Solo player who has had disappointing experiences with Guilds. Last few guilds were only interested in helping a few key players and not the rest. Even tested this theory by asking for dungeons runs, even though I was already outfitted. Hoping to find one that will change that opinion.
Not really interested in gear and willing to pass on almost everything in dungeons. Just want a friendly, helpful, and mature clan to run dungeons and skirmishes with when I can. I believe I need more experience with team play.
I have 3 level 60's and assorted alts. I play nightly after work and on weekends if time permits. Gear score shouldn't be an issue, have 15.2k-16.8k. Experience with groups will probably be.
GT: Onikuma666; send a message if interested.
Characters: Kara, 60 glass cannon SW; Liriel, 60 plink plink from afar HR, and Arielle, 60 bandaid and booboo fixer DC.
Willing to try a probationary period to see if it's a good mesh for us both. I have a headset, but rarely talk. I do use line for clan chat for other games, willing to use it for this one too.