nbd474Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited July 2013
Didn't see GWF buff in PVE didn't see determination bug fix didn't see GF and CW nerf in pvp didn't see DC buff in PVP didnt see stability fix for weaker PC's. The only thing i see is TR nerf that for sure. Before u start saying i'm TR fanboi, i have all the classes excpet DC.
Oh, also the new Lurker's Assault had it's duration reduced from 10 seconds to something like 5. It lasts long enough for one Flurry. It's not mentioned in the patch notes, well now you know it.
Oh that just makes it better.
pyroknight777Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited July 2013
Well this is stupid. The nerf of the TR class is too much. Your basically destroying the stealth mechanism because bad player with no skill who think they should be able to erradicate everything in their path with one shot are whining because the rogues are doing what they're meant to do T_T !Why don't you try nerfing the Sentinel GWFs or maybe buff the DC class which you have already ruined.Maybe you can buff Control Wizards?I seriously don't think there is a problem with stealth TRs,Ive played one,and played against many and Ive tried all classes.Its just stupid that you guys listen to players who don't know each class's role.I mean seriously,I met people who think DCs should be a tank/DPS one shot killer!Ive even met GFs who refuse to protect teammates.Ive met GWFs who instead of running into combat and destroying people, decide to stay in the back and allow CWs to erradicate their teammates.Ive even met TRs who don't know stealth is a good thing.Ive met DCs who instead of helping teammates take a tower,split and went to cap a tower by themselves.Seriously,DO NOT LISTEN TO THESE IDIOTS WHO WHINE because a class is tkaing advantage of its primary mechanism -_- Also,please don't make Seals and Glory items bind on aquiring.
@pyroknight777 in the game ^_^ Don't worry if you see me stalking you...my characters are kind of "new" to social life...I mean how would you think a fire demon-turned hero would react to a girl if all he sees in hell are half-naked devilish women...
I'd rather they nerf Lurker's Assault (mainly for PvP balance; killing 4 people in 4-8 seconds with lurkers up is beyond broken) and rebuff DF to compensate TRs in PvE.
I'm pretty disappointed that DC/CWs didn't receive any small buffs (mainly for PvP) and that there were no nerfs to GWF survivability (again, mainly for PvP balance).
I also wouldn't mind seeing the tenebrous proc damage being turned into a 3/6/9 second dot (based on rank) to help balance their absurd burst potential in PvP without changing their sustained damage.
If u get killed by GWF u are a bad player... everyone can kite GWF at least the build i play.
Cant find the new stag mount of phase spider companion, plus anyway to preview items such as sun elf set, and nice to see orc assault lvl 1-60 skirmish u going to do this with all of them?
Well this is stupid. The nerf of the TR class is too much. Your basically destroying the stealth mechanism because bad player with no skill who think they should be able to erradicate everything in their path with one shot are whining because the rogues are doing what they're meant to do T_T !Why don't you try nerfing the Sentinel GWFs or maybe buff the DC class which you have already ruined.Maybe you can buff Control Wizards?I seriously don't think there is a problem with stealth TRs,Ive played one,and played against many and Ive tried all classes.Its just stupid that you guys listen to players who don't know each class's role.I mean seriously,I met people who think DCs should be a tank/DPS one shot killer!Ive even met GFs who refuse to protect teammates.Ive met GWFs who instead of running into combat and destroying people, decide to stay in the back and allow CWs to erradicate their teammates.Ive even met TRs who don't know stealth is a good thing.Ive met DCs who instead of helping teammates take a tower,split and went to cap a tower by themselves.Seriously,DO NOT LISTEN TO THESE IDIOTS WHO WHINE because a class is tkaing advantage of its primary mechanism -_- Also,please don't make Seals and Glory items bind on aquiring.
FYI, they are buffing the HAMSTER out of CW's while nerfing TR's into oblivion.
If GrymCoins are consider Seals (which the will be), Well done in making your latest and greatest (cough) Lvl60 event a place that people will only bother to do if they are a CW or a Tanking GF (Maby also GWF, not sure about its gear).
pyroknight777Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
Cant find the new stag mount of phase spider companion, plus anyway to preview items such as sun elf set, and nice to see orc assault lvl 1-60 skirmish u going to do this with all of them?
Now this is an awsome change!!!I was wishing they'd do this I can now finally get my Hero of Blacklake title
@pyroknight777 in the game ^_^ Don't worry if you see me stalking you...my characters are kind of "new" to social life...I mean how would you think a fire demon-turned hero would react to a girl if all he sees in hell are half-naked devilish women...
Oh, also the new Lurker's Assault had it's duration reduced from 10 seconds to something like 5. It lasts long enough for one Flurry. It's not mentioned in the patch notes, well now you know it.
The black and white effect was also removed so it is harder to tell when the daily is active.
Duelist's flurry rips right through stealth, even with LA active.
The only items actually added to the trade bars vendor was the sun elf fashion. The companion and mount are missing.
Knight of the Feywild pack stuff is missing besides moon elves.
pyroknight777Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
FYI, they are buffing the HAMSTER out of CW's while nerfing TR's into oblivion.
Sorry about that,I didn't notice the CW buffs since I still haven't gotten mine to 60 Also,the "buff" isn't even that significant to be honest ._.
@pyroknight777 in the game ^_^ Don't worry if you see me stalking you...my characters are kind of "new" to social life...I mean how would you think a fire demon-turned hero would react to a girl if all he sees in hell are half-naked devilish women...
Happy TR's have been nerfed.
Just so when I still go and kick the HAMSTER out of most on my TR they can then come to the forums and ask for more nerfs.
Then eventually they might realise its the player that would require nerfing for most of them to stand any chance of me not killing them.
Oh, also the new Lurker's Assault had it's duration reduced from 10 seconds to something like 5. It lasts long enough for one Flurry. It's not mentioned in the patch notes, well now you know it.
Mods and Developers of this game are clueless. This is unbelievable.
In two months, TRs have gone from "2 good dailies" to "zero dailies and a 50% DPS loss"
To talk about a subject that hasn't been addressed yet: What's up with that stupid daily change?
Used to, I could do dailies at my leisure; if I couldn't spare a whole hour fulfilling my foundry daily, for example, I could do what I can today and do the rest tomorrow. From what I've seen on the Preview, if you don't get your daily done that day then too bad because now that quest is wiped from your journal and you'll have to start back from square one.
This is some of the dumbest **** I've ever seen and is just one more bad change on top of a pile of other bad changes. A case of fixing something that wasn't broke and wasn't having any negative impact on the game. God forbid I could finish up yesterday's daily and then take the daily again and complete that and (OH **** WAIT FOR THIS AMAZING EXPLOIT IT'S MINDBLOWING!) get 8000 AD for two day's work. Wait a minute, I get 8000 AD for two day's work normally. Good job Craptic, you fail yet again.
pyroknight777Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited July 2013
Wow the change to Lurker's time sucks -_- I can barely use Lashing Blade in the current time we have...With 5 seconds,i wont be able to use an at-will ._.
@pyroknight777 in the game ^_^ Don't worry if you see me stalking you...my characters are kind of "new" to social life...I mean how would you think a fire demon-turned hero would react to a girl if all he sees in hell are half-naked devilish women...
pyroknight777Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited July 2013
Oh and has anyone seen that bug with Lashing Blade where it does 0 damage to CWs sometimes?(And no they dont dodge to avoid being damaged)
@pyroknight777 in the game ^_^ Don't worry if you see me stalking you...my characters are kind of "new" to social life...I mean how would you think a fire demon-turned hero would react to a girl if all he sees in hell are half-naked devilish women...
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
nice to see orc assault lvl 1-60 skirmish u going to do this with all of them?
That is nice. And hopefully a sign of things to come with Skirmishes. I see a new one listed as well. However what I don't see is a Daily Skirmish quest for level 60 players.
They do really need to bump up the AD they give out, the companion upgrades are 200k 500k 750k u get about 20k from doing dailies maybe 5/8 from invocation and maybe 5 from leadership (1 character) so even if ur getting 30k a day that's over a week just to get the first upgrade, yes I know u can buy zen and convert it but even that is around 340k for 1000 zen. I love this game and the new zone from what I have seen is awesome and looks great, although it s a shame that wood area in inaccessible after you complete the quest, can we not still have access to it and looks great. IM a hero of the north founder and will buy the Knight of the Feywild pack but with the whole (lottery lillend) and having to spend AD to access quest areas etc and the companion upgrade prices its starting to get a bit more, pay for everything and less free to play I don't mind shelling out but don't wanna get ripped off.
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
To talk about a subject that hasn't been addressed yet: What's up with that stupid daily change?
Used to, I could do dailies at my leisure; if I couldn't spare a whole hour fulfilling my foundry daily, for example, I could do what I can today and do the rest tomorrow. From what I've seen on the Preview, if you don't get your daily done that day then too bad because now that quest is wiped from your journal and you'll have to start back from square one.
This is some of the dumbest **** I've ever seen and is just one more bad change on top of a pile of other bad changes. A case of fixing something that wasn't broke and wasn't having any negative impact on the game. God forbid I could finish up yesterday's daily and then take the daily again and complete that and (OH **** WAIT FOR THIS AMAZING EXPLOIT IT'S MINDBLOWING!) get 8000 AD for two day's work. Wait a minute, I get 8000 AD for two day's work normally. Good job Craptic, you fail yet again.
Oh I was wondering what that meant. My initial thought was that if you finished them at 2am you'd then be able to do them again at 3am when it reset. If it is working like you say I can pretty much guarantee I won't do another Foundry mission at 60 since I don't have the time to do four of those in one day.
Also good luck to those in the 50-59 range who have to do 3-4(?) skirmishes to get your reward. You're lucky if on some of them to get it done once due to the long queue times and easy XP much less 3 times in one day.
To talk about a subject that hasn't been addressed yet: What's up with that stupid daily change?
Used to, I could do dailies at my leisure; if I couldn't spare a whole hour fulfilling my foundry daily, for example, I could do what I can today and do the rest tomorrow. From what I've seen on the Preview, if you don't get your daily done that day then too bad because now that quest is wiped from your journal and you'll have to start back from square one.
Hopefully that's just an unintended side-effect of the timer change (moving the reset timer from a per-individual to a concrete, server-wide-time basis).
Cuz if it's an intended change, then the Dailies need to be made much shorter. No one has the time or the attention span to run 4 of each type of mission in a single sitting. Hell, I don't have the time or the attention span to run 4 of one type in a single day.
So the TR is essentially dead now because PW can't figure out a simple solution to PVP permastealth rogues. I can understand a nerf to lurkers by either lowering the damage or duration, but lowering the damage by 75% and the duration by 50% is completely uncalled for. Rogues literally don't have a viable daily anymore. On top of that the stealth meter being depleted by all at wills is uncalled for, Cloud of steel should have been the only one to affect it if it was such a big deal or reduce the charges. Instead they nerfed all at wills in stealth into the ground and depleted the charges. If they seriously implement this into the game I'm leaving because this is completely uncalled for and I'm already sick of the bugs on my CW(although some are being fixed now).
PS. The easiest fix would have been to remove the refresh on stealth from Bait and Switch and simply give it a damage reflection when used in stealth or more ap gain or hp.(facepalm)
. I can understand a nerf to lurkers by either lowering the damage or duration, but lowering the damage by 75% and the duration by 50% is completely uncalled for.
Well bye bye ... one more game that wants to make money and has no idea about what is happening into their own game.... this game has the worst pvp in mmorpgs history and now they nerfed the class that i was playing with to the ground... the reason? cause its doing damage !!! Instead of nerfing gwfs or something else yeah lets nerf rogues cause they doing dmg.... guardian fighter that is supposed to be tank is doing hell of dmg with 2 skills.... gwfs cant die and deal tons of dmg... also good players know how to avoid rogues lashing blade... you completely ruined rogues now they are useless at pvp and pve both... no reason to play anymore this game. And even if i wanted to why to PAY for respect token cause of them? And i am sure that i am not the only one...Better delete this class from the game...or even better delete this game ! Instead of fixing other problems in the game like ( game crashing, people leaving parties and dungeons without to chose to do it , getting dc , others bugs , offer better and more pvp zones or event to your players) instead to care about more serious things you care how to nerf a class more and more that its made to do dmg ...yeah right... SO what is tr now? Healer? Tank? Damage dealer? all the other classes can do better than him at all of these....so hard to find a good mmorpgs for pvps these days.... Only Lineage could offer good and a lot of pvps the game itself was made for pvping even if you wanted to go for a boss you had to pvp against your enemies 2 hours outside the boss to be able to take it.....
ps: i cant wait for the patch ... just to see how easily a game can lose its half people it will be so funny
ninjaalexisMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited July 2013
After this TR nerf patch, what s the point of using stealth? Maybe just to escape for 4-5 sec from monsters, but it ll be no offensive actions from stealth. They re just crazy with this nerf
I am going to simply say that if the Devs go through with this kind of patch on the servers, they are going to be completely ****ing this game. Quit balancing the game based purely on PVP. That is the SMALLEST fraction of what the game is. **** the PVPers who want to screw things up for the rest of us.
ministerofchangeMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited July 2013
Here is my question:
Why can't they just make the powers have 2 separate mechanics: 1 for PVE and 1 for PVP?
Wouldn't that solve most of the problems? Sure it would take some coding, but I don't see them doing much else with all the money we are pouring into this game.
I put in a lot of good money to customize and tweak my TR to be viable in PVE and PVP, and get my *** handed to me by good GWF's (they can ignore most damage and dish out just as much as I can) and GF's (push you to death without you being able to even get up). After this patch they won't see another cent from me, and I have no more desire to even play a broken class. Also, I'm not starting another class - I already played a CW and DC, and I have sold all the enchants from those classes to help my TR. This is extremely demoralizing, and I truly hope that everyone votes with their wallets.
If you paid money just to lose the very thing you invested so much into, that's a total lack of consideration and respect from Cryptic/PW towards their players. This game is becoming just a highway robbery, a money grab where after lots of time and money you get the rug pulled from under you, so buyer beware.
Should I even talk about the total inability to make AD from PVP now? It was the preferred alternative for many over PVE because it all came down to personal preference. Well that choice was removed. Or how seals, which are dropped by all bosses, are completely useless to anyone who is 60 and does not need the seal gear, but still could sell it? Tell me Cryptic, what's the point of seals in epic dungeons anymore? Anyone with a 8000+ GS doesn't need the seal gear, so what do they do with those seals?
Like many others, if this goes live, I truly see no reason to play. Why risk starting another class or put any more money into this class when it will be nerfed to oblivion as soon as you're happy with it?
Why step on the same rake twice? Vote with your wallets, it's the only way to get Cryptic to listen. Or will they just dump this game once it dies (which is soon at this rate) and make another money grabbing game, and rinse and repeat? Is this the new MMO strategy in 2013?
Why can't they just make the powers have 2 separate mechanics: 1 for PVE and 1 for PVP?
Wouldn't that solve most of the problems? Sure it would take some coding, but I don't see them doing much else with all the money we are pouring into this game.
PW don't care about balanced classes, fair pvp/pve, they just want money! Ppl are already buying lots of zen, but they want more and more, that kind of thing will never end.
So, it looks like the majority of the TR nerfs are to smack the perma-stealth build down. I get that--it's an annoying build, especially when the culprit stacks tenes, etc. However, PWE is going about this in an absolutely ludicrous fashion. Maybe only CoS should diminish the stealth bar, if that is their goal.
Something that's not been mentioned more than once (I think) is the fact that TRs will not be able to stay in stealth while performing regular at-wills in dungeons. GFs cannot currently keep aggro away from TRs, so an exposed TR has to dodge around the boss endlessly. This prevents them from doing their intended damage (by preventing DF stacks from being maintained, etc.) when they aren't in stealth.
The use of Lurker's Assault, other than the pure damage buff, helps to ensure that the TR will get to stay on the boss for those few seconds. If TRs can't stay in stealth to do their damage on the bosses due to the change in effect of at-wills on the stealth meter, then even a good use of a daily (LA) is pretty much worthless. Even without considering the massive nerf to LA's damage bonus, TRs will not be able to stay on target doing damage.
Add in the fact that LA is being nerfed to 15% crit severity ... and you have a daily that takes the longest of any other class's daily to charge, is less useful in a utility fashion than any class's available dailies, and adds paltry damage. Lurker's Assault becomes useless.
Shocking Execution is useless in PvE, Bloodbath does next to no damage and causes the player to lose control of their character, and Whirlwind of Blades does pitiful damage (less than a similar encounter power). What, then, is the point of the TR's dailies?
Yet another consideration is the inherent nerf to the GG T2 TR set. It provides an additional 5% damage while in stealth. Unfortunately, because the duration of stealth will be so low, this will mean the bonus damage does approximately ... not much.
PWE really (REALLY) needs to rethink some of these changes. If that's not readily apparent.
Perfectly stated. I couldn't agree with you more. When PvP nurfs heavily influence PvE play, something is very, very wrong.
---"Old age and deviousness will always overcome youth and enthusiasm." Visit Eminence Gaming | Dragon's All Adult, "Casually Hardcore" PvE/PvP Guild | Now Recruiting Exceptional Applicants
kaiserschmarrnMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 390
Why can't they just make the powers have 2 separate mechanics: 1 for PVE and 1 for PVP?
Wouldn't that solve most of the problems? Sure it would take some coding, but I don't see them doing much else with all the money we are pouring into this game.
Let's face it. If you follow the history of this game then you will see that it started as a single player action-rpg and was reimagined as an mmo. I wonder how large their dev team is, probably no more than 10 people max and I wonder if the original coders are still on board or if they are working with code that nobody really understands anymore.
Oh that just makes it better.
@pyroknight777 in the game ^_^ Don't worry if you see me stalking you...my characters are kind of "new" to social life...I mean how would you think a fire demon-turned hero would react to a girl if all he sees in hell are half-naked devilish women...
If u get killed by GWF u are a bad player... everyone can kite GWF at least the build i play.
FYI, they are buffing the HAMSTER out of CW's while nerfing TR's into oblivion.
Now this is an awsome change!!!I was wishing they'd do this
@pyroknight777 in the game ^_^ Don't worry if you see me stalking you...my characters are kind of "new" to social life...I mean how would you think a fire demon-turned hero would react to a girl if all he sees in hell are half-naked devilish women...
How are they buffing the HAMSTER out of CWs?
I see no such thing in the patch notes.
The black and white effect was also removed so it is harder to tell when the daily is active.
Duelist's flurry rips right through stealth, even with LA active.
The only items actually added to the trade bars vendor was the sun elf fashion. The companion and mount are missing.
Knight of the Feywild pack stuff is missing besides moon elves.
Sorry about that,I didn't notice the CW buffs since I still haven't gotten mine to 60
@pyroknight777 in the game ^_^ Don't worry if you see me stalking you...my characters are kind of "new" to social life...I mean how would you think a fire demon-turned hero would react to a girl if all he sees in hell are half-naked devilish women...
Just so when I still go and kick the HAMSTER out of most on my TR they can then come to the forums and ask for more nerfs.
Then eventually they might realise its the player that would require nerfing for most of them to stand any chance of me not killing them.
Mods and Developers of this game are clueless. This is unbelievable.
In two months, TRs have gone from "2 good dailies" to "zero dailies and a 50% DPS loss"
Used to, I could do dailies at my leisure; if I couldn't spare a whole hour fulfilling my foundry daily, for example, I could do what I can today and do the rest tomorrow. From what I've seen on the Preview, if you don't get your daily done that day then too bad because now that quest is wiped from your journal and you'll have to start back from square one.
This is some of the dumbest **** I've ever seen and is just one more bad change on top of a pile of other bad changes. A case of fixing something that wasn't broke and wasn't having any negative impact on the game. God forbid I could finish up yesterday's daily and then take the daily again and complete that and (OH **** WAIT FOR THIS AMAZING EXPLOIT IT'S MINDBLOWING!) get 8000 AD for two day's work. Wait a minute, I get 8000 AD for two day's work normally. Good job Craptic, you fail yet again.
@pyroknight777 in the game ^_^ Don't worry if you see me stalking you...my characters are kind of "new" to social life...I mean how would you think a fire demon-turned hero would react to a girl if all he sees in hell are half-naked devilish women...
@pyroknight777 in the game ^_^ Don't worry if you see me stalking you...my characters are kind of "new" to social life...I mean how would you think a fire demon-turned hero would react to a girl if all he sees in hell are half-naked devilish women...
That is nice. And hopefully a sign of things to come with Skirmishes. I see a new one listed as well. However what I don't see is a Daily Skirmish quest for level 60 players.
Oh I was wondering what that meant. My initial thought was that if you finished them at 2am you'd then be able to do them again at 3am when it reset. If it is working like you say I can pretty much guarantee I won't do another Foundry mission at 60 since I don't have the time to do four of those in one day.
Also good luck to those in the 50-59 range who have to do 3-4(?) skirmishes to get your reward. You're lucky if on some of them to get it done once due to the long queue times and easy XP much less 3 times in one day.
Hopefully that's just an unintended side-effect of the timer change (moving the reset timer from a per-individual to a concrete, server-wide-time basis).
Cuz if it's an intended change, then the Dailies need to be made much shorter. No one has the time or the attention span to run 4 of each type of mission in a single sitting. Hell, I don't have the time or the attention span to run 4 of one type in a single day.
PS. The easiest fix would have been to remove the refresh on stealth from Bait and Switch and simply give it a damage reflection when used in stealth or more ap gain or hp.(facepalm)
the bonus damage got nerfed by 95.5% not just 75
ps: i cant wait for the patch ... just to see how easily a game can lose its half people it will be so funny
Why can't they just make the powers have 2 separate mechanics: 1 for PVE and 1 for PVP?
Wouldn't that solve most of the problems? Sure it would take some coding, but I don't see them doing much else with all the money we are pouring into this game.
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If you paid money just to lose the very thing you invested so much into, that's a total lack of consideration and respect from Cryptic/PW towards their players. This game is becoming just a highway robbery, a money grab where after lots of time and money you get the rug pulled from under you, so buyer beware.
Should I even talk about the total inability to make AD from PVP now? It was the preferred alternative for many over PVE because it all came down to personal preference. Well that choice was removed. Or how seals, which are dropped by all bosses, are completely useless to anyone who is 60 and does not need the seal gear, but still could sell it? Tell me Cryptic, what's the point of seals in epic dungeons anymore? Anyone with a 8000+ GS doesn't need the seal gear, so what do they do with those seals?
Like many others, if this goes live, I truly see no reason to play. Why risk starting another class or put any more money into this class when it will be nerfed to oblivion as soon as you're happy with it?
Why step on the same rake twice? Vote with your wallets, it's the only way to get Cryptic to listen. Or will they just dump this game once it dies (which is soon at this rate) and make another money grabbing game, and rinse and repeat? Is this the new MMO strategy in 2013?
PW don't care about balanced classes, fair pvp/pve, they just want money! Ppl are already buying lots of zen, but they want more and more, that kind of thing will never end.
Perfectly stated. I couldn't agree with you more. When PvP nurfs heavily influence PvE play, something is very, very wrong.
Visit Eminence Gaming | Dragon's All Adult, "Casually Hardcore" PvE/PvP Guild | Now Recruiting Exceptional Applicants
Let's face it. If you follow the history of this game then you will see that it started as a single player action-rpg and was reimagined as an mmo. I wonder how large their dev team is, probably no more than 10 people max and I wonder if the original coders are still on board or if they are working with code that nobody really understands anymore.