I had a suggestion for PVP that I think would help to stop people quitting out during matches. Or lessen the "rage quits" happening so often.
Matching by ilvl for pvp within certain brackets.
I'm still a newbie in PVP, but I never quit out because even if you lose you still get some honor points which is great. But many times people on the other team will quit, or people on my team will quit, because the game isn't fun for them. I'm at 1.5k ilvl and often times get matched against people with 3k+ ilvl and my best abilities only tickle them, and they can 1 shot me. That isn't fun for me, and I'm sure it gets boring for them quickly. Some people will find it fun, for sure.
But the people who enjoy a challenge would get bored of "newb killing"
My thoughts is a bracket system that only matches people within certain ilvls for PVP, and even a preference for picking your ilvl matching in ascending scale.
So for example you could have a player with 2k ilvl and he could queue for pvp and it would only match him with people within 200 of his ilvl.
But if he wanted a challenge he could choose to fight people with 500-1,000 over his ilvl via a preference slider or option.
It would make sense to not allow the preference to go under his ilvl so as to prevent fighting 1k ilvl players and farming them for easy wins.
But this is just a suggestion, I'm just throwing out my thoughts on it.
I'm enjoying the game even though I die repeatedly and often in it. If anyone has any suggestions or wants to rip apart my idea feel free to do so, thanks for reading.
Their "current tech" can't do this... That is usually what they say. They probably just don't want to rewrite something they spent hundreds of hours on and are just gonna keep tweaking it, hence why it breaks... works... breaks... works.
I dont know if your suggested system will work. 200 is too limiting and just PURELY based on ilevel has its drawbacks.