For months we are all reporting that SW is very weak pvp class and needs serious survival buffs for PvP.
I was almost certain that SW would be buffed for PvP balance any day now.
Buff to soul puppet (all but useless in pvp) and huge nerf to fury capstone instead?
Utterly speechless and beyond confused
... ... ... ...
I don't get it either. It looks like the more player feedback says that the class needs buffed A LOT, the more the devs nerf it. I really thought that the reason behind the class remaining incredibly weak was just that the devs had things they felt were more important to focus on. But no, the class is actually getting attention from them and they inexplicably are making it even weaker.
This isn't the opinion of a couple salty sw players but rather the consensus of the community overall.
Seriously, this has to be a series of typos or the class is getting something amazingly sweet. I am struggling to imagine how the class will even be worth playing in mod6, especially if the player wants to do any pvp at all.
I was looking at the new mythic artifacts. It seems that the cooldown on the active power for all artifacts is 60seconds at mythic level. (From 120s at legendary.)
There is one exception... the Sigil of the Devoted shows a 120s cooldown even at Mythic level. Is this an oversight or intentional?
I was looking at the new mythic artifacts. It seems that the cooldown on the active power for all artifacts is 60seconds at mythic level. (From 120s at legendary.)
There is one exception... the Sigil of the Devoted shows a 120s cooldown even at Mythic level. Is this an oversight or intentional?
Damage from new enemies for Elemental Evil content have slightly lowered unavoidable damage. Yay! Unavoidable damage defeats the purpose of an action game.
Dragon tail swipes properly respect Crowd Control Immunity effects such as from Blocking or Unstoppable. Yay! Is the same true of their claw and bite attacks?
Epic dungeon enemies have reduced damage but increased Armor Penetration. Um? I think I understand the idea, here, but could you clarify intent, in case I'm mistaken?
Traps now deal a percentage of damage as well as cause an injury. That... might be a bit much. Some traps are much harder to spot/avoid (pressure plates under water, anyone?)
Known Issues
Invocation is being reworked and will not currently function as expected. Well, as long as it's fixed for live, it's not like we're losing anything.
Slaad enemies will be invisible murder machines that cannot be killed. They appear in several zones later areas. You have been warned. This wording makes me happy.
mutjinninjaMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 93Arc User
edited February 2015
Ho ho ho, get ready for the ****storm. People are figuring out that you guys just replaced the BIS artifacts guessed it, MORE artifacts! Was no one listening when we said that we didn't want any more artifacts? I mean, this wouldn't be a problem...if the new artifacts weren't clearly better. You can't upgrade or refine set bonuses, so the weapons with high set bonuses are eventually going to be BIS, not to mention that their base damage is better at green than my tr's blades are at blue. With these new Elemental Fire artifacts and increased arti levels, you've not only antiquated Golden Dragon artifacts, wasting the 1000s of $ that some whales have put into them, you've also just done exactly what your community asked you not to do. We don't want more artifacts. We don't want to farm RP more and more.
I also noticed that you've taken away our level 20 1600 AD leadership task. Was that really necessary? It feels like overkill at this point as the amount of RP and grinding I'll have to do to refine and get these new artifacts threatens to overwhelm me. You're taking away a major source of income for player in the game for...what reason? Vindictiveness? For the the sake of more grind and stunted progression (I notice that this task was 12 hours and your new task for level 25 takes 1 whole DAY)?
Cryptic...please, I'm begging you, don't make this elemental gear BIS. You're going to make not only your free players groan when they could barely get or level up their Golden Dragon artifacts, but you're also telling your paying players that you don't care how much they spend, you'll just make better gear, negating their investments. This is really bad faith, guys.
What you talking about? The old was 100% over 8 seconds, this is 60% over 4 seconds.
Ok Good catch, BUT still a nerf.
Creeping death nerfed from 100% over 8 seconds to 60% over 4 seconds:
For PvP this is an overall 20% (from 50% to 60%) increase in the CD damage done in the first 4 seconds.
But overall it is nerf of 40% reduction of creeping death damage.
The massive TT nerf.. Wow.
As weakest PvP class by far. The ONLY thing SW had was dominant damage class status in PvE.
With this TT nerf, that is gone.
As it stands now, R.I.P Warlock.
Medicre damage in PvE, Poor/terrible at PvP.
No niche. Save their excellent ability to run away.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited February 2015
Make the 1600 AD task 16 hours instead of an even 12 hours. Grats, you cut my income nearly in half, and I don't even have an orange artifact yet or even purple artifact gear.
If not bad enough, the golden dragon weapons are now obsolete so I just wasted days of my time grinding for them?
Make the 1600 AD task 16 hours instead of an even 12 hours. Grats, you cut my income nearly in half, and I don't even have an orange artifact yet or even purple artifact gear.
We'd at least 1 Blue Adventurer + 1 Green Man-At-Arms to even have a shot to run Destroy Enemy Camps twice in 24 hrs. There goes a good chunk of income, bye bye.
On the positive side, the higher level tasks can give some nice refinement, but some of the tasks require a full 1 day to run. Not sure if the refinement is bound or not yet, probably bound.
Hopefully overall once at level 25 the baseline income will work out to about the same.
lukejones77Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 282Arc User
edited February 2015
Taking shape nicely, and starting to get excited about the mod 6 release
Traps that you want to make sure you avoid - excellent.
Just hoping that, once all the scaling is sorted out, there'll be significant dungeon challenge right up to the top tier characters.
doriangreighMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 707Arc User
edited February 2015
So let me get this straight, my black ice gear with set bonuses can be upgraded to blue gear with NO set bonus? Sure it has an insane amount of bonus HP but seriously i'm losing set bonus of gear I grinded like a mother to get? Come on seriously at least keep the set bonuses ... its not like they were op in any fashion in fact the set bonuses sucked for the most part so why even take them away? They were not worthless either they were at least something and now if feels like you trade in something for nothing but HP.
Well that's a lot of "love" for SWs... I mean Soul Puppets doing "significantly more damage" is nice. I can also honestly see TT being absurd and a slight weakening coming, it's still good.
The Creeping Death thing though... Ummm... What?
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited February 2015
TT is OP, but it's only used because everything else is awful. How bout removing target cap on gates of hell for starters.
How much is "significantly more damage" for the Soul Puppets? Is that 30% or 100%?
dragonikingMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 18
edited February 2015
1. I can get to any new zone (drowned shore is ok)
2. No Sharandar on map
3. Problem with Braziers in quest Seeds Gathering (unable performation... and You cant use object right now)
4. In quest Seeds Gathering (pirates skyhold) new riders pet run look like moonwalk
5. In quest Seeds Gathering -//- cant End this quest (cant take any seed)
realmdieMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited February 2015
omg what is this?
Creeping Death: Now causes 60% of your necrotic damage over 4 seconds (down from 100%).
Tyrannical Threat: This power now splashes half as much damage as before.
SW really weak at pvp and now nerfed at pve too??
that's not class balance at all, it's destroying a sw class!
if u want nerfed SW's damage, u should give SW "immunity CC power" in return so sw can be useful at pvp too.
don't nerf without compensation like this, it's making all SW user angry.!
even more, soul desecration on damnation feat now can't summon more than 1 puppet. is that intentional from the dev or bugged?
it says :
your soul puppet now permanent and will not dissipate after 5hit. target marked by warlock's curse are corrupted and will spawn soul puppet when killed. Additionally every 15 seconds the next time you deal damage, you spawn a soul puppet.
if this is intentional from the dev, it's really unbalanced to SW class. you should give max summon. 3,4 or 5 puppet than nerfing to only 1 puppet.
here example if you compare to other class
skull cracker on TR scoundrel
every 15seconds, you gain the skullcracker effect. skullcracker : your next encounter power now also daze the target for 4seconds, your attacks extend this daze for .5s, up to a maximum of 2 additional seconds. you deal 25% more damage to target affected by this daze
TRs got perma daze(CC target) and buff damage like that on mod 5, but what SW get since launched? ONLY nerf nerf nerf to damage, but no compensate to that nerf like giving out CC immunity or CC target..
so please consider about compensate the damage you nerfed.
Wow, i cant believe how drastically they nerfed Scourge warlock. Weakest in pvp, now weaker in pve. Many of us begging to get some buffs, and what we get is nerf? Did u see how they buffed desintegrate for wizards? It is very obvious that warlock is the most miserable class in the game. No point on playing him anymore.
omg what is this? soul desecration on damnation feat now can't summon more than 1 puppet. is that intentional from the dev or bugged?
it says :
if this is intentional from the dev, it's really unbalanced to SW class. you should give max summon. 3,4 or 5 puppet than nerfing to only 1 puppet.
here example if you compare to other class
skull cracker on TR scoundrel
soul desecration has never ben able to summon more then one SP and there a good reason why check back to when SW was first released there was a very bad puppet bug cuased by a combonation of damnation feats that caused major lag and made them a broken/hated class in pvp. Every time you summon a SP the current one gets a boost in dps by 20% the effects stacks 5 time giving the one puppet a 100% dps boost along with the other feat that gives them a dps boost.
Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
realmdieMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 11Arc User
soul desecration has never ben able to summon more then one SP and there a good reason why check back to when SW was first released there was a very bad puppet bug cuased by a combonation of damnation feats that caused major lag and made them a broken/hated class in pvp. Every time you summon a SP the current one gets a boost in dps by 20% the effects stacks 5 time giving the one puppet a 100% dps boost along with the other feat that gives them a dps boost.
they can just remove the damage buff 20% and make more puppet. so SP can distract daze from TR or root from HR to summoner.
i don't think any SW user use that damnation feat anymore since SP can summoned only 1, even more the damage from SP really junk to PVE/PVP..
they can just remove the damage buff 20% and make more puppet. so SP can distract daze from TR or root from HR to summoner.
i don't think any SW user use that damnation feat anymore since SP can summoned only 1, even more the damage from SP really junk to PVE/PVP..
No no no 1 puppets is good enough we dont need puppet armys like that lags fest we had in pvp at launch and in some maps were puppets never despawned after leaving the area. Damnation warlocks are a solo build any way and i use the tree tbh why cuase i find it personally fun but that's just me.
Gang Busters PvP Guild Recruiting When Mod 6 goes live Pm Me for more Info If you have any Paladin question Message Me and i will get back to you ASAP
125% of something around 5000 or even more is 6250 and you should have 6250/0.35 power to have that base damage.
i dont see it has a nerf, rather a damage normalization between different equipped gwf
its not too much, have you pvp'd after this patch? dps builds still do a lot of burst
Update: It seems the Draconic Templar armor is fixed, as mine on preview is showing up fine now, but I did retransfer my character into the server.
I don't get it either. It looks like the more player feedback says that the class needs buffed A LOT, the more the devs nerf it. I really thought that the reason behind the class remaining incredibly weak was just that the devs had things they felt were more important to focus on. But no, the class is actually getting attention from them and they inexplicably are making it even weaker.
This isn't the opinion of a couple salty sw players but rather the consensus of the community overall.
Seriously, this has to be a series of typos or the class is getting something amazingly sweet. I am struggling to imagine how the class will even be worth playing in mod6, especially if the player wants to do any pvp at all.
There is one exception... the Sigil of the Devoted shows a 120s cooldown even at Mythic level. Is this an oversight or intentional?
Murphster - SS CW | Jennsen Rahl - MoF CW
Taarna - GWF
Eowyn - Protector OP | Leela - Devoted OP
Mara Jade - TR
Leeloo - Tempt SW | Kahlan Amnell - Fury SW | Galadriel - Damnation SW
Sturm Nightblade - GF
60 seconds DC sigil, omg.......................
Yay! Unavoidable damage defeats the purpose of an action game.
Yay! Is the same true of their claw and bite attacks?
Um? I think I understand the idea, here, but could you clarify intent, in case I'm mistaken?
That... might be a bit much. Some traps are much harder to spot/avoid (pressure plates under water, anyone?)
Known Issues
Well, as long as it's fixed for live, it's not like we're losing anything.
This wording makes me happy.
I also noticed that you've taken away our level 20 1600 AD leadership task. Was that really necessary? It feels like overkill at this point as the amount of RP and grinding I'll have to do to refine and get these new artifacts threatens to overwhelm me. You're taking away a major source of income for player in the game for...what reason? Vindictiveness? For the the sake of more grind and stunted progression (I notice that this task was 12 hours and your new task for level 25 takes 1 whole DAY)?
Cryptic...please, I'm begging you, don't make this elemental gear BIS. You're going to make not only your free players groan when they could barely get or level up their Golden Dragon artifacts, but you're also telling your paying players that you don't care how much they spend, you'll just make better gear, negating their investments. This is really bad faith, guys.
Ok Good catch, BUT still a nerf.
Creeping death nerfed from 100% over 8 seconds to 60% over 4 seconds:
For PvP this is an overall 20% (from 50% to 60%) increase in the CD damage done in the first 4 seconds.
But overall it is nerf of 40% reduction of creeping death damage.
The massive TT nerf.. Wow.
As weakest PvP class by far. The ONLY thing SW had was dominant damage class status in PvE.
With this TT nerf, that is gone.
As it stands now, R.I.P Warlock.
Medicre damage in PvE, Poor/terrible at PvP.
No niche. Save their excellent ability to run away.
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
If not bad enough, the golden dragon weapons are now obsolete so I just wasted days of my time grinding for them?
We'd at least 1 Blue Adventurer + 1 Green Man-At-Arms to even have a shot to run Destroy Enemy Camps twice in 24 hrs. There goes a good chunk of income, bye bye.
On the positive side, the higher level tasks can give some nice refinement, but some of the tasks require a full 1 day to run. Not sure if the refinement is bound or not yet, probably bound.
Hopefully overall once at level 25 the baseline income will work out to about the same.
Sopi SW Youtube channel pvp brickabrack
Traps that you want to make sure you avoid - excellent.
Just hoping that, once all the scaling is sorted out, there'll be significant dungeon challenge right up to the top tier characters.
The Creeping Death thing though... Ummm... What?
1. I can get to any new zone (drowned shore is ok)
2. No Sharandar on map
3. Problem with Braziers in quest Seeds Gathering (unable performation... and You cant use object right now)
4. In quest Seeds Gathering (pirates skyhold) new riders pet run look like moonwalk
5. In quest Seeds Gathering -//- cant End this quest (cant take any seed)
SW really weak at pvp and now nerfed at pve too??
that's not class balance at all, it's destroying a sw class!
if u want nerfed SW's damage, u should give SW "immunity CC power" in return so sw can be useful at pvp too.
don't nerf without compensation like this, it's making all SW user angry.!
even more, soul desecration on damnation feat now can't summon more than 1 puppet. is that intentional from the dev or bugged?
it says : if this is intentional from the dev, it's really unbalanced to SW class. you should give max summon. 3,4 or 5 puppet than nerfing to only 1 puppet.
here example if you compare to other class
skull cracker on TR scoundrel
TRs got perma daze(CC target) and buff damage like that on mod 5, but what SW get since launched? ONLY nerf nerf nerf to damage, but no compensate to that nerf like giving out CC immunity or CC target..
so please consider about compensate the damage you nerfed.
AWSEOME! Love that! Please keep them tough and dont listen to those people being afraid of not being able to run blindly through dungeons
For the SW changes... why do i allways end up with the weakest class?
soul desecration has never ben able to summon more then one SP and there a good reason why check back to when SW was first released there was a very bad puppet bug cuased by a combonation of damnation feats that caused major lag and made them a broken/hated class in pvp. Every time you summon a SP the current one gets a boost in dps by 20% the effects stacks 5 time giving the one puppet a 100% dps boost along with the other feat that gives them a dps boost.
they can just remove the damage buff 20% and make more puppet. so SP can distract daze from TR or root from HR to summoner.
i don't think any SW user use that damnation feat anymore since SP can summoned only 1, even more the damage from SP really junk to PVE/PVP..
No no no 1 puppets is good enough we dont need puppet armys like that lags fest we had in pvp at launch and in some maps were puppets never despawned after leaving the area. Damnation warlocks are a solo build any way and i use the tree tbh why cuase i find it personally fun but that's just me.
125% of something around 5000 or even more is 6250 and you should have 6250/0.35 power to have that base damage.
i dont see it has a nerf, rather a damage normalization between different equipped gwf
aryoux posted a 4200 weapon damage legendary mainhand at lv 60, it should become at least 5k at lv 80