Since the live server dropped out yesterday with the authentication issue. My connection to Neverwinter is now extremely horrible. It takes 5-10 attempts at the character login screen to get connected.. It has been steadily gotten worse since then.
I have added the live neverwinter.exe, gameclient, the playtest client.exe, arc launcher, etc. into my firewall exceptions, my antivirus exceptions.
I have tried using the US, and EU proxy attempting to connect as well not using the proxy.
I have tried logging in without using the proxy as well.
I have tried rebooting the modem/router,
I have tried with ethernet connection and wireless.
After about 10 attempts I am able to finally connect.. sometimes... when I change characters, I get disconnected again and I have to start the process all over again with this.. This is getting worse for me each day to the point of becoming very upset and not bothering with the game for the day..
This is happening on my live and preview server login attempts.
I have tried force verifyl, safe mode, with and without proxies.. and still getting worse..
Could I please get some help with this?
I have been having the same issue for quite sometime now. I have pretty much tried all the possible solutions as you. It make me wonder what the "keep alive" time is set for? I have not been able to find any solutions from the devs nor any responses to this issue. With so many people complaining about this you would think it a priority. If you come across anything let me (and others) know.