When the game was released it was really awesome. Until MC. Then artifacts appeared, the game was more focused on the cash shop than cool gameplay improvements, the level of power creep is now insane abd really ruined pve endgame content which can only be made at a very slow rate. Newer content isn't up to par with the level of power creep.
Also I really despise the ToD campaign design. This is horrible. Way way too time consuming and waiting for nothing at all. Easy and dull content is gated behind a huge grind, unlike MC or VT.
So from a 9 from release i'd give a 5 because the gameplay is still really nice although it's not used anymore to its full potential like it used to be. It'll be down to 3 if the next class they release is designed to be fun to play but not fun to play with, with spells messing up with adds, scattering **** all over the place and making dungeon runs chaotic, something rangers and warlocks are excellent at. Someone will have to remember the original classes were designed to be a small gang with members standing close to one another and bashing monsters, not YOLO so fire everything from max range and infuriate the rest of the group.
8 out of 10 last year. 2 out of 10 this year. The drop is due to:
The grind with no incentive. The grind sucks when there is no reward and let us all be real here. The reward drop rate for the new module items belts, tomes is so low that it does not actually exist. .00025% is zero. The items that do drop are almost useless (IMO) epics good for salvage only which is capped at 24k a day.
Dying player base:
The limitation on chat for characters below level 15 coupled with the unbalanced gear score ratio has snipped the possibility for fresh players in the balls. Who wants to play a game that it will take you 3 digits in spending to compete or 9 months of unrewarding grind just to maybe have the chance to not get beat down in pvp or kicked from a group in a new mod dungeon? Also, just look at these forums, complaints piled on top of complaints with a dash of anger a smidgen of dissatisfaction and an extra large side dish of more complaints. That is not exactly a warm welcome for new players.
The change to BOA for Coal wards and keys was dummy dumb. I understand they are trying to make a profit and push out the gold / AD sellers but in all honesty those types of businesses thrive off of the decisions this game has made. I don't see less spammers but I see people with stacks and stacks and stacks and stacks of gems and belts at the last event and you know they didn't all farm them, they bought them. Just watch the spam chat coming from those 3rd party sites its like watching wall street and they wouldn't be here if they weren't making money.
Lastly, The treatment of the player base by the community managers, moderators and support is lack luster at best. For the most part they are unfriendly and /sarcastic. They shut down threads and point to "dev bashing etc" which is fine and dandy but they have been shutting down the same threads on the same topics for over a year. That means there is a persistent problem with the mechanics of the game and their ability to respond. I came to this game with a guild of 30 players and they all have left for other games. I know that you can't expect a bug to receive immediate attention but we all see bugs that have been around since beta and the list grew from there.
There are a few more reasons like balance or lack of, the monotony -lack of innovation etc but that is beating a dead horse.
This game has great potential, but I for now I give it a 7. The game need a bit more work to become a true FULL D&D game...it needs more RPG elements and more freedom like swimming, flying, housing, companion interactions, more side secret quests stories or Stories related to your choice of class and race, larger pool of races and classes to pick from, encourage more Dungeon Exploring instead of just farming, mounts that can be companions or combat mounts etc... to help players submerge more into story and be less concern with AD, Refinement, keys lockboxes, Grind and RNG and other stuff that literally kills the game experience... But I believe it can get a 10+ some day!
It has a lot of good things going for it. Good graphics, excellent combat, a foundry that is amazing.
But some things are questionable, such as giving weapon/armor enchantments a 1% success rate, meaning that you pretty much are forced to buy a coalescent ward, and the lack of fast mounts/strong companions without using too much AD or the cash shop.
These problems are, however, not enough to get in the way of my enjoyment of the game too much and only bring the game down one point, bringing my final score to 7/10.
10 when I started, 7 now. I voted 7 before seeing the results. Three failed artifact weapon attempts will do that to you. On my fourth try so wish me luck. If you have only 3 options you should get all three the first 3 tries, not multiple copies. Also bugged arcane key so I lost out on 2 dragon gems. Whenever I request gm help for whatever reason I just get same answer of they can't do anything. Grind and RNG are awful
This was a good thread to start again the only thing I wish to O.P. would have done was to give several vote columns as I think this is another flaw when talking about stuff on these forums, everyone likes to lump everything together into one easy answer, and sometimes you just can't because there is a myriad of likes and dis-likes that go into making the final answer. So I would like to give my answer based on different factors, and based on my start of the game from Open beta/Live.
Graphics: 9/10, I have to be honest here they look great and I don't have a true gamer rig but I am very happy with what I see when playing, and there is a lot of adjustment in the player C.P. to accommodate different peoples computers.
Game Play 5/10 ( Fight Mechanics ) coming from DDO, DragonAge, The Witcher, Original NWO, it took me awhile to warm up to the way the fight mechanics worked in this game and I can still say I am not fond of them but, I'm still here so I guess one would say....I am use to them now. ( So I'm the Middle of the pack on this vote ) I always thought though that if NWO had DDO's mechanics, and DDo had NWO's looks that would be a nice re-fresh for Dungeons and Dragons Online.
**** Note ****
Some or all of these votes/choices can be picked apart and could be classed as vague but to talk about some things would be too lengthy so I'll leave some up to the reader if they would like to add more to my choices. I guess wouldn't want to get into a re-hash of necro'ed topics.
Grouping/Party System 3/10 I won't get into a big one here it just sucks, and even when I am in a party no one talks to each other and/or if they are they must be using a different voice chat then the in game one. Which I find surprising because NW uses Vivox and I myself use the stand alone client with friends and that works flawlessly. However the in game voice needs some TLC.
And on another note when I am with my static group it is very hard to keep us all together sometimes when zoning to other areas, or if someone DC's just yesterday we were all together in Icewind ( Dwarf Side ) and all of us ended up in different instances.
Money/A.D. ( ??? ) This one here it is very hard to put a vote on plainly because I just can't figure out the exchange rate in this game at all And I will give you the perfect example here, Haarl's Treatise you can buy from the vendor for 50,000 A.D. plus other needs, but on the A.H I see 2.5/3.0 Million A.D. How do people arrive at these A.D. prices , it just boggles my mind. As for using the ZenX I won't use that either because I feel that is a big ( ? ) as you don't know who your buying from on there, how they acquired them and even when you will receive what you may buy, and I won't buy Zen from cryptic either, because if I am going to spend 20 plus dollars on something it sure as heck won't be for a storage bag for my inventory, that 20 spot will put Real food in my stomach.
Rewards/Treasure ( 8/10 at the beginning 2/10 now ) What do you say here, well I am getting treasure and getting rewards but not with out " THE GRIND !!!! " how did things start out, well I would come home to relax from the daily work routine and play NWO to get a little fun time in , now it's like I come home from the daily work routine, and come on here and start my second job. Enough Said!!!!
A.H 1/10, I use it in " Have To " cases only and even then I have to be very selective/frugal as I just don't have that many A.D. it would be different if the A.H. wasn't so saturated with items all it really is..... Under-cut the next guy. and the A.H. cut doesn't help either.
Game Content ( Maine ) 8/10 The Devs have something good here but Sht!!!! you want to use the D&D persona when describing this game but honestly I don't really see the connection, sure there is a D&D aspect/ slight feel to NWO but I get more of a D&D/PnP feel from DDO even now, then I ever got from this game. If there is anyone from there that says they Play/played D&D PnP you must have had some really boring PnP sessions in your day.
Event Content 6-8/10 they are getting very boring due to the " Cookie Cutter " creation. if all these event's are for is to keep us players busy while they make " NEW " content, I think you ( Devs ) would be better off if you have a separate outlet via Community content for others ( Like myself ) that are just plainly getting tired of the " Grinding " Get in a collaboration with some of the Foundry Authors, get some of your favorites and put them in the mix during some of these events or give them to Rhix/Lord Protector but make the rewards on par with the length of the Authors creation.
Eg. Why would I do a 60 min community content for 3000 A.D when I could do a 15 min one instead. I don't know what you could do here but maybe call it Devs Pick(s) of the week and have a rendered Dev in game give the quests(s) solely from the community content list and have awards based on the length. I am sure there are lots of good community authors here and we never get to see their stuff, just plainly because of the grind of the regular game/events and like the game no great reward for doing or considering them.
I think I will end here because I really could go on and on and on,
If any Dev reads this, you really do have something good here but I feel you are at a cross-roads with this game, and you all need to have a sit down at the board room table because obviously your not using it for D&D PnP on your breaks, and have a serious priority check of where you want this game to head in the coming year(s).
Cheers! Thanks to all who took their time to read this.
Sincerely, W.W.
" May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
khimera906Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 898Arc User
edited September 2014
I still find this game a lot of fun, but if I'm going to be fair, I have to say that it's a complete disappointment. It started out great and I was expecting it to get even better. It seems I was wrong. I'm enjoying the new content for what it is, but it's quality is nowhere near the quality of the original campaign.
One thing I have to say is that I'm not sorry for the money I pent on this game. I feel that I've got my money's worth.
I gave it a 7. Not too bad, but not very good either.
I hate dancing with Lady Luck. She always steps on my toes.
i would give this game a 6 pvp is bad as a new 60 ur forced to pvp with people way above ur own GS they gave TRs perma stealth now every tr is perma stealth now i would like if they would add a system in que when ur matched with people with ur GS or around it and theres so many things i could say but i will end it here lets keep this thread open
6/10 - I just started playing about a month ago - its no Rift
I hate the looting - I have to run around and aggro just to pick up my **** - green items feel more like grey - and where is the sell grey button?
it feels much like its made to milk money outta me in every way possible - I think I've spent over 200 already....that stops now....call me freeper somethings you actually NEED but cant get unless you buy them - thats messed up....
WHY do I have to wait for EVERYTHING...training my companions...crafting...campaign progress....I may as well play for an hour and log out till the next day....pain in my ***
Character customization is almost non existent - ever CW is exactly like me for the most part....boring....
PVP is pretty cool but only one instance gets boring and grindy trying to wait on Gaunt to pop or to open icewind....need more instances....more content...
what I do like is great XP....leveling up didnt feel grindy at all...I work full time and got to max lvl in 2 weeks... nice
love that every little zone has its own little instance quest - really cool - and that one at lvl 25 with the skulls and all that....one of the most bad *** looking game experiences I have had!
when Rift expansion comes in Oct - ill be gone....
Yeah I had no idea how it would turn out, I figured there would still be some people who could overlook flaws more than me. Though I do think that some of the scores are a little on the generous side, and that I personally think that cryptic's/pwe's actions mean that imo it isn't quite deserved. You could also argue the opposite. Yet I'm glad that we got opinions of all types of people. There are still a significant amount of people who aren't entirely happy with the way things have turned out and for their well being that should be considered though personally I found they've made too many mistakes for me to actually wish them success. but that's just me . There's also a portion of high scored voters who acknowledge that the games attractiveness isn't to the same level it used to be.
Haarl's Treatise you can buy from the vendor for 50,000 A.D. plus other needs, but on the A.H I see 2.5/3.0 Million A.D. How do people arrive at these A.D. prices , it just boggles my mind.
Yes, "plus other needs", that's why it's 3 million AD.
Anyway, the game is 10 for me. The best fantasy MMO on the market. Also it's D&D.
Beta - 8/10 (nice visuals, design, great combat, enjoyable pvp; lame pve, no endgmae content).
Release - 8/10 (game started to become boring but GG seemed that the devs cared about pvp).
M1 - 8/10 (new module came out very fast and showed, that the game is gonna progress very fast, module introduced the first past lvl 60 content, dungeon was very good designed; campaign was too grindy, the bosses didn't drop anything but blues in the most cases).
M2 - 7/10 (new campaign was nice, much better then previous, new class, new paragons; artifacts made the gap between casuals and hardcores too big because there were people who refined their artifacts up to legendary in the first day, coffer of wondrous augmentation was nerfed).
M3 - 7/10 (this module brought lots of new things, BI gear was a real upgrade, overload slots were a nice little addition, new locations are beautiful and fun to explore, another attempt to extend pvp since release; huge GWF imbalance, BI gear set bonuses suck, drop rates were nerfed too hard, RNG gate behind loot).
M4 - 3/10 (new skirmish is fun, added new class; tedious, boring super bad campaign, artifact gear available only for elites, extremely low drop rates, huge HR, CW and GF imbalance, etc. This module brought nothing but absolutely the same type of content, extremely unrewarding, stupidly hard RNG gated with absolutely nothing new, fun and satisfying).
Average - 6 (rounded down).
I'm very similar to this but I'd give IWD a 5 or a 6 due to the horrible dependency on RNG for drops which I never got for with the exception of one main hand on 1 of the 8 characters I play despite spending hundreds of hours of trying.
M4 I'd give a 3 as the grind is so bad I've actually stopped playing the game and moved back to the PS4 to play destiny while I wait to see if M5 can save and bring back what made this game awesome and something I played every day for over 400 days straight from Beta...
I was start play when module 3 was neer start. I play one hero, only GWF than i can talk only about this.
Module 3 - 6/10
Heroic Encounter - best think in this module, interesting, some rewards, good fun on this.
BI Gear - very disapointed, a lot of time waste to get this gear, and ? For my GWF is totally useless. Both sets. Better is Tier 2 Gear. Than i refine this BI gear. To forgot this. Defect of this gear is - need all time refill ! Who have time all time gain RBI and refine. No one !! Than i think can use this to next module when appers new gear. But ...
Module 4 - 2/10 !!!
... But Draconic, Infernal Gear are next Gear does not meet my expectations. Still i prefer old Tier2. When game goes ahead im still use Tier2 gier. This is wierd.
We make all campaing to unlock skirmish and dungon. As finall reward for hard work, and making borring dailys each day.
% drops are equal to zero.
3 000 coins = 0 drop/reward to can use, better than old tier2/BI
6try making a arti weapon - true is for GWF is only one nice weapon, other two are not special or even terrible, than i still trying make this one witch i dream !!!
Dungon - buged arcane chest - tan we cant get Arti Belt, books to boon ... , bosses in dungon drop eq Tier1? Why? When i dont use Draconic, BI i can use meybe this Tier1? This pathetic regresses not a going forward.
From dragon we cant get belt, from dungon/skirmish too, than i was asking where i can get this? Where all people found this? On boxes only for zen? If this is true than ...
Module 4 was boring after 3-4 days i think. That not a long time.
6/10 ..
I'm sad of say it, I really love this game since I've started 11 months ago, but..:
- there's no attenction from devs.. they don't listen the reports (bugs.. player reports..)
- the pvp atm is.. "meh".. No fixes for glyphs and classes and we need it.. And a functional MATCHMAKING.. I hope we don't have to wait the next module
- ToD campaign is a charge of dailies.. I like the dragons fights but i hoped on a serious Dungeon.. I like the Skirmish, but the Dg is so fast and easy.. but I like the duo-boss ^^
I hope to see a new dungeons long and difficult..
- The drops of SoT and LoL... ... ... ... ... ...
- Icewind is cool.. but u can't put a limited pvp area and the people can farm ice and the equip without fight.. it goes against your own RPG..
PvE and PvP: need to find the right balance ^^ (btw, the first few months there have been some great battles! ^^)
Graphics: 8.5 (some lights bugs and, with the bodies of the characters.. but i love it!)
Sounds: 5 (.?. skills and items with the same sound, like "Roar" o.ò)
Gameplay: 8 (the fast combat is the point of strenght of this game ^^)
We love this game.. Devs start to play your game, and love it with us.. So u'll understand..
| Cìrdan - GF | Cìrdan The Lightbringer - OP |
< Guild: Pugno Fiammante >
When i first play (mod 2-3), i like it so much .. the graphic is awesome for a F2P game. combat system is great... But when it comes to the content (after reaching lv 60 as a newb), it's kinda disappointing... things get far uninteresting pretty fast.
- Lack the feeling of an adventure.. Either daily CHORES, or grinding dungeons/skirmish ... somewhat doesnt feel as a very rewarding experience... because most can be done even with "eyes closed". It tends to get very REPETITIVE. We are humans, not robots.
- Generic loots for regular mobs, with WAY too generic equipments available. Even the epics t1 and t2 (barring campaign epics) somewhat feels generic .. probably due to how similar they look... But i guess they are all just 1 armor with 3 variations function and a bit differing look.
- ALL mobs are mostly static, also with very EASY mode for solo play... really discourage teamplay when venturing... Mostly in EACH map, you only get from point A to point B using mounts without much thinking to danger etc... when you are dismounted, you can just escape very easily.. (not in dungeons tho)
- Portals, hate them.. would prefer a bit of an open world (ofc not with the current static & WEAK regular mobs), I strongly feel they need to make some elements of danger when venturing
- Need not be said.. but it's failing now. Used to be somewhat enjoyable even as a DC back in mod 3. Bugged & OP glyph.. Also, a certain class having most damage contributed by auto-procs instead of skill usage... LAME
- OPvP's a grave site... The only reason doing them is to get PvP campaign reward & boon, which then again another chore to do since NO ONE is even there most of the time .. so, most resort to some 'unconventional' way to achieve it.
- Lack of customized design for certain class objective.. like GFs (back in mod 3 before the buffs) and DCs are supposed to get triple kills ?
The reason for me to stay is, it is great game for casual.. mostly non heavy stuffs.. Great & pretty graphics (armor & skills), some armor & weapon design are just too beautiful! Altho the armor/weapon enchantment does a pretty nice job ruining it. And above all, it's f2p and it's kinda decent, esp since we can also access it thru the web, Gateway FTW!
My initial score whence i was a newb is 9/10! but lately with the chorefest and lack of adventuring.. plus daily routines of HELL (which i now take sparingly btw because of how exhaustively BORING & REPETITIVE it is [which then majorly contributes to how unsatisfying the gameplay is]).. it's 4/10 PvE and 2/10 PvP
They kinda need to have a priority fix on some certain things.. like glyph.. chest bug.. etc
3/10. now.
was 7/10 on beta and had potencial. was 5/10 at mod 2/3. All stuff is boring grind with hope on RND in stupid Heroic encounter that they could not even balance properly to get 10 people instead of 20. And worst part - did anybody saw any changes to black ice bracers drop ? after all complains. OR new dragonborn pack for 25$ where people payed for "exclusive" 75$?
This guys don't care about people who play their game and pay them money. They failed to make thier community happy in 3 modules. That is why this game is no potential at this state.
Seems to me that if you rated a 3 or lower you should be moving on to another game.
That's my opinion anyway.
Outside of a wide variety of known issues/bugs, I still gave it an 8, because I really do enjoy it. If there were significantly less performance issues, I'd have rated it higher.
By the way, several people commented that the devs don't listen to them. I have seen MANY changes implemented based upon feedback in the forums. I have also seen suggested changes make it to the patches (in patch notes). So, please don't make blanket statements about devs not implementing suggested changes, as that is completely false. No they haven't implemented EVERY suggestion, but they have made efforts to do so that are documented in patch notes. :P
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!" pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all." looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
By the way, several people commented that the devs don't listen to them. I have seen MANY changes implemented based upon feedback in the forums. I have also seen suggested changes make it to the patches (in patch notes). So, please don't make blanket statements about devs not implementing suggested changes, as that is completely false. No they haven't implemented EVERY suggestion, but they have made efforts to do so that are documented in patch notes. :P
I ll quote this as Im 100% agree on this statements. And I was on preview for mod 4 for all HR changes so I do know all this "devs respond".
I really do appreciate you looking at these but it has to be said. You could have saved alot of time/heartache/complaining if you would have taken a look at these when they were reported on preview (many many many times) over 3 months ago. The thing that is upsetting everyone is that these things are making it to live after being reported and then many months down the road are being changed. This causing grief on two levels.
1. Everyone pissed it made it live and now you gotta deal with OP powers.
2. People having to re-train their toon once you finally fix them months (years) later.
Just something to keep in mind for the future. A simple response to the people who are actually testing this for you saying "hey this isn't what we intended and may change" would go a long way. It would also encourage more testing on preview.
This is a problem. It took 2 month on live for Crush to even take a look at issues. And it was known and shouted on preview from CWs and HRs for month at least on preview.
All of their fixes to "balance" lead to more imbalance like 80% of time. Cause all they do usually is just ICD. and ICD ruins everything to 0.
Plus How about Black Ice drop? We all I hope remember that picture that Community Administrator took and showed us as reminder. any news for how long? 3-6 month?
Or HE system or Random drops? Hope all enjoy 500 runs of epic Lol with 0 drop of belts from zen chest?
What this graph shows me is, on the whole, most people enjoy the game enough to give it a solid 7. With a small group of bitter players angry at the game or company, but unable to move on, causing the spike at 3.
What this graph shows me is, on the whole, most people enjoy the game enough to give it a solid 7. With a small group of bitter players angry at the game or company, but unable to move on, causing the spike at 3.
Agreed. Reading through the posts to there's ambiguity as to whether some are rating based on quality or enjoyment. Previous discussions elsewhere have shown that some can't distinguish between the two.
arontimesMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2014
7/10 overall, I'd say.
Pros: Good core gameplay, excellent music, sound effects, and visuals. the Foundry, the community (at least for my guild, Grievance). Good balance between solo and group content.
Cons: Mediocre content, PWE (I know Cryptic doesn't have a say on the prices) doesn't seem to understand the concept of microtransactions (zen store prices, companion and mount upgrade prices, etc.), luck-based reward system (RNG).
Also I really despise the ToD campaign design. This is horrible. Way way too time consuming and waiting for nothing at all. Easy and dull content is gated behind a huge grind, unlike MC or VT.
So from a 9 from release i'd give a 5 because the gameplay is still really nice although it's not used anymore to its full potential like it used to be. It'll be down to 3 if the next class they release is designed to be fun to play but not fun to play with, with spells messing up with adds, scattering **** all over the place and making dungeon runs chaotic, something rangers and warlocks are excellent at. Someone will have to remember the original classes were designed to be a small gang with members standing close to one another and bashing monsters, not YOLO so fire everything from max range and infuriate the rest of the group.
Typical 'on the rails' MMO with the usual progression paths.
The usual Cryptic approach to MMOs with instances and very little in the way of exploration.
Lack of maps in PvP makes domination boring as does lack of game types.
Same old grind with every Mod release with boons and each ones looks to be design to take longer.
Badly though world skirmishes with an unknown score table formula which means people end up with nothing for months.
Good read so far, let keep it going.
It would be really nice to see what the Moderators think aswell.
WTB Class Reroll please
But some things are questionable, such as giving weapon/armor enchantments a 1% success rate, meaning that you pretty much are forced to buy a coalescent ward, and the lack of fast mounts/strong companions without using too much AD or the cash shop.
These problems are, however, not enough to get in the way of my enjoyment of the game too much and only bring the game down one point, bringing my final score to 7/10.
Trickster Rogue
This was a good thread to start again the only thing I wish to O.P. would have done was to give several vote columns as I think this is another flaw when talking about stuff on these forums, everyone likes to lump everything together into one easy answer, and sometimes you just can't because there is a myriad of likes and dis-likes that go into making the final answer. So I would like to give my answer based on different factors, and based on my start of the game from Open beta/Live.
Graphics: 9/10, I have to be honest here they look great and I don't have a true gamer rig but I am very happy with what I see when playing, and there is a lot of adjustment in the player C.P. to accommodate different peoples computers.
Game Play 5/10 ( Fight Mechanics ) coming from DDO, DragonAge, The Witcher, Original NWO, it took me awhile to warm up to the way the fight mechanics worked in this game and I can still say I am not fond of them but, I'm still here so I guess one would say....I am use to them now. ( So I'm the Middle of the pack on this vote ) I always thought though that if NWO had DDO's mechanics, and DDo had NWO's looks that would be a nice re-fresh for Dungeons and Dragons Online.
**** Note ****
Some or all of these votes/choices can be picked apart and could be classed as vague but to talk about some things would be too lengthy so I'll leave some up to the reader if they would like to add more to my choices. I guess wouldn't want to get into a re-hash of necro'ed topics.
Grouping/Party System 3/10 I won't get into a big one here it just sucks, and even when I am in a party no one talks to each other and/or if they are they must be using a different voice chat then the in game one. Which I find surprising because NW uses Vivox and I myself use the stand alone client with friends and that works flawlessly. However the in game voice needs some TLC.
And on another note when I am with my static group it is very hard to keep us all together sometimes when zoning to other areas, or if someone DC's just yesterday we were all together in Icewind ( Dwarf Side ) and all of us ended up in different instances.
Money/A.D. ( ??? ) This one here it is very hard to put a vote on plainly because I just can't figure out the exchange rate in this game at all And I will give you the perfect example here, Haarl's Treatise you can buy from the vendor for 50,000 A.D. plus other needs, but on the A.H I see 2.5/3.0 Million A.D. How do people arrive at these A.D. prices , it just boggles my mind. As for using the ZenX I won't use that either because I feel that is a big ( ? ) as you don't know who your buying from on there, how they acquired them and even when you will receive what you may buy, and I won't buy Zen from cryptic either, because if I am going to spend 20 plus dollars on something it sure as heck won't be for a storage bag for my inventory, that 20 spot will put Real food in my stomach.
Rewards/Treasure ( 8/10 at the beginning 2/10 now ) What do you say here, well I am getting treasure and getting rewards but not with out " THE GRIND !!!! " how did things start out, well I would come home to relax from the daily work routine and play NWO to get a little fun time in , now it's like I come home from the daily work routine, and come on here and start my second job. Enough Said!!!!
A.H 1/10, I use it in " Have To " cases only and even then I have to be very selective/frugal as I just don't have that many A.D. it would be different if the A.H. wasn't so saturated with items all it really is..... Under-cut the next guy. and the A.H. cut doesn't help either.
Game Content ( Maine ) 8/10 The Devs have something good here but Sht!!!! you want to use the D&D persona when describing this game but honestly I don't really see the connection, sure there is a D&D aspect/ slight feel to NWO but I get more of a D&D/PnP feel from DDO even now, then I ever got from this game. If there is anyone from there that says they Play/played D&D PnP you must have had some really boring PnP sessions in your day.
Event Content 6-8/10 they are getting very boring due to the " Cookie Cutter " creation. if all these event's are for is to keep us players busy while they make " NEW " content, I think you ( Devs ) would be better off if you have a separate outlet via Community content for others ( Like myself ) that are just plainly getting tired of the " Grinding " Get in a collaboration with some of the Foundry Authors, get some of your favorites and put them in the mix during some of these events or give them to Rhix/Lord Protector but make the rewards on par with the length of the Authors creation.
Eg. Why would I do a 60 min community content for 3000 A.D when I could do a 15 min one instead. I don't know what you could do here but maybe call it Devs Pick(s) of the week and have a rendered Dev in game give the quests(s) solely from the community content list and have awards based on the length. I am sure there are lots of good community authors here and we never get to see their stuff, just plainly because of the grind of the regular game/events and like the game no great reward for doing or considering them.
I think I will end here because I really could go on and on and on,
If any Dev reads this, you really do have something good here but I feel you are at a cross-roads with this game, and you all need to have a sit down at the board room table because obviously your not using it for D&D PnP on your breaks, and have a serious priority check of where you want this game to head in the coming year(s).
Cheers! Thanks to all who took their time to read this.
Sincerely, W.W.
" May The Wind be Always At Your Back "
One thing I have to say is that I'm not sorry for the money I pent on this game. I feel that I've got my money's worth.
I gave it a 7. Not too bad, but not very good either.
Not so bad, I thought it would be worse...
I voted on 7 without seeing the results or reading any post, and it's the most voted.
I'm not sure but I hope that means everyone here dislikes almost the same stuff.
I hate the looting - I have to run around and aggro just to pick up my **** - green items feel more like grey - and where is the sell grey button?
it feels much like its made to milk money outta me in every way possible - I think I've spent over 200 already....that stops now....call me freeper
WHY do I have to wait for EVERYTHING...training my companions...crafting...campaign progress....I may as well play for an hour and log out till the next day....pain in my ***
Character customization is almost non existent - ever CW is exactly like me for the most part....boring....
PVP is pretty cool but only one instance gets boring and grindy trying to wait on Gaunt to pop or to open icewind....need more instances....more content...
what I do like is great XP....leveling up didnt feel grindy at all...I work full time and got to max lvl in 2 weeks... nice
love that every little zone has its own little instance quest - really cool - and that one at lvl 25 with the skulls and all that....one of the most bad *** looking game experiences I have had!
when Rift expansion comes in Oct - ill be gone....
Yeah I had no idea how it would turn out, I figured there would still be some people who could overlook flaws more than me. Though I do think that some of the scores are a little on the generous side, and that I personally think that cryptic's/pwe's actions mean that imo it isn't quite deserved. You could also argue the opposite. Yet I'm glad that we got opinions of all types of people. There are still a significant amount of people who aren't entirely happy with the way things have turned out and for their well being that should be considered though personally I found they've made too many mistakes for me to actually wish them success. but that's just me
Again, thanks to all for the feedback so far ^_^
2 for game
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
Yes, "plus other needs", that's why it's 3 million AD.
Anyway, the game is 10 for me. The best fantasy MMO on the market. Also it's D&D.
I'm very similar to this but I'd give IWD a 5 or a 6 due to the horrible dependency on RNG for drops which I never got for with the exception of one main hand on 1 of the 8 characters I play despite spending hundreds of hours of trying.
M4 I'd give a 3 as the grind is so bad I've actually stopped playing the game and moved back to the PS4 to play destiny while I wait to see if M5 can save and bring back what made this game awesome and something I played every day for over 400 days straight from Beta...
Module 3 - 6/10
Heroic Encounter - best think in this module, interesting, some rewards, good fun on this.
BI Gear - very disapointed, a lot of time waste to get this gear, and ? For my GWF is totally useless. Both sets. Better is Tier 2 Gear. Than i refine this BI gear. To forgot this. Defect of this gear is - need all time refill ! Who have time all time gain RBI and refine. No one !! Than i think can use this to next module when appers new gear. But ...
Module 4 - 2/10 !!!
... But Draconic, Infernal Gear are next Gear does not meet my expectations. Still i prefer old Tier2. When game goes ahead im still use Tier2 gier. This is wierd.
We make all campaing to unlock skirmish and dungon. As finall reward for hard work, and making borring dailys each day.
% drops are equal to zero.
3 000 coins = 0 drop/reward to can use, better than old tier2/BI
6try making a arti weapon - true is for GWF is only one nice weapon, other two are not special or even terrible, than i still trying make this one witch i dream !!!
Dungon - buged arcane chest - tan we cant get Arti Belt, books to boon ... , bosses in dungon drop eq Tier1? Why? When i dont use Draconic, BI i can use meybe this Tier1? This pathetic regresses not a going forward.
From dragon we cant get belt, from dungon/skirmish too, than i was asking where i can get this? Where all people found this? On boxes only for zen? If this is true than ...
Module 4 was boring after 3-4 days i think. That not a long time.
Rate overall: 3/10
I'm sad of say it, I really love this game since I've started 11 months ago, but..:
- there's no attenction from devs.. they don't listen the reports (bugs.. player reports..)
- the pvp atm is.. "meh".. No fixes for glyphs and classes and we need it.. And a functional MATCHMAKING.. I hope we don't have to wait the next module
- ToD campaign is a charge of dailies.. I like the dragons fights but i hoped on a serious Dungeon.. I like the Skirmish, but the Dg is so fast and easy.. but I like the duo-boss ^^
I hope to see a new dungeons long and difficult..
- The drops of SoT and LoL... ... ... ... ... ...
- Icewind is cool.. but u can't put a limited pvp area and the people can farm ice and the equip without fight.. it goes against your own RPG..
PvE and PvP: need to find the right balance ^^ (btw, the first few months there have been some great battles! ^^)
Graphics: 8.5 (some lights bugs and, with the bodies of the characters.. but i love it!)
Sounds: 5 (.?. skills and items with the same sound, like "Roar" o.ò)
Gameplay: 8 (the fast combat is the point of strenght of this game ^^)
We love this game.. Devs start to play your game, and love it with us.. So u'll understand..
| Cìrdan - GF | Cìrdan The Lightbringer - OP |
< Guild: Pugno Fiammante >
- Lack the feeling of an adventure.. Either daily CHORES, or grinding dungeons/skirmish ... somewhat doesnt feel as a very rewarding experience... because most can be done even with "eyes closed". It tends to get very REPETITIVE. We are humans, not robots.
- Generic loots for regular mobs, with WAY too generic equipments available. Even the epics t1 and t2 (barring campaign epics) somewhat feels generic .. probably due to how similar they look... But i guess they are all just 1 armor with 3 variations function and a bit differing look.
- ALL mobs are mostly static, also with very EASY mode for solo play... really discourage teamplay when venturing... Mostly in EACH map, you only get from point A to point B using mounts without much thinking to danger etc... when you are dismounted, you can just escape very easily.. (not in dungeons tho)
- Portals, hate them.. would prefer a bit of an open world (ofc not with the current static & WEAK regular mobs), I strongly feel they need to make some elements of danger when venturing
- Need not be said.. but it's failing now. Used to be somewhat enjoyable even as a DC back in mod 3. Bugged & OP glyph.. Also, a certain class having most damage contributed by auto-procs instead of skill usage... LAME
- OPvP's a grave site... The only reason doing them is to get PvP campaign reward & boon, which then again another chore to do since NO ONE is even there most of the time .. so, most resort to some 'unconventional' way to achieve it.
- Lack of customized design for certain class objective.. like GFs (back in mod 3 before the buffs) and DCs are supposed to get triple kills ?
The reason for me to stay is, it is great game for casual.. mostly non heavy stuffs.. Great & pretty graphics (armor & skills), some armor & weapon design are just too beautiful! Altho the armor/weapon enchantment does a pretty nice job ruining it. And above all, it's f2p and it's kinda decent, esp since we can also access it thru the web, Gateway FTW!
My initial score whence i was a newb is 9/10! but lately with the chorefest and lack of adventuring.. plus daily routines of HELL (which i now take sparingly btw because of how exhaustively BORING & REPETITIVE it is [which then majorly contributes to how unsatisfying the gameplay is]).. it's 4/10 PvE and 2/10 PvP
They kinda need to have a priority fix on some certain things.. like glyph.. chest bug.. etc
was 7/10 on beta and had potencial. was 5/10 at mod 2/3. All stuff is boring grind with hope on RND in stupid Heroic encounter that they could not even balance properly to get 10 people instead of 20. And worst part - did anybody saw any changes to black ice bracers drop ? after all complains. OR new dragonborn pack for 25$ where people payed for "exclusive" 75$?
This guys don't care about people who play their game and pay them money. They failed to make thier community happy in 3 modules. That is why this game is no potential at this state.
Content - 1
And since without real content, you cant take any advantage of the combat system. So all in all im giving it a 3
That's my opinion anyway.
Outside of a wide variety of known issues/bugs, I still gave it an 8, because I really do enjoy it. If there were significantly less performance issues, I'd have rated it higher.
By the way, several people commented that the devs don't listen to them. I have seen MANY changes implemented based upon feedback in the forums. I have also seen suggested changes make it to the patches (in patch notes). So, please don't make blanket statements about devs not implementing suggested changes, as that is completely false. No they haven't implemented EVERY suggestion, but they have made efforts to do so that are documented in patch notes. :P
myles08807 said, "Back in my day, we didn't have any of this fancy Mulhorand gear while we were leveling . . . we walked uphill both ways while dying once every five seconds while leveling, and we liked it fine!" . . . Now, get off my lawn, you kids!"
pointsman said, "I don't rue the game. In fact I don't feel any regret for the game at all."
looomis said, "I don't like people changing to alts and then bragging about their mains like schizophrenic role players."
I ll quote this as Im 100% agree on this statements. And I was on preview for mod 4 for all HR changes so I do know all this "devs respond".
This is a problem. It took 2 month on live for Crush to even take a look at issues. And it was known and shouted on preview from CWs and HRs for month at least on preview.
All of their fixes to "balance" lead to more imbalance like 80% of time. Cause all they do usually is just ICD. and ICD ruins everything to 0.
Plus How about Black Ice drop? We all I hope remember that picture that Community Administrator took and showed us as reminder. any news for how long? 3-6 month?
Or HE system or Random drops? Hope all enjoy 500 runs of epic Lol with 0 drop of belts from zen chest?
Fox Stevenson - Sandblast
Oh Wonder - Without You
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
- Dylan Thomas
Agreed. Reading through the posts to there's ambiguity as to whether some are rating based on quality or enjoyment. Previous discussions elsewhere have shown that some can't distinguish between the two.
Pros: Good core gameplay, excellent music, sound effects, and visuals. the Foundry, the community (at least for my guild, Grievance). Good balance between solo and group content.
Cons: Mediocre content, PWE (I know Cryptic doesn't have a say on the prices) doesn't seem to understand the concept of microtransactions (zen store prices, companion and mount upgrade prices, etc.), luck-based reward system (RNG).
Taking a break from Neverwinter indefinitely...