My current and only publish instance is "Arena of Dispair" (misspell intentional heh)
currently it is 8 encounter back to back (i.e. kill one the next one spawn)
I am trying to alter it to make it a choice after each combat (easy, medium, hard) but I can't seem to link the answers to the spawn type
I was trying to tweak this morning but couldn't figure out and save my progress. I didn't publish my "new version" yet so my old version is still there.
Does anyone have a good tip on how to link "answers" to spawn? I think that would be cool since depending on how you "answer the NPC" will determine what kind of spawn it will happen.
Worst case scenario if it can't be done, then I'll probably create a 4 difficult gauntlet and have NPC informing the players that they have a choice of Easy, Normal, Hard, and "Oh gawd why did I choose this" portals
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Create three encounters (Easy, Medium, Hard)
Create your minimum 2-LEVEL dialog tree with question and three answers. Example:
Dialog: "What level?"
"Easy" -> Easy it is! -> Fail
"Medium" -> Medium it is! -> Fail
"Hard" -> Hard it is! -> Fail
"I'm done!" -> [exit dialog]
Easy Encounter spawns at dialog prompt: "Easy it is!"
Medium encounter spawns at dialog prompt: "Medium it is!"
Hard encounter spawns at dialog prompt: "Hard it is!"
ALL of these answer should be marked as fail (except the last one). That way after killing off the chosen encounter, the object or NPC is still able to be interacted with. OR - mark NONE as fail if you want the player to only have one choice.
What you're doing is chaining encounters, rather than having them all available at once, and only spawning when particular dialog is reached.
Obviously you substitute text for what you want and choose whether you want fail tags or not.
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