Some people will be mad that I made this thread. But I don't really care. I'm curious how many of you play League, maybe we'll play one day
Let's get this thread going! add me!
Post your League of Legends IGN Below!
You can post your division, roles, and favorite champions as well.
LoL IGN - DanielWojaTV
Rank Division - Bronze I
Role - Anywhere but support
Trying to get out of elo hell -.-' I'm hitting Plat this season.
But I used to play quite a bit.
I topped at Gold I.
I mainly played tanks. Garen, J4 and Shyvanna were my top three but I played basically every tank pretty well.
Don't worry, I sucked at first, too! Just keep practicing!
As for me
Username: NebulaRose
Rank: Still have not played ranked. I'm a bit intimidated, to be honest
Mid - Ahri, Ziggs
Top - Mordekaiser
Bot - Working on ADC with Miss Fortune. I'm not... bad... but not the greatest, either.
Edit to Add: I've also tried jungling, and I'll just say... you don't want me jungling. Lol
Gold II
mostly Mid, sometimes Jungle