Walking along in Protector's Enclave, by the stairs near the East of the Pious Lady's group, I glimpsed a quest icon, that disappeared after a split second... intrigued i waited to see if this instance would repeat.... about a minute later, the same occurred, blinking into, then out of existence before I could talk to him... On the third time, 2 barrels spawned, which I promptly kicked away... the fourth appearance was this Cloaked Man, with an exclamation point above his head... what is UP with this phantom quest giver, and why is he too busy to talk to ME? I have included pictures of the location he appeared, and the screenshot I caught of our interaction.... I am sorry I was unable to grab a screenshot while he was appeared... he didn't stick around very long. Anyone else experience this/ know anything about it?
Norian@dmchaosmainline on Mindflayer
no kidding? you sir are a genius!
So I would presume that he should only be visible to Rogues, or are the quests he gives in Blacklake and Neverdeath available to all? If so I missed him on my first trip through them.
I encountered one in blacklake with a rogue, but I think it is also RACE specific, because I have played through blacklake with other rogues and NOT encountered him... I think he's half-elf or elf exclusive in blacklake.... I could be wrong though.
none whatsoever - once again, sharp as a tack