Hello everyone, Felix here,
Ever since I started playing D&D monks have been one of my favourite characters, lore wise. Unfortunately MAD and insufficiently powerful class features may have tempted me to create other characters instead. Eventually I started playing Neverwinter Online and running Temple of Tiamat whenI found myself wondering, "How awesome would it be if I could just punch Tiamat in the face?" And thus the idea to create a monk class was born! Please do keep in mind that all numbers are not final. With that in mind, please enjoy!
Please Note that this is not official.I would not however mind if Cryptic used it and hired me as a game dev
Just saying. In case anyone is interested in helping me out with either the numbers, feedback, or just taking a look at my take on the class, I'll be posting most of my current work on this class here.
Contents (By Post with 0 representing this one):
0. Introduction, Formatting & Roles
1. Ability Scores + How They Scale
2. Mechanics
3. Brief Summary of Feats
4. Brief Summary of Class Features + Powers
5. Random Thoughts during Balancing
6. Class Features
7. At-Will Powers
8. Encounter Powers
9. Daily Powers
10. Epic Gear
11. Strategies
12. Change Log
Formatting on Powers:Lvl #: (The level at which the power may be invested in. On the Neverwinter UI it would be substituted with the number of points invested)- Name of Power (Self-Explanatory)Range: # ft (The range of the ability. If the word "cone" is used, assume a 150 degree cone centered around the front of the character model unless written otherwise. If expanded on, assume that each part following a comma is a new range to be accounted for. This will typically be because of different sections to the attack.)Cooldown: # seconds (How long it takes for the power to be usable again after it is used. If expanded on, assume that each part following a comma is a new cooldown to be kept track of. If the words "after the buff expires" are used, it means that the ability does not begin to go on the cooldown displayed until all benefits from the power are consumed. If the words " per charge" are used, a maximum number of charges will follow, and it will contain a separate cooldown for the ability itself, and for the rate at which charges accumulate.)Cost: (For daily powers this is displayed as an action point cost, which is deducted from your action points by percentage on use.)
Description of power
(A brief description of the power and how it works with numbers used where able, or calculated. The power's damage is displayed as a % of the monk's weapon damage with each slash signifying a rank in the power. Thus Rank 1/Rank 2/Rank 3/Rank 4.)Ki: (A brief description of what is added to the power if Ki is activated to enhance it.)
The Monk - Roles:Primary:
- Striker (The monk deals damage. I mean come on what were you expecting?)
- Tank (The monk can be surprisingly survivable in games, especially with the right specs)
- Leader (The monk has a lot of buffs it can apply with the right specs)
- The monk is meant to be highly mobile. Thus a lot of feats, encounters, and class features which revolve around being able to move around the battlefield.
- The monk is meant to be a DPS. However, there are a lot of those in Neverwinter already so something is needed to separate the monk from them. Therefore the monk scales in power the longer the fight goes, as opposed to bursting and then reverting to DPS.
Primary (Typically adds up to 3% worth of bonuses per point): Dexterity
+1% Deflect Chance
+1% AoE Resist
+1% Damage
Secondary (Typically adds up to 2.5% worth of bonuses per point): Wisdom & Constitution
+1% Critical Chance
+1% Action Point Gain
+0.5% Recharge Speed
+2% Max Health (2% max health is generally considered to be on par with 1% boost to any other stat when involved in stat based bonuses)
+1% DoT Resistance
+0.5% Control Resistance
Tertiary (Typically adds up to 2% worth of bonuses per point): Charisma, Intelligence & Strength
+1% Resistance Ignored
+1% Stamina Regeneration
+1% Companion Bonus
+1% Combat Advantage Damage
+1% Control Bonus
+0.5% Control Resistance
+0.5% Recharge Speed
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
Tactical (Or the Shift Ability):
- Deflection:
Can be used 3 times in a row, with 1 use regenerating shortly thereafter that. There is no downtime between stamina regeneration in the same manner as the TRs.
On use, all attacks in flight and incoming will be deflected, severity based on your characters stats of course. This lasts for 1.5 seconds on each use. While in effect, the monk negates all crowd control effects applied to him. There is still a 1 second invincibility frame immediately following the effect.
Skill (For Skill Nodes and what not):
- Dungeoneering, not much more to say here...
Mechanic(s) (Or the Tab Ability):
- Ki:
The monk builds up Ki while in combat by dealing damage. Ki forms in bars to a maximum of 3. While outside of combat the monk either regenerates or drains Ki towards an equilibrium of 1.5 bars.
When activated the monk's next power within 3 seconds will be enhanced if enough Ki has been built up to empower it. This uses 0.5 of a bar for At-Will Powers, 1 bar for Encounter Powers, and a variable system for Daily Powers.
For Daily Powers, it uses up a full bar for every 33% Action Point cost the daily power has. In other words, if the monk uses a daily power with 34% Action Point cost, it will require 1 bar to be empowered. If the monk uses a daily power with 67% Action Point cost, it will require 2 bars to be empowered. Finally if the monk uses a daily power with a 100% action point cost, it will require 3 bars to be empowered.
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
Heroic Feats:
Under the Heroic Feats section, the monk like all other classes has two 3 point feats, and one 5 point feat. For the monk, their primary role is as a striker, thus most of the heroic feats revolve around damage as evidenced by the split of Utility, DPS, Survivability, DPS in terms of the 4 sections.
Paragon Feats - Path of Enlightenment:
Under the Path of Enlightenment the monk focuses fairly heavily on team focused buffs and heals, this is shown best by the capstone feature Shared Enlightenment which causes all buffs the monk gets, regardless of where it comes from, to affect their allies as well at half the effectiveness. In addition, this particular path focuses more on the use of daily powers to again help buff the party. This path is distributed as AP Gain, Survivability, Ki, Utility, (Pseudo) Healing, Capstone.
Paragon Feats - Path of the Citadel:
Under the Path of the Citadel the monk focuses more on their role as a tank increasing their threat generation and survivability. This path was created because of the monk's ability to deflect attacks and remain mobile even while holding aggro. This tanking role is best shown by their capstone feature Bulwark of Protection which causes 34% of the threat generated by their allies to count as coming from the monk instead. This makes it much easier for the monk to grab the aggro from their allies and maintain it. In addition this feature also regeneration both in combat and out of combat, while rewarding their tanking with additional Ki generation and AP generation. This path is distributed as Deflection, Utility, Tanking, AC, Reflection, Capstone.
Paragon Feats - Path of the Asura:
Under the Path of the Asura the monk focuses on their role as a striker increasing their overall DPS via critical hits, actual damage, and lowered cooldowns. This path has a more significant focus on the monk's at-will powers relative to the other paths. This is best exemplified by their capstone feature Unending Assault which causes all of the monk's powers to reduce their cooldowns whenever they deal damage. This allows the monk to constantly use their powers, be it encounter or daily without having to worry so greatly about recovery as a stat. This also causes the monk's damage to build up significantly over time again based on the rate at which they deal damage. This path is distributed as DPS, Interest, Mobility, Encounters, Critical, Capstone.
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
Class Features:
The monk has access to a total of 12 different class features, 3 of which are exclusive to each paragon path, like all other classes will with the advent of Mod 6. These class features have a clear focus on defense, damage, and miscellaneous. In particular this is separated as being 3 class features focused solely on damage, 3 class features focused solely on defense, and the remaining 6 to be classified under miscellaneous. Amongst the 6 miscellaneous features, they are classified as such because they do not focus solely on either damage, or defense, or have a utility based effect.
At-Will Powers:
The monk has access to a total of 5 different at-will powers, 2 of which are exclusive to each paragon path, like all other classes with the advent of Mod 6. A large number of these at-will powers have a slight dash attached to them, this is most visible under Ferocious Lunge, which requires a brief channel but has a 20 ft dash on an at-will power. In most other cases however, this dash is seen as a slight follow on the target, and/or an increased range on the first hit. In addition many of the monk's at-will powers will either applying a stacking debuff to the enemy struck or a stacking buff to the monk. This is one of the methods in which the monk is capable of fulfilling it's role as a DPS whose damage builds up over time.
Encounter Powers:
The monk has access to 14 encounter powers, 2 of which are exclusive to each paragon path, like all other classes with the advent of Mod 6. It may easily be observed that the vast majority of the monk's most mobile powers are encounter powers. This can be seen by a quick count which shows that of the monk's 14 encounter powers, 6 either affect the mobility of the enemy, or affect the monk's own mobility. By comparison, the Hunter Ranger which is considered one of the most mobile classes in Neverwinter Online right will, in Mod 6, have access to a total of 9 abilities which affect the mobility of either the HR or it's enemies in some way. In addition there is a clear trend that the majority of the monk's AoE powers are acquired early to aid in the leveling process, while most of the more powerful encounters acquired are single target.
Daily Powers:
The monk has access to 6 different daily powers, 2 of which are exclusive to each paragon path, like all other classes with the advent of Mod 6. Similar to the Hunter Ranger, the Monk has access to daily powers with a variable cost. In the monk's case this is separated under the sections of 34%, 67%, and 100% in order to help balance out the powers, and the Ki system. The monk has access to 3 different powers with a mere 34% AP cost on use, of these 1 is a damaging power, and 2 are buffs. Beyond that the monk has access to 2 powers with a 100% AP cost, one of which is an extremely potent buff, and the other of which is a damaging power. Finally the Transcendent has access to the monk's one and only 67% costed daily power, which is yet another buff.
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
SO back to initial planning regarding the monk,
It's meant to be a DPS whose damage is built upover a fair amount of time.
As far as secondary roles go, they are typically considered either a tank, thanks to their tab mechanic or a leader via widespread buffs.
As far as levelling goes, the monk should have a decently balanced experience with some reliance on potions, though not as much as say a control wizard would likely have when actually engaged. Which means that their base tankability should be somewhere along the lines of a GWFs, that is to say around 30k hp pre mod, with a focus on deflection as opposed to defense, and an averaged AC of ~17 maxing out at close to 20.
The other thing you want to be sure of is the amount of DPS it can dish out. By basic capabilities you want it to be about equal to a TRs or a CWs at max, but being capable of maintaining that level of damage for extended periods of time as opposed to the CWs burst and stop periods, or a TRs massive initial burst followed by constant DPS. The monk will be more of a small burst followed up by constant DPS which increases over time.
Finally when it comes to levelling, we need to consider the amount of AoE the monk has access to. Monks in D&D are known for being mobile, being hard to catch and dealing damage over a lot of hits in relatively short periods of time as well as decent tankiness thanks to being able to add their wisdom to AC. As a result, in Neverwinter, the monk will have some capability so far as AoE goes, but most of it will be focused on single target. However to provide them a decent levelling experience the first couple of ablities they gain will likely have AoE involved with their more powerful capabilities being focused on single target, especially as their level starts to rise.
As far as paragon paths go, each will deviate based on the secondary role chosen by the player. The Ironfist path is the tank and has a relatively major focus on buffing their own defense, or allowing the player to itemise more
towards tankability without suffering to greatly on the DPS front. On the other hand, the Transcendant path will revolve around the monks abilities as a Leader, with most of the capabilities gained from it focusing on buffing or
in some cases healing their allies. This is done via damaging powers which include said buff/debuff, and also having the other capabilities as a side effect so that, again, DPS does not suffer too greatly.
Possibly this character will turn out to be too strong, especially in PvP and end game content such as the Temple of Tiamat. In order to counteract this, the monks epic gear is highly specialised, forcing the player to either commit to a single role or be relatively mediocre in two roles. Another consideration is to limit how quickly or how many Ki charges they are capable of stacking up. At the moment this is four, but will need testing to see if it should be raised or lowered. Also to prevent the monk from having too much burst at the
start of an encounter a maximum of half of the Ki charges may be regenerated outside of combat without exceptions. Once out of combat it will begin draining itself rapidly.
If the Ki mechanic is found to give the monk too much power in the early game, it will be reduced to a three charge maximum, and one bar start, with the possibility of it being buffed to one and a half based on how quickly the monk is capable of building up Ki. Will depend on values of damage to determine. Also the path picked should give some difference to what the ability does, eg. giving the Ironfist some build up via taking damage, and the
Transcendent some build up via healing done. This would also apply to Action Point generation of course.
An alternative method to weakening Ki as a mechanic would be to change how much is used up based on the type of power which would consume the charge. For instance, an at-will might only require half a charge, with encounter powers requiring a full charge, and daily powers needing two or possibly more. The example provided would be considered balanced under a situation where the monk has three bars as a maximum and one and a half generated out
of comabt. Possibly one could balance the amount of Ki required for powering a daily ability based on the AP cost associated with it. This would translate best with a 4 charge system, however it could still be adapted or rebalanced if a switch to three bars is decided upon.
An additional minor mechanic which could likely be added without too much difficulty would be stances. Certain encounter powers, and daily powers would cause a stance to be taken, which provides passive benefits until a different stance is switched into or the monk exits combat. Stances would provide their benefit on an individual basis, and if another stance was triggered, the current stance would be replaced by the new one.
TL;DR: Just ideas and thoughts I had, nothing important, move on if you'd like.
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
0 pts - The Starting Tier:
- Unencumbered Movement: The monk gains 4/8/12/16/20% extra movement speed.
- Unarmed Mastery: The monk gains 1/2/3% critical chance.
- Toughness: The monk gains 3/6/9% extra maximum hp.
5 pts - The DPS Tier:
- Endless Assault: The monk’s encounter powers deal an additional 3/6/9% damage.
- Swift Blows: The monk gains 1/2/3/4/5% bonus recharge speed.
- Kinetic Absorbtion: The monk gains 5/10/15% increased stamina recharge while in combat.
10 pts - The Survivability Tier:
- Constitution Focus: Increases the effectiveness of constitution by 5/10/15%.
- Lucky Skirmisher: The monk gains 1/2/3% deflection chance.
- Wholeness of Body: The monk regenerates 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5% of his missing hp every 1.5 seconds while in combat.
15 pts - The Goodstuffs Tier:
- Devastating Critical: The monk gains an additional 5/10/15% severity.
- Twin Disciplines: The monk gains 0.15/0.3/0.45/0.6/0.75% bonus damage from both Constitution and Wisdom.
- Weapon Finesse: The monk now gains 0.34/0.67/1% resistance ignored from Dexterity.
Paragon - Path of Enlightenment (Leader):
0 pts - The Action Point Tier:
- Cunning Blows: The monk gains an additional 3/6/9/12/15% action points from damage dealt by the monk’s at will powers.
- Active Mind: The monk gains 2/4/6/8/10% more action points from all sources.
5 pts - The Survivability Tier:
- Deflecting Aura: While the monk has a full action point gauge, all allies within 30 ft of the monk gain 0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4% deflection chance, and 3/6/9/12/15% bonus deflection severity.
- (Ironfist) Metallic Aura: While the monk has Iron Will equipped as a daily power, all allies within 30 ft of the monk gains 0.5/1/1.5/2/2.5% bonus damage mitigation.
- (Transcendent) Clairvoyant Aura: While the monk has Perfect Clarity equipped as a daily power, all allies within 30 ft of the monk gains 2/4/6/8/10% extra healing from all sources.
10 pts - The Ki Charge Tier:
- Healing Ki: Whenever the monk expends a Ki Charge, all allies within 30 ft recover 2/4/6/8/10% of their max hp.
- Evasive Ki: Whenever the monk expends a Ki Charge, all allies within 30 ft gain 1/2/3/4/5% deflection chance for the next 3 seconds.
15 pts - The Utility Tier:
- Inner Eye: The monk reduces all combat advantage damage that would be dealt to the monk by 10/20/30/40/50%.
- Unperceived Actions: The monk generates 20/40/60/80/100% less threat from healing.
20 pts - The Healing Tier:
- Healing Hands: Whenever the monk deals damage to an enemy, the monk themself for 0.8/1.6/2.4/3.2/4% of the damage dealt over 4 seconds. This stacks with itself and is calculated individually.
- Wholeness of Body: Whenever the monk deals damage to an enemy, the monk gains 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2% of the damage dealt as temporary hp. The temporary health lasts for 3 seconds, and is calculated individually.
25 pts - The Capstone:
- Shared Enlightenment: Any buff, feat, or class feature, excluding this one or any which state an exception from this, which would affect the monk, or the monk’s allies, will again affect the monk within 30 ft of the monk at half the efficiency. In addition the monk passively generates Ki while in combat, regardless of the damage being dealt. Finally the monk also generates additional Ki based on the damage dealt by allies within a 30 ft radius of the monk.
Paragon - Path of the Citadel (Tank):
0 pts - The Deflection Tier:
- Combat Reflexes: The monk gains 1/2/3/4/5% deflection chance while negatively affected by combat advantage.
- Masterful Deflection: The monk gains 4/8/12/16/20% increased deflection severity.
5 pts - The Utility Tier:
- Immovable Roots: The monk gains an additional 10/20/30/40/50% chance to resist any movement based crowd control effect which would be applied. Movement based crowd control includes slows, repel effects, roots, knock up, and prone based effects, it does not however include things like daze, or freeze.
- (Ironfist) Swift Defense: The monk gains 50% of their AC as bonus movement speed. The monk gains an additional 1/2/3/4/5 AC from Armoured Ki's passive effect. This is doubled while Armoured Ki is active and reduced to 0 while it is on cooldown.
- (Transcendent) Evasive Recovery: Clairvoyant Evasion now causes the monk to 1/2/3/4/5% of their max hp per second while it is active. This applies at half the strength to the monk’s allies.
10 pts - The Tank Tier:
- Trained Toughness: The monk gains an additional 10/20/30/40/50% effectiveness from constitution.
- Ferocious Aura: The monk deals an additional 2/4/6/8/10% damage, but gains 50/100/150/200/250% more threat.
15 pts - The AC Tier:
- Shifting Robes: Whenever the monk uses a daily power or expends a Ki charge, the monk gains an additional 2/4/6/8/10 bonus AC for the next 4 seconds.
- Defender’s Rampart: Whenever the monk uses a daily power or expends a Ki charge, all allies within 15 ft of the monk gain 1/2/3/4/5 AC for 4 seconds.
20 pts - The Reflection Tier:
- Reflective Deflection: Whenever the monk deflects an attack, the monk deals 1/2/3/4/5% of his weapon damage to all enemies within 15 ft of the monk.
- Redirected Momentum: Whenever the monk deflects an attack, the monk deals 1/2/3/4/5% of the damage deflected from that attack back to the attacker.
25 pts - The Capstone:
- Bulwark of Protection: Allies within 30 ft of the monk grant 50% of the threat they generate to the monk. The monk also regenerates 1% of the monk’s max hp per second while in combat or 5% per second while out of combat. Finally, whenever the monk deflects an attack, the monk gains Ki and action points based on the amount of damage deflected. Combat is considered being aggro’d, having dealt damage to or been dealt by an enemy in the last 5 seconds, or taking damage from any source, including traps, or DoT within the last 5 seconds.
Paragon - Path of the Asura (Striker):
0 pts - The DPS Tier:
- Flashing Fists: Whenever the monk deals damage with an encounter or daily power, the monk deals 1/2/3/4/5% of his weapon damage to all enemies within a 30 ft AoE.
- Crashing Blows: Whenever the monk activates an encounter or daily power, the monk gains 1/2/3/4/5% critical chance for the next 3 seconds. This does not stack.
5 pts - The Interesting/At-Will Tier:
- Battle Momentum: The monk adds 10/20/30/40/50% of their movement speed modifier to their power.
- (Ironfist) Iron Fist: The monk gains 0.4/0.8/1.2/1.6/2% of their max hp as temporary health whenever they gain the buff “Focusing Fists”.
- (Transcendental) Transcendental Fist: The monk deals 1/2/3/4/5% additional damage against enemies affected by “Serpent’s Mark”
10 pts - The Mobility Tier:
- Monkey’s Agility: Whenever the monk expends a Ki charge, the monk gains 1/2/3/4/5% deflection chance and 2/4/6/8/10% bonus movement speed for the next 6 seconds.
- Abundant Step: Whenever the monk expends a Ki charge, the monk will also dash 2/4/6/8/10 ft in a targeted direction. If no direction is targeted this will move the monk towards any enemy the cursor is locked onto. If neither of these conditions are met, the monk will simply dash directly forward based on where the monk’s body faces. There is no invincibility frame at the end of the dash, but while the monk is dashing he cannot be damaged or affected by crowd control.
15 pts - The Striker's Tier:
- Dragon’s Rage: Whenever the monk deals damage with an at-will power, they gain a stacking buff called “Dragon’s Rage”. This stacks up to 5 times, and is consumed upon the use of an encounter or daily power to increase its damage by 2/4/6/8/10% for each stack consumed. The stacks last for 3 seconds refreshing on application unless consumed.
- Tiger’s Fury: Whenever the monk deals damage with an encounter or daily power, they gain a stacking buff called “Tiger’s Fury”. This stacks up to 3 times, and all stacks are fully refreshed when it is gained. Each stack increases the damage the monk’s at will powers do by 2/4/6/8/10%, and lasts for 5 seconds.
20 pts - The Critical Tier:
- Absolute Focus: Whenever the monk makes a critical strike, the monk gains 1/2/3/4/5% bonus crit severity for the next 6 seconds. This stacks up to 5 times.
- Critical Focus: Whenever the monk uses an encounter or daily power, the monk gains 1/2/3/4/5% bonus critical chance for the next 6 seconds.
25 pts - The Capstone:
- Unending Assault: Whenever the monk deals deals damage with an at-will power all of their cooldowns are reduced by 2.5%. Whenever the monk activates a non at-will power this is increased to 5% for encounter powers, and 10% for daily powers. In addition, whenever the monk deals damage to an enemy they gain a stacking buff called Dervish. This stacks up to 50 times. Each stack increases their damage by 1%, with each stack refreshing upon application and lasting up to a maximum of 3 seconds without another application.
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
Lvl 4: Unencumbered Defense
- The monk gains 4/6/8/10% deflection chance and 12/18/24/30% deflection severity.
Lvl 15: Flurry of Blows
- Whenever the monk deals damage with any at-will power, they have a 50% chance to deal 10/15/20/25% of that damage to the same target(s).
Lvl 15: Counterstrike
- Whenever a Ki Charge is used, the monk deals 30/45/60/75% of his weapon damage back to any enemy he deflects an attack of. This lasts 2.5/3/3.5/4 seconds.
Lvl 20: Still Mind
- The monk, gain 25/30/35/40% extra control resistance, and 4/6/8/10% bonus recharge speed. Allies within 30 feet gain half the same benefit.
Lvl 30 (Ironfist): Iron Action
- Whenever the monk uses a power they gain 2/3/4/5% damage mitigation for the next 3 seconds. This is doubled for encounter powers and tripled for daily powers. Only the highest modifier applies at any given time.
Lvl 30 (Transcendent): Ghost Walk
- Whenever the monk expends a Ki Charge, they gain 20/30/40/50% bonus movement speed, 4/6/8/10% bonus deflection chance, and ignores unit collision for the next 5 seconds.
Lvl 40 (Ironfist): Devastating Force
- Whenever the monk expends a Ki Charge, they gain 10/15/20/25% bonus armour penetration and 10/15/20/25% bonus crit severity for the next power they use.
Lvl 40 (Transcendent): Transcendental Action
- Whenever the monk uses an encounter or daily power they gain 10/15/20/25% of their missing action points. This applies after the cost of the action points is taken and before action points are gained from the damage dealt.
Lvl 50 (Ironfist): Relentless Blows
- Whenever the monk deals damage with an at-will power they gain a stacking buff called “Relentless”. This stacks up to 100 and each stack increases the damage dealt by encounter and daily powers by 1/1.25/1.5/1.75%.
Lvl 50 (Transcendent): Perfect Self
- While the monk has a full action bar the monk gains 1.25/1.5/1.75/2% bonus damage,1.25/1.5/1.75/2% deflection chance, 1.25/1.5/1.75/2% critical chance, and 1.25/1.5/1.75/2% recharge speed, and again for each full stack of Ki the monk has.
Lvl 60: Enduring Vitality
- While out of combat the monk heals for 10/15/20/25% of their max hp every 3 seconds. While in combat the monk heals for 2/3/4/5% of their max hp every 3 seconds. In addition the monk cannot be wounded while this class feature is slotted and not on cooldown.
Lvl 65: Expanded Conscious
- The monk is able to generate and maintain an additional 0.75/1/1.25/1.5 bars of Ki while outside of combat. In addition the monk has 6/8/10/12% increased Ki generation and 3/4/5/6% increased AP generation.
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
Lvl 1:
- Shifting Blows
Range: 6 ft for the initial dash, 4 ft for each dash thereafter with side circles reduced to 3 ft total.
The monk dashes slightly before punching the target for moderate damage (100/110/120/130% of damage). Consequent blows dash around the target as appropriate if a directional key is pressed in conjunction with this power. This is a 4 combo attack, with a 0.5 second recovery time on the last attack. Each hit hits for 100% of the initial hit’s damage The last attack also hits a 3ft AoE around the monk.
Ki: The initial dash in increased to 10 ft, and each dash thereafter to 6 ft, with the side circles going up to 4.5 ft. Damage is also increased by 100% until the end of the 4 hit combo, with the 3ft AoE being expanded to 5 ft.
Lvl 2:
- Centring Strike
Range: 2ft cone. Moves up to 2 ft between hits.
The monk aims briefly (1 of a second) before punching the target and setting himself up to initiate a combination of devastating blows which each deal moderate damage (100/110/120/130% of weapon damage). 1st blow applies a defence lowering debuff to the target (~5% lowered defence). Subsequent combo hits stack up this debuff and the fifth and final hit in the combe consumes all stacks to deal extra damage based on the number of stacks consumed (+10% damage per stack). Each stack lasts for 1.5 seconds only.
Ki: Adds an additional 3 hits in the same combo time frame. In addition the final hit gains twice the bonus damage from each stack which would be consumed.
Lvl 20:
- Ferocious Lunge
Range: 20 ft for the lunge, 2 ft for the maul, and up to 2 ft for each follow proc.
The monk channels over 2 seconds before leaping to the targeted enemy crashing into them to deal moderate damage (100/110/120/130% of weapon damage) and daze them briefly (0.25 of a second). The monk then proceeds to maul the enemy hit for 10-20 hits of reduced damage (40/45/50/55% of weapon damage), based on how long the power is held onto for, with each hit causing the monk to gain a buff called “Rend” which stacks up to 100 times with each stack increasing the damage from Ferocious Lunge by 2.5%. This lasts for 5 seconds, completely refreshing upon gaining a stack. The channeling for the mauls functions like Duelist’s Flurry.
Ki: Initial channel time is reduced to 0.5 of a second. Rend speed doubled. Max hits per channel doubled.
Lvl 35 (Iron Fist):
- Focusing Fists
Range: 2ft cone with each hit, 2 ft max follow through.
The monk does a 5 hits of moderate damage (100/110/120/130%) against the target with each hit causing the monk to gain a buff called "Focusing Fists". Each stack increases the monk’s critical chance by 0.1% chance and stacks without a maximum. The last hit also deals increased damage based on the number of stacks (+4% per stack). The stacks last for 1.5 seconds, and are fully refreshed whenever one is gained.
Ki: The monk creates a Ki copy of himself to enhance the attacks. The Ki copy does the same 5 hit combo over the same 3 second time frame and lasts for 15 seconds of constantly repeating the 5 hit combo. The Ki copy deals 75% reduced damage. Buff stacks gained this way are given to both the monk and the Ki copy. The monk can have up to 2 Ki copies active at the same time.
Lvl 35 (Transcendent):
- Serpent's Mark
Range: 15 ft dash with the initial hit, 3 ft max follow through, and 2 ft cone for each hit.
The monk positions himself carefully before striking the target slyly for moderate damage (100/110/120/130% of weapon damage) and marking their pressure points. The monk then follows this up with up to 4 additional hits to the vulnerable pressure points dealing additional damage with each hit (+15% damage relative to the previous hit). This applies a stacking debuff called “Serpent’s Mark” to the enemy with each hit. The debuff stacks up to 5 and causes the target to be slowed by 10% for each stack, and increases the damage they take from all sources by 2% per stack. The debuff lasts for 6 seconds with each stack being calculated separately.
Ki: The monk instead applies a different version of the debuff called “Ki Serpent’s Mark” which stacks to the same 5 stacks, but causes the target to be slowed by 10% for each stack, and reduces the damage they deal by 5% per stack. This lasts for 12 seconds per stack, with each stack being calculated individually.
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
Lvl 3:
- Grasp the Wind
Range: 45 ft
Cooldown: 10 seconds
The monk rapidly dashes to the target enemy smashing into them for moderate damage (150/165/180/195% weapon damage), dazing them briefly (0.5 of a second), and gaining 10% bonus movement speed for the next 3 seconds.
Ki: The monk gains a second usage of this ability which causes them to go briefly invincible and hit the same enemy they dashed to multiple times (up to 2 times) while invincible, dealing 60% of the original’s damage on each hit.
Lvl 5:
- Stunning Palm
Range: 2 ft cone
Cooldown: 3 seconds between hits, 3 charge max, 13/12/11/10 seconds between charges
The monk quickly hits the target with a ki infused strike, which temporarily disrupts their nervous system dazing them for 1 second and dealing moderate damage (130/140/150/160% weapon damage).
Ki: The monk infuses additional ki into the strike, causing it to disrupt the nervous system for an increased total of 2 seconds. This also increases the damage dealt by 50% of the original’s damage.
Lvl 5:
- Whirlwind Blow
Range: 10 ft radius
Cooldown: 15/14/13/12 seconds
The monk quickly sweeps the area around him with a powerful kick dealing a large amount of damage to them (200/220/240/260% of weapon damage) and knocking them 5 ft back.
Ki: The monk infuses the kick with Ki, creating a secondary blow which deals 50% of the originals damage to all enemies in a 15 ft radius of the monk, and reducing the cooldown of this ability by 10% for each enemy hit in this way.
Lvl 15:
- Swift Strike
Range: 3 ft cone
Cooldown: 2 seconds
The monk quickly strikes the area in front of him dealing some damage (85/93.5/103/111.5% of weapon damage) to all enemies in the area and applying a stacking debuff to them which causes the monk’s future attacks to deal additional damage. This debuff lasts for 4 seconds and refreshes itself with each application. This stacks up to 10 times and each stack increases the damage by 2.5%.
Ki: The monk enhances the speed of their strike even further fitting in additional strikes in the same time, hitting your opponent an additional 2 times both hits applying the same debuff but doing a mere 50% of the original’s damage prior to being modified by the debuffs.
Lvl 20:
- Impact Tremor
Range: 10 ft - 30 ft based on the amount of time channeled
Cooldown: 20 seconds
The monk channels for up to 3 seconds (min. 1 second), before slamming the ground infusing it with ki and causing it to expand outwards dealing a scaling amount of damage (100/110/120/130% - 300/330/360/390% of weapon damage) to all enemies in the area. The area affected is increased based on the amount of time channeled. This knocks enemies hit by it up for 1.5 seconds scaling based on the time channeled. Within the next 3 seconds, the monk can activate this ability again to send out a second weaker pulse to the area around which deals 50% of the original’s damage.
Ki: The monk’s Ki enables them to speed up the rate at which their power is gathered reducing the channeling time by a half while keeping the max scaling the same. In addition the secondary pulse now knocks enemies hit by it up for 0.25 of a second.
Lvl 30:
- Serpent’s Shift
Range: 20 ft
Cooldown: 11/10/9/8 seconds per charge, 3 seconds between charges
The monk briefly turns invincible before dashing to target location. Upon finishing the dash, the monk gains a buff called “Surprising Strike”. This buff causes the monks next at-will power to deal extra damage (50/55/60/65% of weapon damage) and slow the enemy hit by 60/69/78/87% for 3 seconds decaying to 0% over the duration.
Ki: The monk infuses additional Ki into their legs causing a slight knockback in a 5 ft radius where they finish the dash. In addition no charges are consumed for this dash and the base cooldown is reduced to 1 second.
Lvl 30 (Ironfist):
- Armoured Ki
Range: Self
Cooldown: 20 seconds after the buff ends
The monk passively forges their Ki into an aura like armour around them increasing their AC by 2/4/6/8. When activated the monk reinforces it heavily with their Ki, doubling the passive AC bonus, and causing their attacks to deal an additional 10/15/20/25% bonus damage due to the reinforcement. This reinforcement lasts for 10 seconds. While on cooldown the passive increase to AC is disabled.
Ki: The monk moulds the Ki they use to reinforce the armour causing all enemies hit by it to take 40/60/80/100% of their weapon damage whenever the monk would take damage from them.
Lvl 30 (Transcendent):
- Clairvoyant Evasion
Range: 30 ft
Cooldown: 20/18/16/14 seconds
The monk uses their Ki to predict the future enabling them to deflect all incoming attacks for the next 3 seconds. In addition this causes all allies within 30 ft of the monk to deflect all incoming attacks for half the duration as well. Finally this ability causes all stealthed enemies within 20 ft of you to be revealed for 3 seconds upon activation.
Ki: The monk infuses additional Ki into their sight causing them and any affected allies to instead dodge the first attack which would hit them within those 3 seconds before deflecting the reset. Dodging an attack reduces its damage to 0, and causes all debuffs which it would apply to be negated, including crowd control. If this triggers on a DoT effect, it will remove the DoT effect as though it were a debuff.
Lvl 35:
- Resonating Shock
Range: 30 ft
Cooldown: 12 Seconds
The monk channels Ki into their palm before sending it out in a blast at the target enemy dealing moderate damage (120/132/144/156% of weapon damage) and marking the target for 5 seconds. While the target is marked the monks at will powers deal 3% of the enemies maximum health to a cap of 150% of the monk’s weapon damage on each hit.
Ki: The monk infuses additional Ki into the strike causing the mark to gain a tracking ability allowing the monk to activate this ability again to dash to the marked enemy while they are within 50 ft and strike them for 100% of the original’s damage as well as an additional 9% of their missing health to a cap of 450% of the monk’s weapon damage.
Lvl 45:
- Rising Storm
Range: 2 ft
Cooldown: 24 seconds
The monk unleashes a powerful kick in front of him against the targeted enemy dealing heavy damage (250/275/300/325% of weapon damage) and knocking them up for 1.25 seconds. The monk can activate this ability again within the next 1.25 seconds to unleash a second kick which drags the enemy back down, knocking them prone for 1.25 seconds and dealing heavy damage (250/275/300/325% of weapon damage).
Ki: The monk gains an additional chance to use this ability after the second hit to perform an axe kick on the enemy, within the next 1.25 seconds in order to deal massive damage (300/330/360/390% of weapon damage) to the enemy.
Lvl 45:
- Mark of the Monk/Enlightened/Citadel/Asura
Range: 30 ft
Cooldown: N/A
The monk dashes to the targeted enemy marking them as their target. While marked the enemy takes 10/15/20/25% additional damage from the monk. This ability gains an additional ability based on which paragon feat tree’s capstone they have. If they do not satisfy the previous condition it applies the bonus from Mark of the Monk instead. This lasts for either 30 seconds or until the marked enemy dies. The monk can only have 1 enemy marked at any time. The enemy is always revealed to the monk, and only the monk. In other words no matter the distance the enemy will be visible on the monk's screen, or if they are far away visible on the mini map.
Mark of the Monk: The monk’s deals an additional 10% damage to the targeted enemy.
Mark of the Enlightened: The monk’s powers have a 34% reduced cooldown if used against the marked enemy.
Mark of the Citadel: The monk takes 25% reduced damage from the marked enemy, and 25% reduced control durations originating from the marked enemy.
Mark of the Asura: The monk’s at-will powers deal an additional 25% additional damage to the marked enemy.
Lvl 50:
- Ethereal Assault
Range: Self
Cooldown: 16 seconds after the buff ends
The monk begins utilising their concentration to steep their body partway into the astral plane. In doing so the monk gains a buff called “Ethereal Assault”. This buff causes every activated power thereafter to teleport the monk to their target (no time delay) before performing the power. This also causes the monk to gain 15% deflection chance. This ability lasts for 4/6/8/10 seconds.
Ki: The monk infuses Ki into their strikes while in this state gaining an additional buff known as “Ki-Enhanced Ethereal Assault”, causing them to gain 15% extra critical chance and penetrate 50% of the targets armour. This Ki enhanced version cannot affect allies under any circumstances including the transcendent capstone.
Lvl 60:
- Forced Connection
Range: 5 ft
Cooldown: 20 seconds after the connection ends
The monk strikes the targeted enemy for some damage (100/110/120/130% of weapon damage) before channeling their Ki into the enemy and establishing a connection between them. This connection causes the enemy to take minor damage (50/55/60/65% of weapon damage) every second, and be slowed by 15% for 5 seconds. If the debuffed enemy leaves a 30 ft radius of the monk, the connection forcibly snaps, causing the enemy to take severe damage (300/330/360/390% of weapon damage) and be dazed for 2 seconds.
Ki: The monk’s Ki forms a much stronger connection causing the damage over time to be applied twice as quickly and for the same time frame. It also allows the monk to activate this ability again to manually break the connection causing the enemy to suffer the same effects as above, but also dazing the monk for 1 second in the process.
Lvl 65:
- Internal Disruption
Range: 2 ft
Cooldown: 15 seconds after the buff ends
The monk enhances their strikes with specialised Ki granting them the buff “Disruptor” for the next 9/12/15/18 seconds. While the buff is in place the monk’s powers apply a stacking debuff called “Internal Damage” to the enemy struck. Each stack causes the enemy to take minor damage (1/1.5/2/2.5% of weapon damage) every two seconds for 20 seconds. The stacks refresh upon application and stack to a maximum of 20 stacks.
Ki: The cooldown of this ability is reduced to 5 seconds after the buff ends. In addition the monk also deals 1.25% additional damage for each stack upon the enemy while the buff “Disruptor” is active.
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
Note: Any effect applied by a daily power unless explicitly stated otherwise will not contribute towards AP point generation.
Lvl 4:
- Karmic Balance
Range: 30 ft
Cost: 100% Action Points
Cooldown: 30 seconds
The monk channels briefly channeling positive and negative energy before dashing up to the target and striking them dealing a large amount of damage (400/440/480/520/560% of weapon damage), and healing the monk for a percentage of his maximum health (10/20/30/40% of maximum health). Both the heal and the damage are increased based on how much health the monk is missing (Up to 200% of the originals damage at 90% health missing - linear scaling).
Ki: The monk enhances the karmic balance to go further in his balance, increasing the scaling to a maximum of 500%, at 0% health left. Also, the monk cannot die while the casting animation is in progress. Finally any health gained beyond his maximum overflows into temporary health which rapidly deteriorates over 6 seconds.
Lvl 10:
- Calm Before the Storm
Range: Self
Cost: 100% Action Points
Cooldown: 30 seconds after the effect ends
The monk instantly calms their inner turmoil, going into a state of continuously focusing state of combat. This immediately fills their stamina bar back to full while increasing its regeneration by 15/20/25/30%, increases the damage they would deal from all sources by 15/20/25/30%, and their movement speed by 15/20/25/30%. This effect increases over the duration to a cap of 200% of the original’s effect. This effect lasts for 15/20/25/30 seconds, and reaches the cap at 15 seconds regardless of the original duration.
Ki: The monk enhances their perception of time as well with the Ki expended, increasing the speed of their animations, all of them, by an additional 10%. This change affects things like channel times, and attack. This does affect how much damage is dealt per second. In addition this enhanced perception of time also increases their deflection chance by 10%.
Lvl 10:
- Refocus
Range: Self
Cost: 34% Action Points
Cooldown: 5 seconds
The monk exerts extreme discipline to instantly break out of all crowd control, refresh half of their maximum stamina, gain a full bar of Ki, and reduce the cooldowns of any recharging encounter powers by 100%.
Ki: N/A - Cannot be enhanced by Ki.
Lvl 40:
- Quivering Palm
Range: Targeted, 2 ft movement max
Cost: 34% Action Points
Cooldown: 10 seconds
The monk quickly does a palm strike against the targeted enemy, dealing minor damage (150/165/180/195% of weapon damage), and applying the debuff, “Quiver”. This debuff lasts for 6 seconds, and when it expires instantly kills the target if it is not a boss or player. If it is, it instead deals 1000/1100/1200/1300% of the monks weapon damage as physical damage.
Ki: The monk enhances the vibrations triggered by the Quivering Palm, causing it to instantly consume the debuff “Quiver”, and reduce the cooldown of the ability by 75%.
Lvl 50 (Ironfist):
- Iron Will
Range: Self
Cost: 34% of Action Points
Cooldown: 10 seconds after the buff ends
The monk instant breaks out of all crowd control and becomes immune to crowd control for the next 3/4/5/6 seconds. While immune any damage the monk would take that is greater than 25% of their current health is reduced by 50%. In addition the monk also gains 5/10/15/20% lifesteal while immune.
Ki: The monk’s Ki infuses them with additional energy healing them for 34% of their missing health, and causing them to gain 25% of their maximum hit points as temporary hit points, which last for as long as the monk is immune to crowd control.
Lvl 50 (Transcendent):
- Perfect Clarity
Range: Self - Aura
Cost: 67% Action Points
Cooldown: 30 seconds after buff ends
The monk uses their inner spirit to unlock the powers of all nearby allies, granting the monk a buff called “Clarity”, which causes all allies, including the monk, within 30 ft to gain 30/40/50/60% critical chance against any enemy the monk has damaged within the last 6 seconds. This has a cap of 5 units being affected at any given time, and is determined by either party members or the 5 closest allies to the monk. The buff lasts for 10 seconds.
Ki: The monk additionally gains a buff called “Ki Focused Clarity”, which causes all allies in the area to heal for 0.5/1/1.5/2% of the damage dealt by any ally within the same 30 ft radius. This only affects the same units as the buff above.
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
Work in Progress - Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet.
Gear Slots:
- Head: Mask/Hood/Cowl
- Neck
- Chest: Robe
- Arms: Guard/Gloves/Bracers
- Ring
- Ring
- Waist: Belt
- Feet: Shoes/Sandals/Boots
- Main Hand: Tekko/Handwraps/Gauntlets
- Off Hand: Sash/Meditation Beads/Incense
- Shirt: Cloth - Tailoring
- Pants: Cloth - Tailoring
Epic Gear - Tier 1
Overwhelming Oni Set
Focuses on Crit, with a secondary focus on Armour Penetration
Tekko of the Overwhelming Oni
Type: Main Hand
Damage: 783 - 888
+ 1,420 Power
+ 252 Crit
+ 252 Armour Penetration
+ 108 Movement
Offense Slot
Weapon Enhancement Slot
Sash of the Overwhelming Oni
Type: Off Hand
+ 200 Armour Penetration
+ 200 Crit
Offense Slot
2 of Set Bonus: + 400 Crit
4 of Set Bonus: Whenever the monk does a critical strike, they gain 1% armour penetration for 3 seconds. This stacks without a cap, however each stack times out individually.
Overwhelming Oni's Mask
Type: Head
+ 504 Crit
+ 252 Armour Penetration
+ 108 Life Steal
+ 108 Movement
Utility Slot
Overwhelming Oni's Robes
Type: Chest
+ 8 AC
+ 774 Crit
+ 388 Armour Penetration
+ 168 Life Steal
+ 168 Movement
Offense Slot
Armour Enhancement Slot
Overwhelming Oni's Guard
Type: Arms
+ 504 Crit
+ 252 Armour Penetration
+ 108 Life Steal
+ 108 Movement
Utility Slot
Overwhelming Oni's Boots
Type: Feet
+ 504 Crit
+ 252 Armour Penetration
+ 108 Life Steal
+ 108 Movement
Utility Slot
Hidden Hermit Set
Focuses on Deflection, with a secondary focus on Health.
Gauntlets of the Hidden Hermit
Type: Main Hand
Damage: 783 - 888
+ 1,420 Power
+ 1,008 Maximum Health
+ 252 Deflection
+ 108 Movement
Offense Slot
Weapon Enhancement Slot
Meditation Beads of the Hidden Hermit
Type: Off Hand
+ 800 Maximum Health
+ 200 Deflection
Defense Slot
2 of Set Bonus: +400 Deflection
4 of Set Bonus: Whenever the monk deflects an attack they recover 4% of their maximum hp over 2.5 seconds.
Hidden Hermit's Cowl
Type: Head
+ 1,008 Maximum Health
+ 504 Deflection
+ 108 Defense
+ 108 Movement
Utility Slot
Hidden Hermit's Robes
Type: Chest
+8 AC
+ 1,552 Maximum Health
+ 774 Deflection
+ 168 Defense
+ 168 Movement
Defense Slot
Armour Enhancement Slot
Hidden Hermit's Band
Type: Arms
+1,008 Maximum Health
+504 Deflection
+108 Defense
+108 Movement
Utility Slot
Hidden Hermit's Shoes
Type: Feet
+1,008 Maximum Health
+504 Deflection
+108 Defense
+108 Movement
Utility Slot
Ageless Ascetic Set
Focuses on Recovery, with a secondary focus on Power.
Handwraps of the Ageless Ascetic
Type: Main Hand
Damage: 783 - 888
+ 1,672 Power
+ 252 Recovery
+ 108 Movement
Offense Slot
Weapon Enhancement Slot
Incense of the Ageless Ascetic
Type: Off Hand
+ 200 Power
+ 200 Recovery
Defense Slot
2 of Set Bonus: +400 Recovery
4 of Set Bonus: Whenever the monk uses a daily power, or expends a Ki charge all allies within 30 ft of the monk have their currently refreshing power's cooldowns reduced by 10%.
Ageless Ascetic's Hood
Type: Head
+ 504 Recovery
+ 252 Power
+ 108 Regeneration
+ 108 Movement
Utility Slot
Ageless Ascetic's Robes
Type: Chest
+ 8 AC
+ 774 Recovery
+ 388 Power
+ 168 Regeneration
+ 168 Movement
Defense Slot
Armour Enhancement Slot
Ageless Ascetic's Gloves
Type: Arms
+ 504 Recovery
+ 252 Power
+ 108 Regeneration
+ 108 Movement
Utility Slot
Ageless Ascetic's Sandals
Type: Feet
+ 504 Recovery
+ 252 Power
+ 108 Regeneration
+ 108 Movement
Utility Slot
Disciplined Apprentice Set
Focuses equally on Crit, Health, and Recovery. Basically a generalist armour designed as a transition to the other more specialised ones.
Handwraps of the Disciplined Apprentice
Type: Main Hand
Damage: 783 - 888
+ 1,318 Power
+ 772 Maximum Health
+ 193 Crit
+ 193 Recovery
+ 336 Tenacity (PvP)
Offense Slot
Weapon Enhancement Slot
Sash of the Disciplined Apprentice
Type: Off Hand
+ 468 Maximum Health
+ 111 Crit
+ 111 Recovery
+ 98 Tenacity (PvP)
Offense Slot
2 of Set Bonus: + 400 Power
4 of Set Bonus: The monk has 15% increased AP generation and Ki generation.
Disciplined Apprentice's Cowl
Type: Head
+ 1,048 Maximum Health
+ 262 Crit
+ 262 Recovery
+ 114 Movement
+ 144 Tenacity (PvP)
Utility Slot
Disciplined Apprentice's Robes
Type: Chest
+ 1,624 Maximum Health
+ 406 Crit
+ 406 Recovery
+ 168 Movement
+ 224 Tenacity (PvP)
Defense Slot
Armour Enhancement Slot
Disciplined Apprentice's Bracers
Type: Arms
+ 1,048 Maximum Health
+ 262 Crit
+ 262 Recovery
+ 114 Movement
+ 144 Tenacity (PvP)
Utility Slot
Disciplined Apprentice's Sandals
Type: Feet
+ 1,048 Maximum Health
+ 262 Crit
+ 262 Recovery
+ 114 Movement
+ 144 Tenacity (PvP)
Utility Slot
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
Work in Progress - Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet.
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
Work in Progress - Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Amet.
PvP Strategies:
General Tips:
1. Enemies in PvP tend to be considerably more mobile than enemies in PvE. They also have a tendency to run away. As such powers with a long charge up time such as Impacting Tremors might not be as desirable. Consider running At-Will Powers with a dash attached to them such as the rather aptly named Shifting Blows.
2. If you can't get hit, you can't die. Simple concept, eh? One of the best ways to avoid getting hit is being able to pick your engagements. This usually means having a way to retreat when things get hairy, or a way to initiate when the odds are in your favour. Thankfully, the monk happens to have a few abilities which work quite nicely with this concept. For instance, Serpent's Shift allows you up to three dashes in moderately quick succession, which is usually enough to get away or dash in for a slowing strike.
3. For some strange reason, many enemies won't want you to kill them. Thankfully a monk has more than a few ways to force a fight. The major methods being to either dash in and initiate the fight, slow the enemy so they can't run away, or to use Forced Connection so that your opponent can't run without you coming hot on their tails (Hint, it can also work when you're running away).
Specific Match Ups:
Monk vs CW:
Monk vs DC:
Monk vs GF:
Monk vs GWF:
Monk vs HR:
Monk vs OP:
- Your best choice is to not even bother attacking the OP. OP's hit for next to nothing. Their buffs while strong, are nothing if they only buff the OP itself, as such the best solution to dealing with an OP is to kill the other enemies in the area. Yes, yes, yes, the OP does have a lot of potential healing and damage reduction it can apply to you. Thankfully it won't matter in a 1v1, because they can't kill you, just as you can't kill them. In teamfights, remember that an OP has no contingency heals, so if you can dash onto a target unawares and take care of them without the OP noticing, do it. If the OP is healing a specific target, don't go for that target unless an OP is healing you. Overall, this fight is irrelevant.
Monk vs Monk:
Monk vs SW
- The SW is almost always going to try to either a) catch you off guard, or b) run away. As a monk you have the ability to break out of Harrowstorm's knock up via Refocus, and Iron Will making you an extremely dangerous enemy against them. But then again who isn't? That aside, while your mobility can help you to catch up to them as they try to shadow slip away, you should also be extremely careful about them just bursting you to death instead. Overall the monks from the Path of the Citadel should have the best match up against SWs due to their ability to tank the initial burst, while still dealing respectable damage against this relatively defenseless class.
Monk vs TR:
- A TR is probably the Monk's worst match up. While Clairvoyant Evasion and Mark of the Monk/Transcendent/Citadel/Asura can reveal a TR to you, it is not the most reliable. Clairvoyant Evasion only works on activation and lasts for a mere 3 seconds, thankfully the TR should have a hard time trying to kill you while it is active without Shocking Execution. Mark of the Monk/Transcendent/Citadel/Asura is good and does reveal them continuously to you, but you have to survive long enough to mark them in the first place. Which is surprisingly hard when the enemy is stealthed and capable of 1 shotting most people. Overall, it's a poor match up for most Monks, though Transcendent monks might be able to pull off a well timed Clairvoyant Evasion to turn the tables with.
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
Version 1.0
- Released.
Version 1.1
- Mechanics reworded for ease of reading.
- Slight addition to the Random Thoughts section.
- Paragon Feats for Path of the Citadel completed. Previously missing two.
- Slight balance changes made to Healing Hands from the Path of Enlightenment's Paragon Feats.
Version 1.2
- Lvl 60 & 65 Class features completed.
- Lvl 60 & 65 Encounter powers completed.
Version 1.25
- Ironfist Daily Power reworked.
- Lvl 10 Daily Power reworked.
Version 1.3
- Brief Descriptions for Feats, Class Features, and Powers completed.
- Strategy section, and Epic Gear sections introduced.
Version 1.4
- Forced Connection now has an added slow.
- Last tier of Heroic Feats slightly reworked. Weapon Finesse added, credit given to The Sensai.
- Slight change to the Wisdom Ability Score, credit given to The Sensai again.
- The Hidden Hermit set, a tier 1 epic gear set added.
- Change Log added, and retroactively updated.
Version 1.5
- Some numbers for At-Will Powers reworked.
- Missing damage values for At-Will Powers added.
Version 1.6
- All auras edited to 30 ft radius in keeping with the Paladin auras. Some Powers additionally rebalanced.
- The Overwhelming Oni set, a tier 1 epic gear set added.
- The Ageless Ascetic set, a tier 1 epic gear set added.
- Added lined sections to make it easier to read.
Version 1.7
- Disciplined Apprentice set, a tier 1 PvP epic gear set added.
- Some encounter powers modified slightly.
- Strategies section partially added, and currently undergoing work.
- The Monk - http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?865991-The-Monk-A-Relatively-Detailed-Proposal-for-a-New-Class
Under Work:
- The Primal Totemist
- The Wild Sorcerer
- The Summoning Binder
Sequel: The Return to Sloping Street NW-DACVPHGHW
Part 3: The Merchant's Tower NW-DC3LB6TZ9
Before those nonsence numbers in this thread get tonedowned
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!