Quote from patch notes on Queues: "When refilling parties with dropped members, the Queue system refills the party using the role(s) of the player(s) who had dropped"
At what stage of a dungeon run does this kick in? I ask because currently the only way of getting a balanced party is to take the random selection of players thrown together by the NWN queue code and kick the classes you don't want and hope that the refill will bring you the cleric or tank you desperately need. So this team refill logic should only kick in after the first boss in a dungeon is engaged or downed then it would be useful. If it kicks in from the beginning then if you get a group that has 2 CWs and 3 Rogues the only way to change that mix of classes is to disband and reform in the hope of getting a more balanced group because from the description it seems you will always get back the classes you have just kicked?
It would be nice if after kicking players you were able to select the class of player you need to fill the spots to allow a balanced team to attempt the dungeon run in question and also have the option to invite a friend that is of the class you need. I don't think gear score should be a selectable selection criteria that players can set for entry into a group because gear score isn't everything in a fight and you will get idiots that will always ask for an 11k Rogue when a talented 10k would be sufficient. This could lead to people being excluded from runs when they really shouldn't be
Just a thought, I think most people would agree that the options currently available to control the selection and management of dungeon groups are woefully inadequate which is a shame because the rest of the game is really good