So, a friend of mine pointed out an app on the google play store, for $1.30, made by some random dude, not even associated with anything, just some guy on the internet, which all it does, is it's a direct link to that's it, that's all it does.
now, i can see how it would be handy, except for the fact, i can have the exact same thing, with two extra taps on my phone (or tablet if you use that) to open my web browser, and tap the bookmarked website.
it's a nice idea, saves all of 2-3 seconds of time, maybe if that, but, really? why cash in on someone else hard work? come on now whomever you are
the site's free, why not keep it that way, right?
Devs should send a strongly worded message to Google.
Google.........or the people that buy it?
God forbid they just use the internet on their phone....
Smoke@stonedbill - Mindflayer - 60 Rogue
hahaha, i like this
While it "may just link" to the site, I'm sure the username/pass is being sent to someone and they are cleaning out your account as we speak.
Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
or they could just drive down the street looking for open wifi spots with aircap and simply run an arp sniffer, bingo now they have all of your accounts as well as bank info.
oh they are using ssl?
force a redirect of their bank website to your own custom site and there you go again.
Security is pointless, if someone REALLY wants your info, they will get it.
Teaching the ignorant to become knowledgeable about a subject is the only fix.
I am sure PWE's lawyers will.