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Official Feedback Thread: Ranger Paragon Path: Pathfinder



  • cheesegromitcheesegromit Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    • Electric Shot: Damage increased by roughly 100%. *It should now be in line with Split Shot.*
    Roughly how does this compare to Rapid shot?
  • rhoricrhoric Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Thank you for reading our feedback and making additional fixes for skills in the stormwarden paragon path. once these fixes get put up for testing I am happy.
  • quitegonejinquitegonejin Member Posts: 3
    edited March 2014
    Couple quite clarifications please;
    • Fox Shift: This power may now strike any one target a maximum of 2 times. Is the math now, 3 hits, each increased by 33% over live now (Instead of four hits) and any one target can be hit twice AND the you cannot be CC'd out of it like we can now? As the tooltip misleads us into thinking?
    • Thorn Strike: Base Damage of this power increased by roughly 40%.
    • Split the Sky: Base Damage of this power increased by roughly 40%. Additionally fixed a bug with the way weapon damage was calculated by this power. There should be no net change from this fix.
    • Aspect of the Pack: Now correctly grants Combat Advantage to allies instead of only granting it to the Ranger. The Ranger still benefits from this effect as well.
    • Hawkeye: *REWORK* This power now grants you 15% bonus damage on the next attack. Allies gain half this benefit (based on the rank of the power). How much was it previously? and has the ranged version of this ability been tweaked to do tooltip dmg now?
    • Oakskin: Healing increased by 150%.
    • Commanding Shot: This power now also gains +10% damage when it ranks up.
    • Boar Charge: This power now requires a target to be fired.
    • Electric Shot: Damage increased by roughly 100%. *It should now be in line with Split Shot.*
    • Clear the Ground: Damage increased by roughly 50%. *It should now be in line with Split Strike.*
    • Slasher's Mark: Damage increase by 300%.

    Thank you all for your continued feedback!
  • l3g10nna1rel3g10nna1re Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Changes coming soon
    • Electric Shot: Damage increased by roughly 100%. *It should now be in line with Split Shot.*

    In line with this change could we add a 10/20/30% slow to this Skill also being as its a Storm/electrical Skill to fall in line with Our control aspect?
  • vibo21vibo21 Member Posts: 27 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    As much as I'm gonna to do a nature HR build anyway, I think that 2,5 times what is now with oakskin may be too much. It could exclude DC from dungs totally. From what I heard oakskin already gives 200-300 hp per second to every party member. Boosting it 2,5 times would give 6250 hp for every team member in every 10 seconds...

    If u wanna boost this skill, better would be to boost it by 50-100% with healing, but also give more defense boost instead of additional 50-100% healing...

    PS. About Electric Shot: it;s true, that would be nice if it would give less dmg than split shot (so for example 70% boost instead of 100%), but if it would has interrupting properties, for example: 10%/20%/30% chance to interrupt an attack (the same kind of interruption like from active bonus from epic wolf)...
  • xxcage1xxcage1 Member Posts: 13
    edited March 2014
    diogene0 wrote: »
    So you're about to give a huge damage buff to a striker class that may outdamage wizards in pve and doing already quite a lot of damage in pvp - a lot more than TRs and GWFs, right before releasing the biggest pvp expansion the game has ever seen. I'm not sure about what to think right now... Am clearly confused and if every class complaining about not doing enough damage can get a buff making a 20 pages thread full of false assumptions and crocodile tears, i'm going to start one about CWs not doing enough damage. :(

    CW AKA Control Wizard , no damage is supposed to be the case for you, and if YOU were understanding something wrong , if at all , then its a whole another story

    There is always been a problem with marauders escape that you can be interrupted while casting it ,
    and if you were interrupted you would be brought back to the place you tried to escape from,
    i assume it is a bug , as the distance is not actually counts as "traveled" till you dont land ,
    maybe its a good idea to actually make the skill dodge while escaping or immune while casting it

    As for all other changes , need to test first to actually say if the fox changes are compensating for the nerf single target(for PvP)

    Maybe it is a good idea to make electric shot provide some "paragon" utility , as it doesnt add anything new to the tree, where pathfinder at wills provide completely different aspects (not saying they are useful)
  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Stay on topic everyone. This is not a "How does CW stack up against this class in PVP Thread". Also, personal attacks and flaming are not permitted. Lets keep this discussion focused on the appropriate topic.

    Can we get some feed back on rapid shot please. It needs a dps boost. (If anyone disagrees, please say so and why.)
  • xushin7xushin7 Member Posts: 147 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    I think Rapid Shot is actually just fine as it is. It doesnt hit too hard, and hits as fast as shooting arrows very fast should be.

    Dont think it needs like machine gun fire capability.
  • alvadimarcoalvadimarco Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Rapid Shot is good, until you get Hunter's Teamwork. Then it's obsolete.
  • longbeardherolongbeardhero Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Feedback: Electric Shot
    Increasing damage by 100% isnt even close to brining it on par with split shot. Try 800%. And that is just for per target damage. It doesn't take into consideration the decrease in number of targets. Please come up with something better or leave split shot alone.
  • alvadimarcoalvadimarco Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Feedback: Electric Shot
    Increasing damage by 100% isnt even close to brining it on par with split shot. Try 800%. And that is just for per target damage. It doesn't take into consideration the decrease in number of targets. Please come up with something better or leave split shot alone.

    I believe the "on par with Split Shot" is referring to the post-nerf version.

    You're not getting out of the Split Shot nerf. Too many bad HRs have been making it the only skill they use. It needs a nerf.
  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Did they apply the 100% buff to the test shard, or they only mentioned it? It'd be good to have it tested and anything else ASAP to see if they're actually good.
  • alvadimarcoalvadimarco Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    ghoulz66 wrote: »
    Did they apply the 100% buff to the test shard, or they only mentioned it? It'd be good to have it tested and anything else ASAP to see if they're actually good.
    Hey guys, we just finalized the list of changes (that I believe will be hitting next Friday, but that is subject to change). I will update the OP as well so feel free to look there for updates in the future.

  • alisi1alisi1 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    xushin7 wrote: »
    I think Rapid Shot is actually just fine as it is. It doesnt hit too hard, and hits as fast as shooting arrows very fast should be.

    Dont think it needs like machine gun fire capability.
    The rate of fire is fine. The damage output is horrible. Now with the nerf to split shot, even more so. The fact of the matter is is that HR's are a dps class and we aren't even contenders in dps.
  • stah01stah01 Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Also the nerf to Split shot is still too much. Should be aroudn 20-25% otherwise will never be slotted. The problem also arises since we are required to put 2 points into it. If they want to nerf it by 45% Than I dont want to put any points into it, its a waste. Or adjust how we put points into skills and whats required.

    Regarding Nature spec and nature like powers

    Forest Meditation - can we make this some type of active moving daily, instead of meditating in one place. 100%AP, smaller healing but cc/deflection resist.

    buffs - look at making these work for your faction in GG and open world pvp. as it stands people never follow you in group so hard to slot these in certain situations.
  • alvadimarcoalvadimarco Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    My HR on Preview has 1 point in Rapid Shot (Teamwork obsoletes it) and 1 point in Seismic (I have never actually used it). I was able to get through into the other tiers without adding a second point to either of those. If you don't want to put more than 1 point into Split Shot, you can do that.
  • leillannaleillanna Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Since thorn strike has been buffed a bit to be more viable, can you add an audio to it....ya know the one....
    THORN STRIKE!!! please and thank you. A girl can dream can't she?
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Eilistraee zhal zuch tlu wun ussta xukuth.
  • stah01stah01 Member Posts: 540 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    My HR on Preview has 1 point in Rapid Shot (Teamwork obsoletes it) and 1 point in Seismic (I have never actually used it). I was able to get through into the other tiers without adding a second point to either of those. If you don't want to put more than 1 point into Split Shot, you can do that.

    But that also requires you to go with Forest Med. Anyways, the point is that if we are trying to make varied builds and not have everyone just now use the improved electric shot, it needs to be a bit better than it.
  • hercules125hercules125 Member Posts: 427 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If they intend to go with the 45% nerf to split shot, it would be nice to balance it out with an improvement to other powers.
    Not sure the changes I've seen so far will be sufficient. An equally geared CW still outdamges us.

    Rain of Arrows: Increased radius and/or some control aspect ( knockdown or snare ).
    Thorn Ward: Multi-target and/or control aspect ( knockdown or snare )
    Split the Sky: I like the increase in damage, however I've seen no evidence of the supposed snare effect it's supposed to have.
    Personally, I'd prefer a short duration stun, which would make more sense for a lightning strike.

    I'd also like to see the range of split shot reduced and the target cap/base accuracy increased.

    The 45% decrease in damage seems a bit over the top, can we not try an incremental change instead?
  • jaotutjaotut Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 576 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Forest Ghost: Not sure if it has been fixed as there's no patch notes about it. Right now it makes everyone around the HR FoV zoom in whenever it is being casted. Not so annoying for the HR as he/she is stationary, but super annoying for everyone around.
    Merlin - CW Merlyn - HR Psylocke - TR Black Widow - GWF

    Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
  • kindwarfkindwarf Member Posts: 23 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I think that the problem with the HR is threefold.

    First, although the Hunter Ranger is (or should be,) a combat class, someone, somewhere is trying to make it a hybrid Fighter/druid class.
    Hence the complete lack of direction or focus in the respective tree's.

    Second, archery builds will always outnumber melee builds as the Missile weapon (main hand) does approx double the standard damage of the Melee weapon (off hand).

    Third, it becomes increasingly apparent that the Devs don't play Hunter Ranger's, if indeed, they actually play the game at all.

    It is very hard to give you useful feedback, when you are keeping quiet as to what you feel the direction of class should be. You have been asked repeatedly for clarification to this point in this thread and have studiously ignored the question. The mods quite rightly keep asking us to show respect to the devs (and each other), so how about the devs start showing some respect to the customer base?

    Radical thinking indeed....
  • alvadimarcoalvadimarco Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If they intend to go with the 45% nerf to split shot, it would be nice to balance it out with an improvement to other powers.
    Not sure the changes I've seen so far will be sufficient. An equally geared CW still outdamges us.

    Rain of Arrows: Increased radius and/or some control aspect ( knockdown or snare ).
    Thorn Ward: Multi-target and/or control aspect ( knockdown or snare )
    Split the Sky: I like the increase in damage, however I've seen no evidence of the supposed snare effect it's supposed to have.
    Personally, I'd prefer a short duration stun, which would make more sense for a lightning strike.

    I'd also like to see the range of split shot reduced and the target cap/base accuracy increased.

    The 45% decrease in damage seems a bit over the top, can we not try an incremental change instead?

    Of course a CW is going to outdamage us - and everyone else in the game. CWs are imbalanced and the devs have already said so :
    To be perfectly frank, the CW is very much out of line right now. They provide too much damage and their AoEs don't really conform to the same damage rules as they ideally should.

    They also say not to compare other classes against CWs since that isn't where they want damage output to be:
    With all that in mind, please look at GWF performance alongside TR and HR as those are much closer to the performance values we would like to see.

    The comment is about post-nerf Module 3 GWFs, but it could just as easily be rearranged to be aimed at Module 3 HRs.

    I don't want to argue or anything, but saying that HRs should be comparable in damage to a class that is clearly and bluntly scheduled for a nerf might not be quite the right philosophy to adopt.
  • silvereldunarisilvereldunari Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hello there, I know that thorn strike has just been looked at, but nor the damage or the effect are on pair even with thorn ward, what would be it could and useful is to make it just like an attack from a guy on Sharandar named (tell me if I'm wrong) Thorn, he has an small AoE that cast big thorns arround him on 360° degree and pushes us back, there is no addicional effect, only the push.

    Thank for reading,
    feedback from anyone is welcome! =)
  • l3g10nna1rel3g10nna1re Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 372 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Hello there, I know that thorn strike has just been looked at, but nor the damage or the effect are on pair even with thorn ward, what would be it could and useful is to make it just like an attack from a guy on Sharandar named (tell me if I'm wrong) Thorn, he has an small AoE that cast big thorns arround him on 360° degree and pushes us back, there is no addicional effect, only the push.

    Thank for reading,
    feedback from anyone is welcome! =)

    Awesome idea !

    Control aspect which we are meant to have and a DPS aspect!
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Everyone is complaining about the proposed Split Shot nerf, and they are right to do so.

    I'd like to propose the following challenge to the devs: take a level 60 HR on an Epic Spellplagued run. Assume that the other players aren't all devs and sometimes make mistakes. When you find yourself dealing with a Mindwarp, Plaguegazer, or Berserker who will not leave you alone, see how long it takes to kill it. Try Split Shot, Rapid Shot, whatever you like (aimed shot is useless in these situations).

    Today, on 3/31/2014, it takes forever and a day.

    Now try it again on *normal* Spellplagued.

    It still takes forever and a day.

    Our damage output is so low against a single critter like this that I have to keep Constricting Shot, Binding Arrow, and Disruptive Shot slotted as quick-release "use-in-event-of-emergency" shots to give me some breathing room (I use them all in rapid succession, which buys me maybe two seconds as long as I'm not also dodging AoE or goodness knows what else).

    You tell me if I'm under-specced (this is from the Gateway page, I assume with no companions involved):

    3453 Power
    3076 Armor penetration
    1567 Critical strike
    860 Recovery
    1566 Defense
    1414 Regeneration
    260 Health steal
    1744 Deflection
    1385 Movement

    With potions, I can get an armor penetration percentage of 44-45%. My GS is 17.1k with active companions but before I summon the cat, which gives me an extra 300 or so. In a place like Spellplagued, I typically have a Cleric Disciple, Leprechaun, Cat, Acolyte of Kelemvor, and Sylph as my active companions, and all are maxed at rank 30. The cleric and cat both have T2 gear with Rank 8 enchantments and runestones, and all of my main enchantments are ranks 9 or 10.

    It still takes forever to dispatch a single one of the aforementioned critters. If we can't defend ourselves against just *one*, what is the point of nerfing our only real damage-doing ability?
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • leillannaleillanna Member Posts: 171 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    hustin1 wrote: »
    Everyone is complaining about the proposed Split Shot nerf, and they are right to do so.

    I'd like to propose the following challenge to the devs: take a level 60 HR on an Epic Spellplagued run. Assume that the other players aren't all devs and sometimes make mistakes. When you find yourself dealing with a Mindwarp, Plaguegazer, or Berserker who will not leave you alone, see how long it takes to kill it. Try Split Shot, Rapid Shot, whatever you like (aimed shot is useless in these situations).

    Today, on 3/31/2014, it takes forever and a day.

    Now try it again on *normal* Spellplagued.

    It still takes forever and a day.

    Our damage output is so low against a single critter like this that I have to keep Constricting Shot, Binding Arrow, and Disruptive Shot slotted as quick-release "use-in-event-of-emergency" shots to give me some breathing room (I use them all in rapid succession, which buys me maybe two seconds as long as I'm not also dodging AoE or goodness knows what else).

    You tell me if I'm under-specced (this is from the Gateway page, I assume with no companions involved):

    3453 Power
    3076 Armor penetration
    1567 Critical strike
    860 Recovery
    1566 Defense
    1414 Regeneration
    260 Health steal
    1744 Deflection
    1385 Movement

    My GS is 17.1k with active companions but before I summon the cat, which gives me an extra 300 or so. In a place like Spellplagued, I typically have a Cleric Disciple, Leprechaun, Cat, Acolyte of Kelemvor, and Sylph as my active companions, and all are maxed at rank 30. The cleric and cat both have T2 gear with Rank 8 enchantments and runestones, and all of my main enchantments are ranks 9 or 10.

    It still takes forever to dispatch a single one of the aforementioned critters. If we can't defend ourselves against just *one*, what is the point of nerfing our only real damage-doing ability?

    DOT the critter up!! Foxes cunning/rain of swords/thorn ward/thorn strike/rain of arrows/foxes shift. Always follow a ranged encounter with a damage based melee encounter. Toss in an aimed strike in that rotation in places and that single critter should be dead then you can go back to pewpewing.
    [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC]Eilistraee zhal zuch tlu wun ussta xukuth.
  • bulletdancerbulletdancer Member Posts: 107 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    hustin1 wrote: »

    i agree, as a dps class, we need the ability to either kill quickly, both single target, and multi targets quickly. if we are not gonna output pure dps, then we need a much better way of stopping critters from eating us.

    all three of these forms of damage are needed in our kit, if we are to be a successful striker class. split shot gave us all three in one skill. i think what is being attempted is allocating our damage over our encounter abilites. my concern, is we are a pretty squishy class, we either kill very fast, or get over run from multiple critters.
    split shot damage reduction was needed, it should not have been our only damage ability.
    with the new buffs, it does look promising, but i am still very leary, simple because, to often we grab agro from multiple targets. spamming quick shot was our "get out of jail" skill. we will still need something as our go to skill, simply because the way PVE encounters are designed.
    now you have good GS, try the content in ID with a GS 13.9k :( it is just not worth it.
  • silvereldunarisilvereldunari Member Posts: 69 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    yup +1 to that, Rain of Arrows is our best DPS skill, along with old Split Shot.
    Just for saying, I was in a party with 3 CWs and a DC, all of the CW were basically the same GS/enchants as me (ranks 7, and vorp) I outdamage all of them, because everytime they used singularity I used rain of arrow, marauder's rush, rain of swords (to proc my royal guard set bonus) than marauder's scape and back to split shot.
    But let's face it, if it was only one CW I could never get to close to his damage.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Split Shot definitely must be used judiciously. Groups want us to use it to assist dispatching the 10^n mobs on the way to the bosses, but to not over-aggro I have to use it at my maximum range with a narrow spread or use Rapid Shot as needed (and if a critter decides that I look like a tasty snack, the tanks typically don't realize that I'm about to be eaten since I'm firing from another ZIP code). When it comes to the bosses, they want me to use Aimed/Rapid and ignore everything except the boss. We're not just "jacks of all trades, master of none": we have to be effective at both types of combat because that's what the dungeon mechanics require of us. Nerfing Split Shot will simply make groups look for an extra CW instead.

    In Army terms, we are the Indirect Fires units. We're not front-line units, but in the event that we are attacked directly, we need to be able to defend ourselves. I'm specced as a pure archer. I'm getting the feeling that pure archers are about to become persona non grata.
    Harper Chronicles: Cap Snatchers (RELEASED) - NW-DPUTABC6X
    Blood Magic (RELEASED) - NW-DUU2P7HCO
    Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
    Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
    The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
    My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
  • overddriveoverddrive Member Posts: 722 Bounty Hunter
    edited March 2014
    hustin1 wrote: »
    In Army terms, we are the Indirect Fires units. We're not front-line units, but in the event that we are attacked directly, we need to be able to defend ourselves. I'm specced as a pure archer. I'm getting the feeling that pure archers are about to become persona non grata.

    I like the military terms, it puts things into a very stable frame of reference. I don't see us as indirect fire so much as general fire-support/ranged. Then there is the close quarters combat function. It is not a defensive class, imo. It is about applying ranged damage/dots/control and then rushing in for the kill. My worst problem with the class is not being able to hit tab fast enough to switch to marauders escape my way back out if things go bad.

    In pure military terms I would say HR's are like Marine Recon units with an embedded air combat controller. A light unit capable of calling in heavy duty airsupport and also getting in, doing massive damage, and getting back out before most of the enemy units even know you were there.

    I could be totally wrong but I think what makes other players overlook HR's for dungeons is that most HR's don't take even near full advantage of the potential of the class. CW's will always rule dungeons, but nothing, not even a cadre of gf's can out-aggro an HR. Even taking the pure damage role out of the picture, there is some satisfaction to kiting ALL THE ADS and surviving while the other players work on the boss.
    PanzerJäger HR Hybrid
    Jugger Conq GF
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