One of the most irritating aspects of pvp for me, and I'm sure some of you will agree, is the pointless standing around nodes (or campfire) when one team is massively dominating the other. Even with 3 nodes invaded, it takes looong minutes for the match to finally end end. Winning team is bored to no end (even the gankers are, when there are no fo0ls doing the lemming thing), losing team also. It feels like a big waste of time. 1 minute in the match, then you realize it's one of those games with huge skill or gear disparity - a big let down after waiting 5-10 minutes for a match to pop.
So while waiting in a match like one described above, I was thinking if this experience could be improved somewhat. I've come up with something I'd call a solution, and wanted to share it with you all (maybe Cryptic?).
When all 3 points are capped, and they generated 200 resources without being touched by the enemy team, the nodes start to generate points much faster, like 5x or maybe in an exponential fashion to have a transition of some sort. Some might say 200 points are too little as a treshold, but think about it. If a team haven't even touched a node during those 200 points generated, chances are, they will not do so in the remainder of the match. This would ensure that a totally imbalanced game would be a lot shorter, and thus, much less time wasted for everyone.
I know some might come up with a situation where this suggestion won't work somehow, but for every solution, one can forge a situation where it won't work as intended. Like jurisdiction. There might be some rare event, but if the suggestion improved the game overall, it would worth it.
PS: You devs work your mojo on this Strongholds thingie first, don't let us down. Then you can recycle some of that stuff and put them in Domination. Win win.
Add more PvP maps please!
PS: You devs work your mojo on this Strongholds thingie first, don't let us down. Then you can recycle some of that stuff and put them in Domination. Win win.