So the number one complaint I have heard between my friends that have either played and stopped or playing is in the Foundry there is no incentive to do it other then the story. I also agree with this perspective. Yet I have searched around in other posts about this and have seen people feel incentives could cause problems. So I would like to just take a minute to point out the flaws of both sides, appoint the issue at hand, and my personal solution to this issue.
Incentive side-So say you want to make more incentives in the game well now you run into the issue of exploiters. Well a simple solution to that is put a calculator that calculates the whole combat vs time. But I also see a problem with that perfect example the
"Arena" type foundry quest. The quest where you just spawn a bunch of things OVER AND OVER AND OVER and kill them. Easily will be able to abuse a combat vs time calculator. So in the end you will get a flood of quest that are just incredibly combat heavy
No extra incentives-Well like others I find it hard to enjoy a nice two hour long quest and get really nothing for doing it. Sure I enjoy the story but at the end it just kinda makes me unhappy to see I get nothing out of it other then the entertainment of the lore. So in the end I do sorta get a feeling of that was a waste of time.
My idea on the problem-So we need to set up a system where we can get a decent combat quest with the normal good lore most of us want and a nice incentive at the end.
Solutions-A idea I had for this that some may not like but personally I think its not a bad route to go. Have a small group of reviewers who get to judge if the quest is worth having the incentives or not. Now this is a part that I cant exactly make up my mind about, I want to have this group decide the scale of the incentives. But my other thought is having the developers have a team dedicated to the quest that past and they review for incentives. We could also take this basic idea of adding incentives and letting people create their own 5 man dungeons and having items drop off bosses. There is so much to scale off the idea of adding incentives into the foundry its just how it gets executed that will make or break it... Finally as i said before there will be a small group of receivers to test out if the quest is worth incentives well, have the reviewers be a founders so obviously the group of people care about the game because they where willing to spend money on it.
Once again this is just my thoughts on the situation I know its not perfect and I would love to see others incite to the flaws.