps is a good idea. Otherwise why bother even having traps at all. I'm only wondering what took them so farking long to implement it. In fact I think traps should cause major injuries to create a lethal threat. Otherwise why bother having "traps" at all? (intentional reiteration, there.)

    Not trolling the way the person directly above me does: I'm very serious and genuine in this opinion on traps and injuries.

    But oh, well, as stated far above: @O/P: you're late to the party. Traps and injuries is yesterday's rant.
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    Injury on traps is a good idea. Otherwise why bother even having traps at all. I'm only wondering what took them so farking long to implement it. In fact I think traps should cause major injuries to create a lethal threat. Otherwise why bother having "traps" at all? (intentional reiteration, there.)

    Not trolling the way the person directly above me does: I'm very serious and genuine in this opinion on traps and injuries.

    But oh, well, as stated far above: @O/P: you're late to the party. Traps and injuries is yesterday's rant.

    I only agree if every 'actor' gets injuries from them (including boss monsters) and if players can lay their own traps.

    As you say though, yesterday's rant.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,516 Arc User
    edited June 2015
    azlanfox wrote: »
    I only agree if every 'actor' gets injuries from them (including boss monsters) and if players can lay their own traps.
    As you say though, yesterday's rant.

    They do (or they did in mod 5 since I have not seen trap for a while now). One of the boss was "locked" in the trap and I could see his HP went down whenever the trap activated. That was one of the spike thing that pops up every few seconds if you are on top of it.

    Or, it is still not considered as "injury".
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • azlanfoxazlanfox Member Posts: 436 Arc User
    plasticbat wrote: »
    azlanfox wrote: »
    I only agree if every 'actor' gets injuries from them (including boss monsters) and if players can lay their own traps.
    As you say though, yesterday's rant.

    They do (or they did in mod 5 since I have not seen trap for a while now). One of the boss was "locked" in the trap and I could see his HP went down whenever the trap activated. That was one of the spike thing that pops up every few seconds if you are on top of it.

    Or, it is still not considered as "injury".

    No, that's just damage. The condition of injury that one receives from dieing or the traps... such as leg damage that reduces move speed.
    The fox said, "lock and load"

    glassdoor.com - Cryptic Studios Review
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited June 2015
    Traps in official game content can be avoided as well as disarmed by a rogue. Springing a trap should be an indicator to remember its location for next time as well as to slow down and watch for traps. We've needed something to make traps not be ignored for two years. Well, we finally got it and I personally am glad to see it and have no issues with traps being more dangerous and a forethought in adventurer's minds, as it should be in any D&D Game, mmo or table-top.
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  • varakethvaraketh Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    First off, to those of you that said I'm "late to the party", if you read my post I said in the beginning that I haven't been on in months, the last time I played Neverwinter was a week before Elemental Evil came out. I still think the traps causing minor injuries is total BS, make them more powerful, make the DOT's some inflict last longer or do more damage, you had a million other ways to make traps more than just a nuisance and THIS hair brained idea is what you come up with?!? You went from one extreme (traps being barely more than a nuisance) to the other (traps giving you the kind of injury you get when you die) Haven't you ever heard of a happy medium? Like I said, it's almost like you're trying to drive people away from the game with decisions like this.

    He is Death Incarnate. He will never eat, he will never sleep, he will never stop.
  • sliderhardcoresliderhardcore Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 52 Arc User
    varaketh wrote: »
    Who was the "brainiac" who thought it would be a great idea to have traps bestow upon players minor injuries?!?!

    It will be funny but - have you ever try reality !? Do anyone have to be "brainiac" to notice and compare it.
    I remember that first trap being arrow one. So do you think arrow in the leg, hand or else will be only minor injury to you, let alone something to just shrug off ?

    However this is only a game and as others pointed out, every trap has visual clues (even the magical one in WoD lairs) and can be avoided if you want.
  • umscheumsche Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 461 Arc User
    All that long post just to cry about a trap that can easily be avoided? Wow

    An injury is a small nuisance, if you don't want to pay for kits, learn to avoid traps and stay at a fire camp for 3mn.
    azlanfox wrote: »
    Injury on traps is a good idea. Otherwise why bother even having traps at all. I'm only wondering what took them so farking long to implement it. In fact I think traps should cause major injuries to create a lethal threat. Otherwise why bother having "traps" at all? (intentional reiteration, there.)

    Not trolling the way the person directly above me does: I'm very serious and genuine in this opinion on traps and injuries.

    But oh, well, as stated far above: @O/P: you're late to the party. Traps and injuries is yesterday's rant.

    I only agree if every 'actor' gets injuries from them (including boss monsters) and if players can lay their own traps.

    As you say though, yesterday's rant.

    Bosses do get injury from them, they even die from traps. ;)

  • kronus#9296 kronus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 165 Arc User
    zebular wrote: »
    Traps in official game content can be avoided as well as disarmed by a rogue. Springing a trap should be an indicator to remember its location for next time as well as to slow down and watch for traps. We've needed something to make traps not be ignored for two years. Well, we finally got it and I personally am glad to see it and have no issues with traps being more dangerous and a forethought in adventurer's minds, as it should be in any D&D Game, mmo or table-top.

    I agree up to a point. Traps and locks were/are the only reason to have a rogue at all in a "REAL" D&D adventure/module since they are pretty much useless in combat. Traps are potentially lethal when playing by any edition of the ruleset. Here they are not. Why not make them so and make the rogue be more like what he was created for instead of a super assasin. That's a rant for another day though.

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